Accepted Pinewood Medical Centre Improvements.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Nov 17, 2023
Republic of Ireland, Connacht, Galway
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
The following suggestion looks to improve the overall quality of the PMC for physicians of Pinewood.
>Addition of a landline phone on the desk of the back office.
>Addition of a document printer beside the cork board in the lobby.
>Addition of a document shredder in the back office.
>Addition of 2 working and medic locked filing cabinets in back office.
>Addition of 2 chairs in lobby for waiting.
>Addition of multiple decorative Medical cabinets in treatment room.
>Addition of a potted plant in lobby.
>Addition of an eye chart in the treatment room.
>Addition of an assortment of Canadian medical health posters around the lobby and treatment room.

(Lobby = The area of the PMC with cork board, microscope and dispenser).
(Back Office = The area of the PMC with desk, chair and pc).
(Treatment Room = The area of the PMC with X-Ray, medical equipment cabinet and medic spawn).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not entirely, the last PMC betterment suggestion was related to giving medics chemistry equipment, “Surface RP Revitalisation.”

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
>Medics can now print off documents and there’s now a printer in Pinewood closer than having to marathon to the parawatch HQ 24-7.
>The clinic now has more decorative and usable features will fill the mass of empty space within the building.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
>Development resources for a minor addition.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
>I believe the clinic should be refurbished and given the above equipment for it can improve surface clinical roleplay, and just adds quality of life to medics, even if the features are not used by a majority of players on the surface, I still believe they’d have some benefit.

Also a side note, some of these should be put into the Ranger office as well, I just only have experience with the PMC so yeah.
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