[RESOLVED] Freeze while downloading materials/entities/drg_scp714.png

Jun 6, 2024
I have been unable to join the server since the halloween update because of my game freezing while joining. I have tried the common fixes listed in the faq thread, as well as different launch options, but nothing has worked so far.
I'm currently using the x86-64 beta, though I did attempt joining the server on the normal Gmod version. I am subscribed to the addons and have downloaded the rp_site65_civilnetworks_8h.bsp map.


Any fixes?
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Go on the discord and type !digital and follow the instructions it gives, let me know if that fixes it
I forgot to say but I already resolved this issue by deleting all my addons, reinstalling gmod and reinstalling the addons. Thank you for taking your time to answer, however. :)