Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:938831370
Discord name: Hiroshima
For how long have you played on CG SCP: V time is 1 day and 16 hours
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Ricardo Julius
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
I am submitting my application for Executive Researcher for a couple of reasons. The first reason is to mentor the newly trained Researchers of the Department. When I first joined the Research Department, I didn’t have a damn clue of what to do, how to test on SCPs, what procedures to follow, etc. Luckily, I have amazing senior researchers and the executive team of research to assist me in all my questions and inquiries. I want to be able to give that same experience I felt to other individuals who wish to play Research but don’t quite know how to do it yet.
The second reason I wish to become an Executive Researcher is to be able to frequently grade tests uploaded and sign off on tests for Researcher. Two of the most annoying experiences I had and most researchers had in the research department was not being able to get a specific document signed or having to upload the same test over and over again because no one graded them. It is a frustrating feeling of all your hard work you put into testing and you get stonewalled because someone couldn’t match your hard work. I wish to ease this frustration and dedicate time to ensure that researchers' tests can be signed and their tests graded in an effective time.
The third reason I wish to become an Executive Researcher is to extend my reach in the SCPs I am authorized to test upon. When I first started as a Junior Researcher I was extremely limited to the SCPs I was able to test on and that didn’t sit right with me as I am a very creative individual and I wish to express my ideas without being restricted from doing so. If I get accepted to become an Executive Researcher, I would be able to access most if not all the SCPs in Site-65 so I can finally utilize all my ideas for testing.
What makes you suitable for an Executive Researcher?:
There are a couple of reasons as to what makes me suitable for an Executive Researcher. The first reason is I have a lot of experience when it comes to SCP-RP lore and when it comes to SCP-RP gmod servers in General. I used to play a lot of SCP-RP on different servers and the majority of that time was playing research characters. As a result, I know the basic fundamentals on the dos and don’t when roleplaying as a Researcher in SCP-RP and have experience roleplay as one as well.
The second reason I am suitable for an Executive Researcher is my extraordinary work ethic. Personally, whenever I come up with an idea or am working on a project I really enjoy, I would always think about the subject for hours upon hours and I would continue working on those ideas until I am fully satisfied with my work. As a result, I am very active on this server so the majority of the time, I would be available to assist with other researchers, attend meetings, interact with other people, etc.
The third and final reason I am suitable for an Executive Researcher is I have tons of experience in leadership positions. It is regarded that those who hold Clearance level 4 positions are considered leadership and they have to hold their standards for role models. From other gmod servers, I held numerous leadership positions in which I know how to conduct myself professionally, acknowledged that people look up to me as a role-model, and must be able to punish individuals for breaking the rules if necessary.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written 3 excellent-graded documents with one of them titled “Cross Test SCP-035 SCP-914”, another titled “SCP-999 Incident 1-A” and the final excellent-graded document titled "SCP-1162 Item List". All of these documents can be founded in SCIPNET or the Research Roster. From those two examples of excellent-graded documents, I can confidently state what makes a document excellent. The first element of an excellent grade document is it must be extremely detail-oriented. If your test document is vague on how the test went or pure laziness of writing one sentence for each page, that is not how you get an excellent graded document. Essentially, you want it to be so detailed that any person reading the document can envision themselves being there with each and every detail improving upon the imagination. The second element of an excellent document is the creativity of the test itself. If a researcher does a test like reading SCP-1025 with a D Class to see what happens, it is boring and repetitive. Executive Researchers want to read a test that piques their interest so much that they will sign that document just to see how the test will go. Furthermore, if it is a test that no one has done before, creativity would be even greater as there is nothing to compare it to. The third and final element to an excellent document is grammar. You may have the best detailed and creative test you have ever taken, but if your document contains spelling mistakes or sentences that don’t make sense grammatically, then an excellent grade will not come. Before you upload any document, double check and review your document to ensure everything makes sense and everything is spelt correctly.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
For an Executive Researcher, their primary duties is to essentially be a representative of the Research Department. You are the one researchers go to if they want a test to be approved or if they need advice on research in general. If there is an unidentified anomalous entity, you are expected to conduct tests upon it or assign other researchers to do so. Executive Researchers have the power to approve crediting from Junior Researchers and are able to terminate Researcher employment at the Foundation (job ban). Furthermore, Executive Researchers assist in the duties of the Research Department Director to essentially ensure Research Department runs smoothly.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Research Ricardo Julius graduated from Stanford University, a prestigious Ivy League College with a masters in organic biology. One day, he received an email from one of his previous college professors stating if he wants a referral to an organization for work. Seeing as Ricardo didn’t have other options, he accepted the referral with the organization being the Foundation. Starting the job, he got used to the anomalous with each day becoming easier than the next. After 6 months on the job, he was promoted to Researcher and his clearance was updated to be clearance level 2. Throughout his time at the Foundation, Researcher Julius has received praised from his research supervisors, complimenting his work ethic and his brilliant mind on test; so much so that the upper echelons started to notice Researcher Julius. While working in the Research Wing, Julius got pinged by the Department Director of Researcher to come to his office. Upon arrival, MTF Omega-1 was guarding the office and inside was an unknown man in a suit. The man in the suit was one of the Ethics Committee members of the SCP Foundation, a part of Foundation Command. “The Ethics Committee has taken notice of your work Julius.” He stated. “As such, we would like for you to focus on an SCP and find out a way to terminate it” Ricardo Julius was brief on the SCP in question and it was SCP-682, the immortal lizard. After this encounter, Ricardo Julius spent timeless hours researching and debating termination attempts on SCP-682 and a long list of termination attempts follows the work of Ricardo Julius.
Discord name: Hiroshima
For how long have you played on CG SCP: V time is 1 day and 16 hours
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Ricardo Julius
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
- N/A
- No
I am submitting my application for Executive Researcher for a couple of reasons. The first reason is to mentor the newly trained Researchers of the Department. When I first joined the Research Department, I didn’t have a damn clue of what to do, how to test on SCPs, what procedures to follow, etc. Luckily, I have amazing senior researchers and the executive team of research to assist me in all my questions and inquiries. I want to be able to give that same experience I felt to other individuals who wish to play Research but don’t quite know how to do it yet.
The second reason I wish to become an Executive Researcher is to be able to frequently grade tests uploaded and sign off on tests for Researcher. Two of the most annoying experiences I had and most researchers had in the research department was not being able to get a specific document signed or having to upload the same test over and over again because no one graded them. It is a frustrating feeling of all your hard work you put into testing and you get stonewalled because someone couldn’t match your hard work. I wish to ease this frustration and dedicate time to ensure that researchers' tests can be signed and their tests graded in an effective time.
The third reason I wish to become an Executive Researcher is to extend my reach in the SCPs I am authorized to test upon. When I first started as a Junior Researcher I was extremely limited to the SCPs I was able to test on and that didn’t sit right with me as I am a very creative individual and I wish to express my ideas without being restricted from doing so. If I get accepted to become an Executive Researcher, I would be able to access most if not all the SCPs in Site-65 so I can finally utilize all my ideas for testing.
What makes you suitable for an Executive Researcher?:
There are a couple of reasons as to what makes me suitable for an Executive Researcher. The first reason is I have a lot of experience when it comes to SCP-RP lore and when it comes to SCP-RP gmod servers in General. I used to play a lot of SCP-RP on different servers and the majority of that time was playing research characters. As a result, I know the basic fundamentals on the dos and don’t when roleplaying as a Researcher in SCP-RP and have experience roleplay as one as well.
The second reason I am suitable for an Executive Researcher is my extraordinary work ethic. Personally, whenever I come up with an idea or am working on a project I really enjoy, I would always think about the subject for hours upon hours and I would continue working on those ideas until I am fully satisfied with my work. As a result, I am very active on this server so the majority of the time, I would be available to assist with other researchers, attend meetings, interact with other people, etc.
The third and final reason I am suitable for an Executive Researcher is I have tons of experience in leadership positions. It is regarded that those who hold Clearance level 4 positions are considered leadership and they have to hold their standards for role models. From other gmod servers, I held numerous leadership positions in which I know how to conduct myself professionally, acknowledged that people look up to me as a role-model, and must be able to punish individuals for breaking the rules if necessary.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written 3 excellent-graded documents with one of them titled “Cross Test SCP-035 SCP-914”, another titled “SCP-999 Incident 1-A” and the final excellent-graded document titled "SCP-1162 Item List". All of these documents can be founded in SCIPNET or the Research Roster. From those two examples of excellent-graded documents, I can confidently state what makes a document excellent. The first element of an excellent grade document is it must be extremely detail-oriented. If your test document is vague on how the test went or pure laziness of writing one sentence for each page, that is not how you get an excellent graded document. Essentially, you want it to be so detailed that any person reading the document can envision themselves being there with each and every detail improving upon the imagination. The second element of an excellent document is the creativity of the test itself. If a researcher does a test like reading SCP-1025 with a D Class to see what happens, it is boring and repetitive. Executive Researchers want to read a test that piques their interest so much that they will sign that document just to see how the test will go. Furthermore, if it is a test that no one has done before, creativity would be even greater as there is nothing to compare it to. The third and final element to an excellent document is grammar. You may have the best detailed and creative test you have ever taken, but if your document contains spelling mistakes or sentences that don’t make sense grammatically, then an excellent grade will not come. Before you upload any document, double check and review your document to ensure everything makes sense and everything is spelt correctly.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
For an Executive Researcher, their primary duties is to essentially be a representative of the Research Department. You are the one researchers go to if they want a test to be approved or if they need advice on research in general. If there is an unidentified anomalous entity, you are expected to conduct tests upon it or assign other researchers to do so. Executive Researchers have the power to approve crediting from Junior Researchers and are able to terminate Researcher employment at the Foundation (job ban). Furthermore, Executive Researchers assist in the duties of the Research Department Director to essentially ensure Research Department runs smoothly.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Research Ricardo Julius graduated from Stanford University, a prestigious Ivy League College with a masters in organic biology. One day, he received an email from one of his previous college professors stating if he wants a referral to an organization for work. Seeing as Ricardo didn’t have other options, he accepted the referral with the organization being the Foundation. Starting the job, he got used to the anomalous with each day becoming easier than the next. After 6 months on the job, he was promoted to Researcher and his clearance was updated to be clearance level 2. Throughout his time at the Foundation, Researcher Julius has received praised from his research supervisors, complimenting his work ethic and his brilliant mind on test; so much so that the upper echelons started to notice Researcher Julius. While working in the Research Wing, Julius got pinged by the Department Director of Researcher to come to his office. Upon arrival, MTF Omega-1 was guarding the office and inside was an unknown man in a suit. The man in the suit was one of the Ethics Committee members of the SCP Foundation, a part of Foundation Command. “The Ethics Committee has taken notice of your work Julius.” He stated. “As such, we would like for you to focus on an SCP and find out a way to terminate it” Ricardo Julius was brief on the SCP in question and it was SCP-682, the immortal lizard. After this encounter, Ricardo Julius spent timeless hours researching and debating termination attempts on SCP-682 and a long list of termination attempts follows the work of Ricardo Julius.
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