Denied Refactor how Energy works for Reality Bending (EVE)

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Well-known Member
Jun 21, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
As seen here, currently system has the users given a energy bar, in which it is expended to use their powers: image.png

I am proposing to modify this system to focus more on active gain of energy instead of passive gain.

What the fuck is active/passive gain?

To put it simply, I want the system to take cues from established lore (near end) on thaumatology and have type blues need to consume items that could have 'EVE' to get their powers (and for purposes of not cucking class D and/or gameplay, have a very small passive regen for type blues as well)

What would this active gain be?
Depends on how we implement it, we could keep it simple and simply have it so drinking blood gives a flat increase to your energy (like idk 50% for 100ml or something), making it so type blues need to have a supply of blood on them to keep their energy topped up

We could also do a more advanced method, perhaps food would also give eve, with nutrients giving a set amount of eve, or a device that increases passive EVE gain in an area of effect (for example, an Everhart Resonator)

What about type greens?
Just make their passive energy gain massive or just never depletes, they technically dont use EVE but a different method entirely, we can translate that into their energy is more efficent.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Type blues are grounded, they need resources to use their powers and as such become more slated as support, where they use a limited supply of resources they have on hand as 'power ups' to be able to use their powers

Type greens in contrast become more powerful by comparison, while type blues are limited with their energy and have to worry about getting it back, type greens don't have that issue, and this contrast makes them appear much stronger.

Makes sense lore wise: Type greens are more powerful than type blues, and even among type blues those who can easily acquire more EVE (CI, GOC, Foundation) are stronger than someone without those resources (Class D, who would have to rely on a very slow regen unless their fellow bois hook them up with some EVE)

Want to use powers more often? Just get more things that increase your active gain of energy

Lost the draw and don't have the god-tier blood type? Your regular blood now has a use

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Type blues become much weaker since they need time to get energy, the Class D variant is hit especially hard since its harder for them to get the energy.

For those who can't care too much for lore, one of the above points don't really matter to you (nothing wrong about that btw)

Most likely makes people have to care about chemistry, in which the active gain will likely be based around if implemented at a basic level

Type blues will likely need assistance for gaining eve, at least for blood collection if they go that route.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel that making type blues and thaumology in general require users to work for active gain of their energy to do their powers implements a interesting mechanic behind the current system and makes type greens more of a percieved danger due to not needing to worry about said system. This also could be used as a way to 'balance' type blues for teams such as Class D, for those who dislike the idea of type blues having a fixed lifespan.


Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
This was the only issue I have with the current system. (I need more excuses to sacrifice Darren in RP)
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Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
- Support
Reality Benders dont need a nerf
Reality Benders aren't constrained by EVE. Only Thaumaturges.

What about type greens?
Just make their passive energy gain massive or just never depletes, they technically dont use EVE but a different method entirely, we can translate that into their energy is more efficent.
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