Content Suggestion QOL Naming character command ( naming con/ codename)

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
Aug 27, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a chat command that lets you edit your character name. !Name or !changename "name"

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
after searching 8 pages I didn't see anything in the resolved section or public GitHub

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Making changing your name faster and less annoying for some players.
improves QOL for the server in general
reduces the number of complaints from ISD mains

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Will be abused in certain situations (AOS called out)
Staff backlog will be more confusing under tag = name change
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Recent events have shown a significant number of complaints from both ISD players and long-time players who have always been on the server. Since my return to the server, I have been repeatedly taken to a staff room by certain staff members. They insisted that I change my name just because it contains an apostrophe ('Tulp'). During peak hours, I stood afk for 2 minutes as D-class was being taken to a staff room. At one point, I suggested to the staff that instead of leaving critical/important slots empty, I would go to O-1 and stand afk in the bunks because I wouldn't be disrupted there.

ISD mains are fed up with certain staff members pulling us into situations, making us look bad in front of everyone on the server. It would be better if they just sent us a message using !P or poked us in teamspeak.

Based on the points made above I think this should be accepted :

Reduced the amount of discomfort/complaints that players will make. Overall quality of life improved. Players can bind a command to make changes.

I hope something can be done. I would like to see a quality of life improvement before suggesting a rule change, or worse, filling out staff complaints. At this point, my name and others are being pointed out towards a bad way. Being teleported for something so minor, and having everyone on the server think you did something wrong, is just annoying.

Edit: if you can't say anything useful then please don't say anything within the comments section ty much love jamarion
while i get the idea and its uses, your specific use case example feels more like a failure on the part of staff to grasp situational context - and n that circumstance, i do also appreciate the fact that in some situations this may be caused by certain situational hazards such as... idk, sleep deprivation or just the occasional derp.

either way, i think while... like, i get why your example is relevant to what you're suggesting, i kinda also feel like that's something for staff discuss internally and separately from what this suggestion is asking, because there may be some form of miscommunication or... something, i guess. i do personally understand from that perspective, why you would just see someone with a codename name and just pull them aside, but i feel like it would make a bit of sense to, if they're a d-class in the spawn area, just very briefly check their regiments. like, i can also appreciate the fact that it's a bit of an extra, somewhat unnecessary step. but i don't feel it unreasonable that, the line of thinking where "this person who has only recently connected, with just a codename name on D-Class, may have access to one of the few jobs that are allowed just codename names, but is not currently one"... given the amount of people maximum to be allowed just a codename name, it's just not an edge case.


SCP-RP Staff
Dec 25, 2023
I'm very NEUTRAL on this.

I guess I can see why someone would want this, but it really isn't that hard to press Esc and edit your name through the menu. Maybe I'm wrong, but I really cannot see anyone who is unwilling to do the quick Esc change actually be willing to do it using a command.

As for staff, I understand it can be annoying when one pulls you to change your name, but I'm sure you can just tell them you're gonna be swapping to an ISD role and not doing RP with the 'illegal name', especially if you're AFK at the time (so it shouldn't massively matter).

I see nothing negative in this suggestion, I just think it's not actually needed.