Richter "Raijin" Ethics assistant app

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Jul 1, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60156969

Discord name: MTF O1 LT Richter "Blade"

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Vtime is messed up but around 350 hours on server

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: MST

Character name(s): Richter "Raijin". Ivan "Liquidus" Kolovitch

Civilian name: Timmy Dean

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes
- Pretty active on voice, a lot of people even know me by my voice at this point

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Only have O1 CPT at the moment as whitelisted

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Nope! Im also a staff member as well so I aim to follow rules as best as possible

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
Its already my daily job on the server to escort and maintain Ethics on the foundation, ever since being a Gensec I've always been really good on enforcing the CoE and even giving more than I should sometimes in terms of warnings. I also do assist with informing my Ethics members of any non-ethical things that may be going on.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
To assist Ethics Members with their day to day duties such as watching over the divisions of the foundation and ensuring everyone is up to par with CoE as well as filing reports on said divisions and giving that information to the proper Ethics member overlooking said division

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Richter is a retired Marine, awarded a Purple Heart for his injuries and services in Afghanistan during the early 2000's. When he returned back home to the city of Boston he would frequent the gun range and hang out at the bar down the road, "Rudy's Saloon". One night after finishing up at the range and walking to get a drink a mysterious van pulled up dangerously quick and before Richter knew it everything went black.

He woke up inside of an enclosed room, bag over his head and arms tied to the chair. A nicely dressed fellow in a suit with a logo that read "S.C.P" on his arm smiles at him and says "Hello, you must be wondering why you're in this room Richter". Astonished that the gentleman knew his name he couldn't help but reply "Why do you know me and why am I here". The man in the suit simply said "I want to give you a job, I know about how you performed in Afghanistan. You'd be helping with containing prisoners and escorting personnel for our foundation." Foundation? Richter was so confused at what was transpiring, almost like it was a dream. and almost unknowingly Richter said "I'll take your job". Without even asking about why those prisoners are there or what this 'Foundation' was. He felt happy though.

Three slow days rolled by before that same suited man and 2 others came to Richter's door one day and escorted him into a van, blindfolding him for the journey but engaging in small talk about hobbies, food, and other pleasantries of life. Richter had no idea it would be the last sensible conversation he'd have for a while. A day of driving goes by and Richter is escorted into a building, and through 3 different elevators where he's welcomed to a bunk, various security guards wandering in and out to begin or end their duties. He's then debriefed on what his job is specifically and given his set of standard issue Military Police gear. He thought it was strange, security guards aren't usually fitted with body armor and fully automatic weapons. Then he heard about what an 'S.C.P' is and who these 'Prisoners' are. And thus he went to his duties, watching over the area known as "D-block". All Richter knew he had to do was follow this Code of Ethics. give them their warnings, don't kill unless your life is threatened or orders aren't listened to. Easy he thought, yet it didn't seem to be that way for the others working alongside him. On the first day so many lives were lost. The Security would gun down any D-class that ran, or broke out of cuffs, Richter felt conflicted about that, he had even started making friends with some of the D-class just because they complimented how he gave them a fair chance instead of spraying their blood all over the walls. Then he got shot seconds later by another D-class hiding in the back with a revolver. Everything is fading to black and I hear a voice yell to me "Don't go into the light! Stay with me dammit!" He almost thought about letting go, he'd live a happy long life and this foundation was surly a dream all along. He then heard the sound of a defibrillator powering up and someone yelling "Clear!" and after a few failed attempts, his eyes finally opened. The gunfire had stopped and there was 2 medics looking over him, thrilled that they had saved another life. Richter understood why these prisoners couldn't be trusted now, but still felt a shed of sympathy for their conflicted lives. This would be his life for the next few weeks.

Its been almost 4 weeks. Richter's gotten a promotion to officer and signed up for Riot training. He heard it'd get him out of the chaos of D-block and he knew he needed that break. Training comes around and its time for studying, a quiz, and a quick run of a shooting range. Ah the shooting range, it brought back bittersweet memories of when life was almost normal. Richter performed well, being one of five people to pass out of thirteen attendees. He would be assigned a small group of 3 other Riot officers and they would conduct their patrols together. It was short lived though, on the first day of the job Richter had gotten a bag thrown on his head and restrains on without him even knowing. "I'm gonna die aren't I" were the first thoughts that came to mind, and a piece of him kind of wished it would have happened after the hell of the past few weeks. He was brought to a server room where the bag was taken off and he was being stared down by a squad of troops that looked way above his pay grade. The one in the center with a beret on his head and the codeword "Dirty" on his tag. "Do you know why I brought you here" he asked Richter in a serious tone. All Richter could say back was "No." He had been performing so well, why would he get punished? That's when "Dirty" offered a position, under the stipulation that he could pass a simple test and prove his skill with a gun. An hour goes by and Richter passes the test albeit messing up on a question during the test. "Welcome to O-1, Laws Left Hand. Richter is now dead, what is your name soldier?" After some thought to the name Richter looked Dirty in the eyes and said "Blade, Sir." And it felt like another new start in life, but he felt... comfortable? This was more militaristic, more like the Marine Corp. That he was so familiar with. He felt at home, almost like he had a new family.

About a month would go by with Blade rising through the ranks of O-1 and working with his new bosses known as the Ethics Committee. They were good guys, helping Blade with knowledge that he needed to properly do his job, falling in formation and giving their lives for the Ethics members to ensure their safety at all times. And for the most part he did great at his job, even assisted in saving a handful of the members and their assistants when being captured or in near death situations. Over time he would rise to be a commanding officer where he could truly shine in his expertise, leading and helping form together this squadron that he's grown to know as a family. Shedding the name of "Blade" and taking the mantle of "Raijin" the Japanese Thunder God. All things have been going well, and then one day, a garbled transmission came in through his comms. "Come to the office of the committee. We await your arrival". Raijin was shocked, no one gets to go into their office, only the highest clearance of info is in there. He has a deep worry about what they may want from him, but time will tell...
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Zach "BUB"

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 30, 2022
Untitled (3) (5).png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Rock's Ethics Committee Assistant Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is in agreement that you are suited to be an Assistant. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you are available. You will be closely looked at by the committee.
- Zach "BUB"
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