Denied Revert the price of VCminer repair kits (Re-suggested)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Revert the price of VCminer repair kits back to 8k

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, but was denied for a reason that makes no sense.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
People will base more, more opportunities to raid, more people will opt for passive income to RP.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
No negatives (as long as the VCminers continue to make as little as they do)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The change to the VCminer repair kit was suggested in order to make raiding more fun and rewarding, being able to ransom off vcminers for a decent price etc. However its had the opposite effect, as the change has made VCminers not worth buying. A full set of VCminers would cost roughly 600k and the repair kits in total would cost around 180k, all for a fraction of the income you would receive using herbalist or chemist. So now a lot of people who would normally base with VCminers aren't anymore, meaning fewer bases, meaning fewer raids. Before the change to VCminers, they were SO PERFECTLY BALANCED. The worst form of income, yet still allowing you to make something, very low risk, very low reward. Now they are super high risk, and super low reward. Its just not worth doing anymore... Even arguments that chemist and herbalist make basing worth it, its so risky only being able to use a pistol to defend, and you can't even count on team members helping you defend, because they have no reason to be basing with you, as they would make next to no money from it.

The reason this was denied was for the sake of raiders. That doesn't make sense, as expensive repair kits don't benefit raiders in the slightest. The suggestion that had the price changed claimed that people cannot ransom vcminers as the repair kits are too cheap, but literally, nobody ransoms VCminers, they are destroyed 99% of the time. And buffing the VCminers to accommodate the insane price of repair kits will just break the balance of the server even more. If you want raiding to be worth it, then give people more money for destroying printers, or re-add the VCminer USB. Not to mention, if you raid a base of 3 people and ransom their VCminers (If people actually did it) with the repair kit at 8k, you can make £120,000... That is more than reasonable, at 30k per repair kit, you'd be getting up to £540,000 for ransoming their VCminers...
don't play anymore for this reason money is shit and none of the content team can be fucking arsed to do anything worth while instead they sit there pissing about with materials and nerfing every gun that is remotely useable. VCminers have been shit ever since the server came out and all the content team has said is "we will look into it" which they clearly don't they would much rather sit in teamspeak and be useless
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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
Yes, but was denied for a reason that makes no sense.

I'm confused as to how it didn't make sense. People did not ransom VCMiners because there was no point in paying the ransom due to the low cost of repair kits. What we're now looking into is lowering the break-even cost, and this doesn't necessarily mean buffing the VC p/h.

If you want raiding to be worth it, then give people more money for destroying printers, or re-add the VCminer USB.

We're looking into buffs regarding money-making/raiding, as I've mentioned several times, and it'll solve the issues that you've brought up. This should be done soon. I'm confused about the need for another suggestion, if you needed anything cleared up you could've messaged me.

don't play anymore for this reason money is shit and none of the content team can be fucking arsed to do anything worth while instead they sit there pissing about with materials and nerfing every gun that is remotely useable. VCminers have been shit ever since the server came out and all the content team has said is "we will look into it" which they clearly don't they would much rather sit in teamspeak and be useless
I have publically stated many times that we're re-balancing the money-making on the server, and I've been extensively looking into all money-making to find an optimal balance for it all, as well as coming up with ideas on how to sort things out. I've written an extensive list regarding money-making and have been actively discussing it, with it likely being implemented soon. Just because I do not post everything I'm doing out there doesn't mean we're "sitting on our arse." If I say we're looking into something we're looking into it. I also will ignore your weapon nerf remark because me nerfing weapons ported from other servers that need balancing due to not being properly configured for DarkRP is reasonable and we'll continue to do that.

I will be discussing your suggestion with the content team.


Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
I understand making changes to the VCminers for the better, but the repair kit change broke them entirely, why not revert the VCminer repair kit until something is ready to change with the amount you can make? Basing is completely pointless right now and reverting the repair kit cost would solve that.

Even now that its changed, people still don't ransom VCminers, and even if they did, as I said before. The amount you could make from ransoming vcminers before was around 30k-40k per person. Now that the price has been upped, the amount you could ransom for is up at 150k or so per person, which is obscene.


If things change later, fair enough, but for right now, reverting the repair kit price until things are figured out is easy and would make basing more worth doing.


top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
Yeah, that's my bad, didn't see it. I get quite a few DMs every day. I'll DM you now.
If things change later, fair enough, but for right now, reverting the repair kit price until things are figured out is easy and would make basing more worth doing.
I'll be locking this now as a change to overall money-making should be fairly soon which should balance this out. I see your point and I understand the frustration from everyone, if you need anything else from me or have any questions you can DM me (if I don't see it you can spam me).

I hope to see you on soon.
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