Remilia 'Perfection' Alucard's GSD Captain Application (USA)

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Active member
Jul 10, 2024
Steam ID:

Discord name:theiris0579

For how long have you played on CG SCP:21 days, 17 hours, 45 minutes (VTime isnt loading)


In what country are you located?:USA

Time zone:CST

Character name(s):Rem 'Perfection' Alucard (FOUNDATION), Remilia 'Perfect' Alucard (GOC), Remilia 'Flawed' Alucard

Civilian name:'Capitalist'

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- yuh.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-I have held MTF Nu-7 SPC and E-11 LCPL. I am currently holding DEA Sr. Agent and Gensec Sergeant, along with GOC SPC, along with CI-A.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
LTAP A ban - Ragequit
Mixing - mixing
Character Abuse - changing name to avoid rp punishment
Kicked - +left in console

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
-I am applying for Security Captain because I feel I have gotten the proper experience required to become a high-ranking official. I also really like playing gensec, and would like to move further up the ranks, that way I can do more stuff, and be a proper leader for General Security. I have had plenty of experience with Gensec Sergeant and plenty of experience with leadership, especially in quick-thinking scenarios, which makes sense as it is needed for a role like this. I also want to reduce the number of accidents with D-class, which could include allowing more sweeps when required, and overall just being more active around D-block.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
-I've had plenty of time with D-block, and I've seen quite a lot. I have learned a lot throughout my time on this server, and learned what kind of stuff happens in D-block, along with the standard gensec procedures. I have also met my 2 weeks of General Security Sergeant (yes, I've been keeping track,) therefore I feel that I have gained the required, and necessary experience needed for a Gensec Captain. I have also gotten a lot better at combat, which means I can more effectively defend d-block.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-The responsibilities of a Security Captain are to ensure that D-block is properly managed, to protect the site from all kinds of threats, minor and severe, host important tryouts like Heavy Weapons License, RRT, and Sergeant tryouts, to ensure the safety of all gensec personnel throughout the site, to make sure all gensec are performing proper duties when required, and to make sure that all General Security are following the code of conduct and code of ethics at all times.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Active member
Jul 10, 2024
so you got all those warnings in only 21 days?
Yeaa, I was a little stupid and unprofessional back then, didn't really take the server that serious. Also, some of those warns i think were just bs, but I've improved now tho. Not to mention that they are all a little over 2 months old.


Active member
Jul 10, 2024
Seems like a good person, might need some more time on the server though especially with all the warns gathered in such a short timespan.
As I said, they were a looong while ago, and I've improved myself significantly since then. I've been improving myself, and as i also said, some of those were kinda bullshit warns.
-support mainly because i remember looking at the outside medbay camera once you were escorting an MC&D as nu-7 and the MC&D looked at the camera and said something in OOC mentioning the camera lights you then shot the camera down on nu-7 infront of everyone then said something along the lines of "its not green now" in OOC i clipped it but deleted it later on to save storage


Active member
Jul 10, 2024
-support mainly because i remember looking at the outside medbay camera once you were escorting an MC&D as nu-7 and the MC&D looked at the camera and said something in OOC mentioning the camera lights you then shot the camera down on nu-7 infront of everyone then said something along the lines of "its not green now" in OOC i clipped it but deleted it later on to save storage
yea fair enough, i did do that once, but as ive said twice now, I've been trying to improve for the better. I know actions speak louder than words, I've heard the saying before, and I do understand where you're coming from.

Edit: I know when something is going downhill, so I'm requesting a denial. I'll reapply later when I fix my reputation and when the warns become less relevant
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Well-known Member
Dec 29, 2022

General Security Department

From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: Remilia 'Perfection' Alucard'

Hello Remilia 'Perfection' Alucard, your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via Discord - (viggopurge)

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