Denied Remove Combat Medics+NEW Gensec Medic Job+Focus on MTF's own Medics.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove the Combat Medic job, or at the very least ban them from entering D-Block unless requested by a Gensec Captain. This will in effect add a new job for Gensec, a Security Medic and reinforced need for MTF's own medical roles.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Reinforced structure to Gensec's D-Block that is ran by a captain/chief that overrules every Gensec role.
- Removal of a Combat Medic job that seems to do as they please and are not as easily overruled by Gensec/MTF authority.
- Give MTF medics and the new Gensec Medics a more dominant role in the field.
- I believe Combat Medics to be outdated and do not fit in to how the facilities ran.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I don't see any negatives.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Gensec have their own radio channel and a uniformed structure designed by a Gensec Captain/Chief that involves all of Gensec to be a part of. Combat Medics seem to always roam freely without connecting to the radio channel making it harder for a Gensec Captain to give orders and control D-Block.

Combat Medics do NOT receive any Gensec training or ethical training prior to roaming around D-Block/Site doing what they do. Combat Medics now wouldn't take control of situations to how they see fit and this would remove that issue.
Combat Medics arent allowed in D-Block unless they need to heal someone. They need permission from a Captain+ to assist in airlock or catwalk, same with CSPEC and most MTF.
I watch them everyday, they literally run around freely and take control of D-Block all the time. They hang around and take control of the airlock shooting D-Boys and acting like Gensec. I'm sure lots of others have seen this too.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 8, 2021

CMs are only allowed in d-block to heal people or if lack of gensec or to assist in sweep and have been told to leave by SGTs/captains.

CMs are basically superior doctors who often provide training to trainees and doctors as there isn’t always a consultant on site to train them in EST/fractures.

CMs are also the main people to provide cures to illnesses other than consultants. The job requires more levels in support and combat and if you have ever seen a combat medic being used effectively you’d know they are also essential to the site.
I watch them everyday, they literally run around freely and take control of D-Block all the time. They hang around and take control of the airlock shooting D-Boys and acting like Gensec. I'm sure lots of others have seen this too.
Sounds like Gensec are shit at there job, so they need Combat medics to do the work for them
And if its during active times, just report them to IA


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Rooster,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because this is not the way that we should deal with that type of cases. We're not removing a job just because you don't want them to be in D-Block (even though you just proposed a new job, like Combat Medic, that would be on D-Block, so it would be literally the same thing). You can always deal this in some many ways IC, you can report to their superior, you can talk to them about it, you can speak with IA, and e.t.c.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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