Require Content team give reasons for denial

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Apr 4, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
As the name states, Content team should always give a reason for denial.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
>Players know why suggestions have been denied and can adapt future suggestions
-Cuts down on duplicates suggestions
>Engagement with the community, players are actually given feedback rather then "No."

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
>CT have to type a small response based off the discussion they've already had.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Simple, CT can save themselves time denying repeat suggestions as well as saving the community time by letting them know why a Suggestion was denied.
Huge +Support

Not only is this unprofessional, but in some cases CT will deny suggestions only to use the idea down the line to make something and then call it their own. Full descriptions on denial aren't necessary but humanizing your response to at least make the community feel valued for their suggestions is a must.

I don't feel like being treated like a second class citizen for the time I put into making the suggestion because some CT members don't like communicating with people, that's not my issue, leave CT and find something more reclusive.

Jack G

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I lead content team on MRP and in my opinion, if members of the community are willing to put in their time for suggestions voluntarily the least we can do is at least give a little bit of a response back as to why something might not be going ahead. Counter argument is that SCP gets a lot more suggestions than MRP however, I still think the amount of effort someone puts into a suggestion should be reciprocated.


#1 Revolutionary Hater
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SCP-RP Staff
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Dec 20, 2023
If you need more specific reasoning on why something was denied you can always DM a supervisor for further elaboration.
Also would be helpful if you listed recent suggestions that have not had a reason given so that I can go through and update the comment (no the remove GOC and CI suggestion does not count)


Community Manager
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Mar 20, 2022

Content team are expected to provide a brief reasoning, but I will not require them to put anything further into the rationale as they are volunteers and CT is already the most laborious team we have with the amount of work and time they have to put into things, sometimes taking multiple hours a week to go through suggestions and then replying to each with a bespoke message and verdict.

I don't feel like being treated like a second class citizen for the time I put into making the suggestion because some CT members don't like communicating with people, that's not my issue, leave CT and find something more reclusive.

This is a horrible take and extremely self-centred with clear disregard to the people who also put their effort into sifting through every suggestion.

The bottom line is suggestions shouldn't just be hit with a "no", but a brief reasoning given, but as Snake has said if you want further elaboration you can contact one of the CT supervisors.

I have done dip sampling during writing this and every suggestion I have seen provides a rationale on denial. from Content Team, so I am unsure where people are saying they aren't providing any rationale?

Kind Regards
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Huge +Support

Not only is this unprofessional, but in some cases CT will deny suggestions only to use the idea down the line to make something and then call it their own. Full descriptions on denial aren't necessary but humanizing your response to at least make the community feel valued for their suggestions is a must.

I don't feel like being treated like a second class citizen for the time I put into making the suggestion because some CT members don't like communicating with people, that's not my issue, leave CT and find something more reclusive.

Its not that deep
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Head Moderator
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SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 27, 2022
Would like to see a list of recent suggestions that got denied like this which arent troll suggestions.

I don't feel like being treated like a second class citizen for the time I put into making the suggestion because some CT members don't like communicating with people, that's not my issue, leave CT and find something more reclusive.

If something is denied it isnt 1 or 2 CT members deciding on the matter. during meeting we have atleast 4+ members opinions and arguments in discord threads. Like yeke stated somethings take weeks to decided on this is not because we are "lazy" it is because we all have different opinions different mindsets we look what is the best for the server and the community.

We summarize and give it a note why it is denied. This noted is then used so at the end of the meeting or during. we write the responds. not because 1 guy responded means it is him who denied it.

You can complain is your right, but attacking CT members nah shame on you.

Best regards,
Would like to see a list of recent suggestions that got denied like this which arent troll suggestions.

If something is denied it isnt 1 or 2 CT members deciding on the matter. during meeting we have atleast 4+ members opinions and arguments in discord threads. Like yeke stated somethings take weeks to decided on this is not because we are "lazy" it is because we all have different opinions different mindsets we look what is the best for the server and the community.

We summarize and give it a note why it is denied. This noted is then used so at the end of the meeting or during. we write the responds. not because 1 guy responded means it is him who denied it.

You can complain is your right, but attacking CT members nah shame on you.

Best regards,
Please point out where, exactly, in my post I attacked anyone.

What I stated is a universal truth, if someone chooses not to engage with the playerbase with professionallity in mind, for their own reasons, it’s not my responsibility to bridge that gap for them. If they need support or choose the opposite, they should seek it elsewhere. Do not question my character simply because I choose to speak openly in a public space.

Don’t hide behind a staff title and label every form of criticism as "hate" while expecting others to remain silent. Accountability means acknowledging that people, right or wrong, may have concerns. The solution is not to justify actions through personal reasoning masked as official statements. That approach is disingenuous and, quite frankly, reckless

Thank you,
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  • Haha
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Apr 4, 2023
I realise I have made a minor mistake, I believed the Rule suggestions were responded to by CT, which spurred this suggestion.

My issue boiled down to frustration regarding suggestions that are just shut down with "We have discussed this and said no"

While this doesn't happen all too often, it is most frustrating when it does.
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