Denied Replacing the Mossberg (A-1 COM)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Reiner Zufall

Active member
Aug 1, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Removing the Mossberg from the A-1 COM loadout and replacing it with the MK8 (A-1 COMs used to have this gun in the past)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Balancing the A-1 job, similar loadout as the other MTF COMs (pictures down below)

- Better self-protection, the role itself would be more useful during code 1&5s (e.g against CI type blue, 7722 or type green)

- Makes the COM role useful again (most of the time we rather switch to specialist role or enforcement either due to better armament or effective equipment)

- Other job slots would be less taken (e.g. COM switches to Enforcement/SPC but other members also want to use it <reason down below>).

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- A-1 more powerful I suppose?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- As I previously mentioned we used to have the MK8 but it got replaced by the Mossberg. The Mossberg itself is extremely underwhelming, it has a horrible DPS, no knockback and it is only good if you stand right in front of the target sometimes it takes 2-3 shots to down someone.

- Currently, we rather play enforcement for its gun, Officer role for its decent QBZ main gun (good at low-mid range)and weapon checker, or the specialist for its ARX (good at low-mid range) + disguise card and weapon checker. The only good thing that the COM has is the QBZ and deployable shield that´s it.

- I know that loadout/stats changes were announced back in February for all factions (the last time we spoke about this was 3+ months ago), but for the current time being this change would improve the role itself a lot (previously I asked some SL+ members about the possible release of the loadout/stat change update, they said that is still in progress, they couldn´t specify/ or didn´t know it if it´s getting changed anytime soon.

- My last point is it would be much fairer towards us if we could get a similar loadout as the other MTF COMs considering that we are right next to EZ and many people and SCPs target COMs in general.


  • A-1 COM.png
    A-1 COM.png
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  • E-11 COM.png
    E-11 COM.png
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  • O-1 COM.png
    O-1 COM.png
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  • Nu-7 COM.png
    Nu-7 COM.png
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Last edited:
Feb 16, 2023
A nerf for com jobs was announced back then to give them all shotguns. Only A1 got that. Shotguns where meant to be buff but it never happened so it was just a free nerf. Honestly +support because the mossberg is legit useless. I tried it, deals no damage. The m9 is honestly a better gun at that point.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
I’m just going to lock and move this. @Reiner Zufall Ive already met with A-1 regarding loadout changes, if you have questions as to the changes you can speak to your COs. The mossberg is planned to be replaced.
  • Haha
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