Phill Dee's 2nd SCP-UK ECM APP

May 9, 2023
Northern Ireland
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:106422313
Discord name: Ninjabanana305
For how long have you played on CG SCP: estimated February time of 2023 but it feels much longer
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Northern Ireland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): N/A
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Holding
ISD Agent
DEA Agent
ECA internal rank of personal assistant and Sr

IA Ambassador
IA Director
GOC (cant remember rank)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 0 ever

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
Ethics Committee Member

-As you may later read below almost my entire time within CN has evolved around IA and then furthermore into the EC as an assistant and seeing this i believe and know the next logical step is to get ECM, maybe this time maybe another time but with the progression of my character it does only make sense that i continue on this path which i have made. I am a caring person who has enjoyed helping many members of the community and i wish to continue doing so but at a higher level. I have seen people join and leave CN in my time for all diffrent reasons and think that at a Site Command level i can do things to assist in the servers health making it more fun for people to stay and have fun, ive seen this being done by my peers who are almost all in SC/SA now and i do admire the work they have done to get there, I am looking to join them and show what things can really be done with having a strong SC team that all works together and i feel like id fit in rightly with the current O5's and EC team.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
-Starting from the beginning of my time in CN i joined IA as an operative, after 2 weeks i must have been recognized by their CL4's as i was taken to a meeting where i was assigned my first operation by "ambassador Auburn" after finishing the operation with the special permissions i was given 2 weeks later my ambassador application was accepted. My time within IA as an ambassador was if i can remember about 6-8 months (roughly) in which i trained many agents and helped them grow into becoming ambassadors themselves, I even trained our current -2 and helped him progress through the ranks of IA (or i think i helped anyway). after countless operations and tribunals (dont know specfics) as a ambassador, when i finally got DoIA along with tim drake then Judge and then with merrick i feel like IA was in a great state we had AMAZING relations with other departments and the CL4's from the departments can attest to that, the ambassador team that i was running as strong and had little issues, I do feel like i ran IA to a great standard and done a great job with it. i Created many operations and policies some of which are still in place

-When i then moved onto ECA not long after the departure of Charles going to ECM i started working more directly with the committee and learning what they do, when the internal rework of assistants happened I was the first on the Ethics side to get promoted to Sr assistant a rank which i still hold, this shows that i am not only holding ECA but am actively with on it and showing drive within the role. After getting Sr i was then also the first appointed Personal assistant which was chosen by ECC Redman himself in which i was almost like a first contact for any thing which involved him, at present I am still holding both Sr and Personal assistant to the ECC where i like to think i show my skills in RP might it be making things myself and trying my best to get people involved with such things or following remmy's lead and assisting him when possible.

-As we all know personal skills and attributes can but don't always attribute to what we can do in games however i feel that when in RP i can be serious and stern where needed also while interacting with other i can keep very level headed and keep the peace having lots of people and departments looking upon me favorably, i do feel comfortable in saying that i have some great traits and experiences in the real world that i think DO pass over into my character and RP whcih i do on the server

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
so I'm going to go through and list some things which i believe to be to be the main things and then ill further try to expand upon what i expect those responsibilities to really mean.

- Ensuring Dclass and site staff rights--- This may include ordering the likes of medical/ECA's with checking in on all personnel to access their conditions within the site, this may be more of a secondary thing that needs done due to the fact that this is more of a cover than anything else for the committee.

-Appointing the Commander of Omega-1-- This is a huge task as when it comes time that a new commander is appointed the whole of EC must vote on a new one, this will impact an entire regiment and because of this it must be taken seriously

-FLC-- The ethics committee as a whole is expected to hold the FLC and more importantly the "Ethics" section of it to a high standard. This also includes taking feedback from all site staff on what could be done to the Ethis sections to better them, we have seen this done recently where the FLC was "compressed" to make it more manageable. In short the Ethics members along with chairperson would vote and decide on what to add/remove/amend on the Ethics titles of the FLC

-ECA's-- I have shortened this a bit to include, Accepting/Rejecting ECA app's along with the rest of EC votes and then after this further managing the ECA ensuring requirements are being met and that they have orders to complete or are creating their own RP and not just blindly wandering site, further than just giving orders to them its also expected to help and teach them on becoming a better person within the server.

-Audits-- As Site Command it is required that after incidents or at random periods that audits would be help on the sites departments/regiments. this includes all departments and even Floor 3 (they don't like that part) but is an important part of the game loop when it comes to finding information to then act further upon and gather more people to get involved with the roleplay that then comes along with it.

-Department of Internal Security-- With this new rework i am unsure as to how much involvement ethics will have with the new and improved "IA" but to what i do know the Ethics Members along with ECC will review application's for the director position and after conversations and voting periods a response is posted by Ethics following this then reaching out to conduct and interview and deliberating on what is to be the verdict or reaching out t inform them of why they got denied.

-Code Blacks--
As CL5 and members of site command an ethics member may be at times required to make the tough and vital decision of calling a code black during mass breaching and evacuate the site, further onto this then deciding on weather or not to press "the fun button".This is a serious decision and has before if i remember gotten people removed from positions for doing it when not needed so this is a huge thing which obviously isn't easy to decide.

-AA/Mass Term-- This is one of the more basic things which most CL4's can auth, this would including having a bind for authorizing mass term of Dclass and also for authorizing AA.

-Tribunals/Hearings-- As a fan of tribunals myself this would be something id look forward to, this may include but not just O-1 and ISD coming to the EC with evidence of FLC violations, after which is handed over it would then be up to the Member on if they sign a summons made by a prosecution (O1/ISD normally) or if it is so serious as to start making plans for a hearing as we have seen happen many times before.

-Amnestics-- This is a decision made by i believe SC/EC/ for authorizing the use of class-F and many factors come into play when making this decision. there is also the site wide amnestics that would need done which would be the upto SC on when to and when not to site wide amnesticate after a large scale info breach

I do believe there may be some missing parts to this but a a CL5 position I'm sure noone goes in perfect that is the point in moving up a rank I am trying to be better and I'm sure that with some time in the Committee i will have started to lean anything that i don't already know

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
-As stated in some parts above The ethics committee has 100% say in who becomes the O-1 Commander the Director of Internal Security and also Ethics Assistants, now those are the ones which EC has a total say over and handle them selves directly (with feedback from the forums of course) but they also as high ranking and well respected members of the community have a substantial amount of power when it comes to giving their opinion on other CL4/CL5 applications even know not an actual vote their voice is still heard to very much

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Phill Dee was born in Northern Ireland in the coastal town Newcastle. He had a normal life until his teen years when during what people called "The Troubles" there was many attacks on his town and surrounding areas It was when he was 19Years old that he started thinking that these troubles made no sense and wanted to start researching them. He soon noticed that the lumber yard in the nearby forest was constantly targeted. This was extremely strong, it was common for people to go missing or die during these times. After dressing in green to blend in with the the shroves in the area phill making his way to the lumberyard was shot in the leg falling to the ground. Strange man claiming to be military staff took him to a quiet dark room where he was questioned and given medical attention. Phill swiftly noticed that these men had no military uniform no ID's and why did they know where to go in the forest straight to this detainment center things weren't adding up. after the injury and being let go Phill woke up at home and stopped looking into these people as i was getting to dangerous

Further years down the line unknown to the public there was a breach of an SCP at the local "lumbar yard" that started terrorizing the locals while MTF's tried stopping it. Phill started freaking out but realized he had seen these people fighting the monsters before, it took him a while but it came to him.. the time he was shot. it was these men. Phill went to the crawl space in the house taking his trusty weapon a P90 and while hiding in the corner of the house these zombie like creatures started breaching doors and running wild Phill closed his eyes and opened fire while there was nothing but fire fights outside. after about 2 hours the shots became less frequent he was sitting alone crying not knowing what happened. The MTF's went through houses room by room clearing them finding an absurd amount of bodies in Phill's house when they got to the kitchen they seen him alive still wielding his gun them shouting at him he dropped his weapon and listened to them following for his safety. They took him back to the lumber yard phill now getting serious dejavu after the people at base asking what happened and why they brought a civi back they explained he was the last man standing in his town and from there Phill started working for the people who saved his life.

Once recruitment had finished and induction was complete Phill had joined the ranks of Internal Affairs, after many many years his director had accepted an application for ambassador, the time of which he spent was mostly uneventful except of Operation trident [ALL INFORMATION HAS BEEN EXPUNGED AND WIPED BY RIASA] following this Phill was handed disciplinary action for his actions throughout the operation. Once the DoIA slot opened Phill and Tim became the best of directors within IA ad worked hard showing their great skills where Tim was noticed for further roles which he accepted. after serving as DoIA the committee decided he would be better working close with them and he was made ECA.

Now it comes to story lines... this is the part i struggle with as my creative writing isn't the best but are with it and i aplogise if at any parts it seems like I'm rambling.

As of right now the main thing my character is actively doing is working with floor 3 so to speak, the ECM's are aware but not to what extent and will be staying that way for now, until something either happens to me or the Floor 3 staff who are also working with me, to expand upon whats going on (not sure if im supposed to say public or not) but after quite a while i have worked out that my mentor Charles Whitmee is still alive ad that i was lied to by the ethics committee, after finding this out i have been assisting floor 3 in regards to keeping them safe and trying to expunge any evidence of their wrong doing for some of their staff. As of right now I'm not aware of any endings to this that are planned. In short this is involving me telling O5-1 of any current Ethics plans I'm aware of that might harm him, If I were to get the rank of ECM this would reduce hugely as the character would be risking so much more if he were to be caught.

E-11 Fallout- Since ambassador days Phill Dee has been mistreated by the members of E-11 and sometimes still does, he has 2/3 friends in the CO team which he respects but as for the most part Phill Dee does not like E-11 and ties to harm the regiment(without causing actual RP disruptions) and i plan on keeping this up, not a strong as a hatred but a definitive disliking to E-11 and a thought about their incompetence, im unsure yet as to how this would develop if I were to get ECM.

There would then be further opportunity's that present them selves to me as an ECM and i would be deciding on what to and what not to involve myself in as an ECM so i cant comment on what other storylines that might arise.