Polaris's IA Ambassador Application [UK] (app withdrawn)

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Feb 22, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:494587824

Discord name: saturn_fart

For how long have you played on CG SCP: for around a year and a half at this point

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: Israel

Time zone: UTC +2

Character name(s):
Jackob "Polaris" Hamsworth (previously polaris)

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Gensec Captain
Nu-7 PVT
SCP-96 and 22415
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:



Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

i was very active in the department before i took a break from
the server and i do really want to come back
and come back big to the server in my overall most liked dpt, i want to join the IA
leadership team since i do believe and know, that i have a way of thinking that could only benefit the dpt.
another reason that goes without being said, i really like this dpt and that almost always theres something to do, and
would like to keep on doing it and having more IC duties to help the leadership keep making this dpt the great dpt it is


What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

some things that make me a better pick for the job then other applicants
are my deep knowledge in the department, after maining IA for a while
i learned some stuff about how to act with people i interact with while on the server.
another reason of me being suitable is how i choose and execute the transferring of
information, which is highly needed when doing an induction for new IA agents,
when preforming arrests or when writing down arrest reports, which in the ladder you
really need to be as efficient with the transferring of information in the document in order
to give the most amount of information with as much critical details.


How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

just about 40 documents at this point
as for the what i think makes a document good and well made, in my opinion
i think that some things that make the document good are going in
depth and giving all the details so an accurate assessment
of the situation can be done in order to rate it
accurately and assess the document
writing/making level of an agent.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

Some of the responsibilities of an IA ambassador are but not limited to rating documents made by IA agents and file them in the scipnet
general CL4 such as opening elec center when repairs are needed, opening breach shelter during a big enough breach or when needed, closing blast doors during mass breaches, or closing PW when a large raid has been reported and combative units needs to secure certain areas
pitching in on other ambassador application when other people are posting an ambassador application and giving their opinion on the application
training new agents, as a part of the departments leadership team, you are trusted with training new agents, and teaching them the ins and outs of the department/FLC/CoC and general work ethics and ways to act in the department and on site in general.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Jackob was born in Greenport new york, and stayed there until his mid 20's, where he went to the big city in pursuit of following his fathers path in national security, his father was a head of a small secret team in the US army, and was very passionate about his work, and as is gonna be shown, his kids followed his path.

it was a bit of a struggle meeting the requirements for the FBI recruitment, but in the end he made it, and was assigned to a special agents team in the intelligence branch, the team was called "Theta-8", focusing of small scale operations and high status arrests.
after several years, he was promoted to the director of the criminal justice information services division, a pretty high ranking job in the department.
the following day of the promotion he drove to work, filled with pride in his new job, he got into his office, and was greeted by his assistant with a letter, most of the information on the top of the letter was redacted or outright left blank, where he was told to stay in his office for about 10 more minutes the normal.
it was very odd, and of course, afraid that this could spell trouble, he denied staying at his office and drove home as soon as he could, he sat on the couch, and a knock at the door was heard
he went to open the door and once he opened the door he was greeted with a man, wearing a dark blue suit with matching jeans
they talked for a few minutes, and once jackob turned his head to check on something, a fiber bag was placed on top of his head and he was dragged into a rather large, armored and with not identifying marks car, where he was taken to his so called chance at joining the foundation
after some time passing and questions being thrown into the air, he was accepted for the job as an ambassador in the foundation.

Long Live The Foundation

Feb 22, 2024
before people comment on this application, in the time i wasnt on the server i worked on myself and from what i see on myself, i am more mature, of course i didnt do that for the server but i do want to say that and to have it out there

i applied after taking a break but i do have a bunch of experience as IA and i do have the resume for it imo
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