Denied Pills rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Rework how pills function so that "Dilute potassium cyanide" is a scavenged chemical found inside of chemical cases, and 'empty pills' are very rare items found in the food containers. Depending on your scavenging level, the amount of dilute potassium cyanide you gain per chemical case would increase. Dilute cyanide would be rare, but the pills would be even rarer.

"Dilute potassium cyanide" would be placed on a flame to produce "Concentrated potassium cyanide". This process is 20% efficient (1000ml of dilute in, 200ml of concentrated stuff out).
Empty pills can be filled with up to 200ml of any substance, and 200ml of "Concentrated potassium cyanide" would be a lethal dose.
Any and all types of pills cannot be stripped.
This opens up new avenues for "escape formulas" or "emergency doses" of chemicals like anima or interdimensional matter. Instead of killing yourself outright to escape from capture, maybe people could try and use a mixture of interdimensional matter and duloxetine to run away from their captors, and so on.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Encourages more ingame money to be spent on the server
New way to make money
Compact chemical storage method
Encourages more ways of evading capture than killing yourself

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Dev time for a large rework like this
Current potassium cyanide and empty pills would become useless much like the old change from dianabol pillboxes to chems
Would make injection vials less useful
Not sure if it's even possible for empty pills from the custom food addon to be used, so an F4 menu 'pills' entity may need to be made

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Cyanide pills have been all the same for a long time, and I just think that a change like this would be quite interesting to see through. Much like how foundation and CI did lots of chemical testing to perfect their formulae, a change like this would make a whole new market for pills with different uses. The fact that they cannot be stripped makes for a lot of interesting opportunities.
the issue is killing yourself is just the best option in 99% of situations.

Anima is useless if youre cuffed
interdimensional is really 50/50, chances are youre going to end up close to where you started
Most other chems have similar issues

If people want to evade capture properly with 100% effectiveness they are just going to take the new cyanide pills instead of some crazy concotion.

-support kinda useless for the time that would have to go into making it
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Bill Nye The Guy
honestly I sorta agree with alpa every time i see an RP chance from someone its either "we're just going to kill you because we cbf to do anything but complain about having nothing to do" or you cyanide the milisecond something slightly inconvenient happens against you in my mind cyanide should be more restricted / more base rules put on it but i do admin it isnt just CI being guilty for this alone alot of higher foundation do the same
honestly I sorta agree with alpa every time i see an RP chance from someone its either "we're just going to kill you because we cbf to do anything but complain about having nothing to do" or you cyanide the milisecond something slightly inconvenient happens against you in my mind cyanide should be more restricted / more base rules put on it but i do admin it isnt just CI being guilty for this alone alot of higher foundation do the same
truee every time GOC tries infil missions on CI one particular person who I shall not name runs in on NHU & duloxetine (i won't tell them it's you biscuits dw) and cyanides immediately after they inevitably get cornered, before they even get cuffed they kill themselves lol

if someone really values their life are they going to chug cyanide and immediately kill themselves before they even get cuffed? i think you're right a rule change might be in order on using cyanide (e.g. to avoid torture or brainwashing) but i think the idea of using other types of pills could 'fill that gap'
i remember back in the days a CI solo raided took Site admin hostage in his office got paid then cyanided despite the negotiations going well just because they couldnt be fucked to continue the RP now that they had the money gain lmao
i mean at least CI are batshit insane and will kill themselves if the step compilation tells them to do so


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi Bill,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

The Supers in the meeting believed it would take too much dev time to be worth the benefits given, and we believe it would negatively affect server balance

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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