Prices staff blacklist appeal

Jul 15, 2022
Name: "Price"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567754406
Previous Rank (convert if required): Trial Moderator
Who demoted you?: Can't remember
Date of demotion?: Some time last year
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
What is the case against you?: I have called someone the "F" Word
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: I have never been demoted prior this
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: !!Screenshot down below!!
What is your side of the story?: I don't have my side of the story.
Why should you return / what will you change?: I'd like to return because I have looked back at what I've done and I do understand why I got blacklisted and I would like to make a change for the Civil Networks community for good and make sure things like I've done doesn't happen with anyone else to to anyone else, just make the server community more chill and enjoyable to play.


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you have a bad habit of not being able to control your anger, which has led to multiple interactions where you will break various rules because, for example, you were caught red handed in 914.

the fact you were blacklisted for using a homophobic slur against someone as a staff member isn't something negligible, and in my experiences have made no effort to follow the rules better after your blacklist.

Dale "Ratchet"

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 6, 2022
- Don't care about your past as ii've had positive interactions with you
- 90% of staff should be blacklisted if this is the reason as to why you were blacklisted
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+ Support
The reasoning for my support is based on the fact that everyone has made "fuck ups" and I really don't think you deserve the pumishment given to you, at most a Severe infraction or just a normal one. I can name a lot of staff members whomst have said worse stuff.

Back in the day when I was SL I made the mistake of saying some stuff (not in the server but a priv discord) and well I got reprimanded but not even close to the reprimand you've gotten. I do not know the full context to this incident but if it is as simple as you describe it I see no reason for such a heavy punishment. I have helt a couple of senior positions such as A-1 Com and SL there for I understand that shit happens but everyone deserves a second chance (almost everyone atleast).

I recognize you from A-1 or some other regiment and from what I can recall you were quite professional when it was necessary.

The only reason that I can see for you to get denied is that you were trial moderator when this happened.

Good luck.