Quibbles' Security Captain Application [UK]

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Well-known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33600583
Discord name: Quibbles#8688
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Nov 2021
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: Italy
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Olen Quibbles, Molto Formaggio
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher
MTF- A1, O1, NU7
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
The main reason I'd like to become a Security Captain is to shift the attitude of GENSEC farther away from murder robots. D-class personnel on the server are the core of what makes the server healthy and fun, having murder robots for security guards doesn't make the game any more enjoyable for anyone. I believe, especially those who mainly play D-class, will vouch for the way I act and encourage other members of GENSEC to act is a much more enjoyable experience across the board.
I have also seen a relatively large amount of other departments breaking internal rules to bleed into functions that are supposed to be done by GENSEC members. Having the rank of captain I would very much like to end this kind of behavior so everyone can do their jobs their role is meant to.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
My patience and de-escalation tactics are easily my strongest qualifications. I am probably the last person to get frustrated and start killing D-class after 3 lazy warnings. I also look to use every means of controlling or detaining D-class available prior to shooting. The D-class player base being the largest and the core of the server, my goal every time I play is to make it as enjoyable of an experience as possible. Zero tolerance murder robots for security guards achieves the opposite of that.
I also excel with delegation and small force structuring. With an unhealthy amount of MILSIM experience in other games and some real life experience, within only a couple days I could guarantee implementations that would make D-block sweeps far quicker and optimize riot team use.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
Security Captain is to act as a leader for both GENSEC and RRT. Ensuring operations inside D-block are running smooth and RRT are being used correctly and effectively.
The Security Captain is also to act as a line of communication for both the chief of security and site administration for GENSEC.
The role requires being both an expert on GENSEC and RRT matters to train and direct members of GENSEC in the best possible direction.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Joining the Army after a pathetic attempt at college not only seemed like the most fun choice, but could have been the best choice for someone with no determination, but all it led to was four years of complaining, looking at the calendar for when I'd finally be free from enlistment. Flying in a helicopter as a door gunner for UH-60s definitely sounded fun to those on the outside, but without a single deployment in four years the boredom and structure was too much.
Leaving after the contract ended seemed to have resulted in a wasted four years. Didn't even get an associates in that time and who in the civilian sector needed someone with the skills of a door gunner? I did still have 6 more years of a classified security clearance, as I'd later find out, that's all the foundation really cared about.
After going back home to what seemed to be a time machine, with the same people doing the same things, a recruiter from a private number called me. The initial idea of entering another contract under another overbearing organization was entirely unappealing, but what was the other option? Deliver pizzas? And god damn was the offered pay much better.
The hiring process was brief, only caring about my clearance and weapons certifications. I was shipped off to site-65 before I knew it.
The day to day off working for the foundation was nothing like the monotony of PT and training every day with the army. The wildly ranging personalities of d-class kept there, the crazy out of this world events that seemed to happen daily, there was always something new, exciting, and very real.
Climbing up the ranks to captain, the most entertaining aspect of the job was still controlling and interacting with d-class held in the facility. A task usually groaned at by even the newest security members on site, the constant chaos and unpredictable circumstances kept myself involved even after all the time spent around it. With the smuggled explosives, riots, and ever abundant prison shanks it was still a rush. It was a rush I want to maintain and finally something I wanted to put my own effort into to improve.
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Reactions: Artyom
Apr 16, 2022
Application accepted
Congratulations on competing the first into becoming a senior member of our General security department .
You may contact me via discord or ts regarding your interview

P.s. This is an opportunity to become a security captain but it is not guaranteed , good luck.
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