Pyro's Demotion Appeal

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Name: Pyro
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:440283029
Previous Rank (convert if required): Super Administrator
Who demoted you?: Network Leadership
Date of demotion?: 09/16/2024
What server were you demoted from?: SCP-RP USA

What is the case against you?:

Below I will list the reason(s) listed which led to my demotion:

  • Referring to Members of O-1 and Ethics as "Sub-Human" in-game and in Team speak, witnessed by multiple members of the Server Leadership Team and Network Leadership Team. This is a clear violation of Section 1 of the handbook and not a standard we would accept from any member of staff.
  • After permissions were removed from individuals crashing out of A-1, you were observed to give them back their permissions so they can post their crash-out documents
  • Whilst players were causing issues and inciting hysteria, you made no effort to stop this, and were seen to be active in the communication and not stopping players accusing other players and staff members of being pedophiles.
  • You were reported for breaking rules in favor of A-1 to the determinant of O-1/Ethics Members, including using external communication platforms to feed information to CI to facilitate them being metagamed.

Is this true?: Partially true.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: I Have not been demoted prior, have only resigned from Staff previously, which I was an Administrator.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I have only received Three Warnings.

1st Warning - RDM & NLR (2022)
2nd Warning - RDM (2022)
3rd Warning - RDM (2023)

What is your side of the story?:

To give a detailed analysis of my story to what happened, I will give an explanation for each point made by Network Leadership. I will also put each point in different Colours, making it easier to read & separate from one another.

  • Referring to Members of O-1 and Ethics as "Sub-Human" in-game and in Team speak, witnessed by multiple members of the Server Leadership Team and Network Leadership Team. This is a clear violation of Section 1 of the handbook and not a standard we would accept from any member of staff.
Firstly, I will begin with saying that I have never referred members of the Ethics Committee as "Sub-Human", nor was it anything specific to Omega-1. The term "Sub-Human" has been common use amongst Alpha-1 & previously Omega-1 to refer to Omega-1 & Alpha-1 Enlisted personnel, the reason be that in a large number of cases those who join either battalion begin to believe they're untouchable & above everyone, the usage of "Sub-Human" has been merely used to remind them of their place within the hierarchy amongst the foundation.

I have also had the opportunity to have various members of each Department reach out to me either through Discord or In-Game asking about my demotion, to which I had explained & they exclaimed that the demotion reason was Petty, Pathetic & Weak. The reason I explained this point to everyone whom asked as this was the primary reason made by Network Leadership as the others had held very little weight.

  • After permissions were removed from individuals crashing out of A-1, you were observed to give them back their permissions so they can post their crash-out documents
I wasn't give much detail to this point made by Network Leadership so I may only assume it was when I had given Bohemia, Alpa & Gougar MTF Alpha-1 permissions back so they would be able to post their resignation announcements to all of Alpha-1 & O5, which neither of the three had posted any "Crash-out" Documents.

I would hoped for Network Leadership to give more detail when they initially removed me from Super Administrator.

  • Whilst players were causing issues and inciting hysteria, you made no effort to stop this, and were seen to be active in the communication and not stopping players accusing other players and staff members of being pedophiles.
I will pick apart this point made piece by piece as it's a large one to swallow.

"Whilst players were causing issues and inciting hysteria, you made no effort to stop this"

- There was no reason for me not to make effort in stopping issues & inciting hysteria as there was no issues present in the TeamSpeak channel, furthermore for anyone who has known me for a long period of time, when I am focused on one task I usually zone out to anything being said to me as that's just how my brain works fundamentally, which I was conducting an Alpha-1 tryout for anyone who is unaware & to punish me for a flaw that I cannot control is disgusting to me.

Members of Server Leadership such as World, Grizzly, Poptart & Derek White may know about this point made above. I am not here to lie.

"were seen to be active in the communication"

- I was not seen active in any communication that incited hysteria as I had said previously, I was conducting an Alpha-1 tryout for Onion, I would suggest that Network Leadership reaches out to Alpha-1 CPT Ascent & Gaz for more details if they would like.

"not stopping players accusing other players and staff members of being pedophiles."

- As I have said in my previous points made, I never stopped something that wasn't there nor was I aware of such happening. I will mention that there was no one inciting hysteria inside Alpha-1 TeamSpeak till after World & Ellie joined to which a member inside the TeamSpeak apparently begun calling players & staff alike pedophiles & to my knowledge Ellie dealt with it instantly, thus not requiring myself to take any further action as another person had it under control.

  • You were reported for breaking rules in favor of A-1 to the determinant of O-1/Ethics Members, including using external communication platforms to feed information to CI to facilitate them being metagamed.
I had never broken any rules in the last point made by Network Leadership, nor was anything done in favor to Alpha-1. Yes, I had used external communication platform to Stream myself talking to friends, to which one of them was a CI-C DELCOM, However If I give Information to anyone it is the fault of their own & not mine for taking it in-character or not, however I do understand that I did in technicality break a Server Rule.

Why should you return / what will you change?:

Why Should I return? I believe I should be allowed to return to the Civil Networks Server Leadership Team as I have done an extensive amount of work for the server thus far both In-Character & as a member of Server Leadership.

I had begun to work on various Projects behind the scenes which I had planned on putting numerous hours each day to finish said project. The project in question has been put on halt thus far following my removal & it would be greatly appreciated if I were to continue the project to it's finalized product, which would be of great use to Server Leadership & Network Leadership.

I had additionally been working on various Roleplay projects that had been cut short before they had begun due to my removal, which I would wish to continue as the publisher as to not have changes made that I hadn't planned.

Furthermore, I believe that I am an outlet to players outside of Network Leadership as many players have unfortunately lost most of their faith in many of the Server Leadership Members. This includes Server Leadership making up nonsense rulings, removing, adding or updating things without reaching out to the effected players prior & much more. I have always put myself in the players perspective when making any change to the Server which is something many are incapable of doing unfortunately.

Finally I believe I should return as I & many others are disappointed in my removal reason, as it had been focused on the one instance involving the usage of the word "Sub-Human" which everyone I spoke to had been openly flabbergasted about it.

What will I change? Firstly I will change my mannerisms & choice of words that I choose to use, words such as "Sub-Human" despite in the context I provided don't seem harmless however I understand Network Leaderships view point & I would hope they would at least try to understand mine.

I will not give any member of the community roles back, regardless if they wish to post an announcement following their resignation, as such had resulted in a player posting an apparent "Crash-Out" document, however I am unaware of the exact instance where this occurred & I would appreciate if Network Leadership would be able to give further details.

I cannot do much to further avoid instances such as what was listed in Point Three made by myself, however I will make an effort to handle things or at least make Network Leadership aware of it if not able to.

I will avoid Streaming inside Discord & or giving information to members of the community whom are of a different faction, which may facilitate Metagaming as I had done this by complete accident however it happened & we must move forward.

I would hope Network Leadership that takes everything I have said in consideration & considers to reinstate me as Server Leadership, I do apologize for everything that I might have done incorrectly & hope to have a 2nd chance, additionally I will mention that I had not been issued any Infractions or Verbal Warnings from anyone since being Issued a Minor Infraction from Cloak & have changed since then.

Thanks for Reading!
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Appeal Denied

After discussion with Community Management, we have come to the conclusion to deny this appeal, this is due to the above reasons and as discussed in TeamSpeak with yourself and furthermore your actions on the day of the demotion.

We are unable to bring someone into the staff team where we cannot hold any amount of trust for the position, especially for a Server Leadership Position.

Kind Regards
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