Redpanda's Special Agent Application [USA]

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 28, 2022
VA Fredricksburg
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:561484401
Discord name: Saturn#6768
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I do not know how long I have been playing CG SCP but I know the first time I started playing was since Late June
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Chaos Insurgency Jupiter "Slaughter" Sullivan1691622691618.png

After finding out about his Abandoned Son's Resignment. Jupiter stopped working for the Chaos Insurgency at the rank of Gamma and escaped with a new identity. Jupiter was a father of two sons, both being twins. This was never meant to happen and Jupiter killed his Girlfriend and kidnapped one of the Twins. That twin being Earth Sullivan which the nickname of the young one was "Kamilah". This all happened to Saturn when he was 5 years old. This has left a building point for his coming years.
GOC Recruit "Bluepanda"1691622667771.png

No information has been found about Bluepanda. The only thing we know is he likes the sentence "He is the Kamil."
Foundation "Redpanda"


Had a cruel childhood. Death of his mother, disappearance of his father, abduction of his brother, Kamilla. He had to live in a Orphanage until at the age of 14, The Orphanage was raided and the people raiding the Orphanage was never found. It was a solo raid and 8 were injured while 2 died. This has caused even more madness in Saturn's life. He moved on to the next orphanage and when he turned 18 he joined the military and his first deployment was in Iraq during the Iraq invasion. He got in a coma during the invasion and was in a coma for 14 years. Even though it's been 14 years he was still able to do most things a person would not be able to do after having a coma. He joined the military again until he was offered a position in the Foundation as a DEA member. He is now Senior Agent. His government name is Saturn and his nickname: Redpanda.​
Civilian name:
Mars Sullivan​

The grandpa of the Sullivan Family. At the age of 83 he saw this all unfold but was never able to do anything as he was struggling when he was 60 and couldn't retire. He now works for a Italian Restaurant.​
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP - RP USA
Do you have a mic?: No
What are your total levels?: 104+

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- B1 COM, Intelligence Ambassador, CI gamma
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have had only one warning which being Fear RP which was back in winter. It happened because a mistake I made when I was being stopped by 323 and waiting to die but I was still able to follow the CI that were holding me under Fear RP. I have learned my mistake from it ever since.
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- 2 weeks. 1 week being a LOA
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
- After I have been playing Senior agent I've noticed a few things. I thought since most of the people I knew in DEA were from B1. It would mostly be built around B1. Why I say that is because whenever I was doing the tryouts for Senior agent I thought it would most likely be Scenarios instead of simple questions. I feel like Scenarios is better as it gives a better understanding on what the person would do as a senior agent like say there was a CI kidnapping an Agency Manager at Lakehouse. The response you get is you would ask for other Personnel to assist in retrieving the Agency manager before they get them safely inside the CI base. You can see that the person is more strategic and not to go in run and gun. Even though as a Special Agent you don't have control on the Senior Agent tryouts. Special Agent have more influence on the people that have control over the tryout docs. Another thing I would like to say is people giving out orders. As a Senior agent you can still command people but it's hard as you can't really hand out orders if it's something that you don't have authority over. Like negotiations but I don't understand how negotiations work as people say you can't negotiate as a Senior agent but people say you can negotiate as a Senior agent. I did try reading the handbooks and other documents but none of them answered my question which might've been because I wasn't reading a lot but I don't see that as the case. Another thing with negotiations is I don't see people immediately responding unless of course there is a situation which needs to be solved immediately like if you're in the middle of a CI Foundation gun fight.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
- I'm suitable for Special Agent because I'm able to be active and I have worked in jobs like Special Agent. That being B1 Commander which like Ryan said in his Assistant application. It was abrupt and it seemed like for me at least that I wasn't able to develop the skill for B1 Commander. Skills that I got from B1 Commander is being able to influence people into recruiting, learning other ways to command, knowing the mistakes of a person and knowing the art of Negotiations. Intelligence Ambassador was another role I was holding and skills I got from it was learning to command and to learn what to take out of trying out a certain person. All of these skills are really great for Special Agent as tryouts and commanding. people are the most important thing for Special Agents as that is their main job.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I haven't written a document in a long time ever since I was Intelligence Ambassador. Though I did write documents as B1 Commander about what other people did like whenever I made a document about Nutty who was a B1 LT about how he performed his tryouts and if it was good. That document sadly was erased because whenever I was writing the document. I didn't know I was AFK and got automatically kicked so I never got to save it. What makes a document good is how simple it is and what it can explain in how simple it is. Yes this application is a bit over the top but that's because I want people to learn and I guess enjoy from reading this which is also what makes a document good.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
- A Special Agent's responsibilities is to Command people like whenever the Special Agent says that DEA is gonna start a GOC outreach. Another one is to also respond whenever you can to a negotiation, even when it's just a simple, "We are busy." Also handing out permits to MC&D is another responsibility to Special Agents to improve the relationship with MC&D. Giving out tryouts to people that haven't achieved the rank DEA agent. Special Agents are the ones that are supposed to be doing tryouts unless busy with say a CI raid, if so then just say "I'm busy, please be patient." Special Agents have a lot of responsibilities but these are the main Responsibilities for Special Agent and I feel like Special Agents are the main priority for these responsibilities.
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

8 years have passed and I still can never forget the events. My name is Saturn while my nickname is Redpanda and I lived in USA. I was born in the Philippines. I'm 13 and I'm gonna go over my past to see if I feel better about life. When I was 5 it was a late winter night and my Mom, Brother, and me were on the smelly couch watching on the old RCA. I hear my dad cooking some Lumpia and my Dad is yelling what he always says, "Halika Dito Babae!". My mom gets off the couch and goes over to dad. Then the silence is broken when my Dad starts yelling at my Mom. This was usual and I never understood what they were saying as they usually say it in Tagalog. I thought it was normal until the argument gets even louder. My mom was yelling until the mom was cut off. I hear a thud and my brother and me look behind us to see our mom on the ground while the dad had a knife in his hands. My dad ran at me and put me in my bedroom. I didn't know what happened after as I was shocked, I did not move at all. I then passed out and woke up the next day and I hear silence. I walk out the room to see my mom still there. I explored the house and I couldn't find my brother or him. I dialed 911 on the Nokia and explained everything that happened. 911 arrived in around about 20 minutes. I still can see the whole situation vividly.
Just writing this after the whole incident and I'm just like why does this keep happening to me. I felt better whenever I made the Backstory but about a year later some dude comes in ruining it all. I was the first room in the orphanage from the entrance. Whenever the person entranced he went to my room first and he killed one of the people working here and the kid right next to me while injuring the other people around me. The other worker pulled out a screwdriver and started stabbing the the person which the person fled the scene never to be seen again like last time.
Haven't wrote in this for a long time but I just got deployed in the Iraq Invasion. Also feeling better about life now that things have settled for a bit. Military is also doing a great job in helping in my life as I'm going to places I have never seen before. I've always wanted to travel around the world.
[OOC: The next few pages have eraser marks all over the page]
I got knocked out in a gun fight and fell in a coma for 14 years. Even thought it's been 14 years I was still able to do physical task easily. Also feels like I've gotten real better. My ways have changed and I have better thinking then when I was in the military. I'm gonna join the military real soon!
I was offered a position in some secret stuff as a DEA Agent. Read the description that they gave me and I felt like it was a great job that I could for sure work as. It was pretty hard fighting these people called Chaos Insurgency and making better relationships with other Groups of Interest. I got promoted to Senior Agent after passing the tryouts. Feels like more work but still not tired and determined for more. For the Foundation! Wait now that reminds me, those Chaos Insurgency kinda remind me of someone.
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