Rizzo's Site Director Application

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Active member
Apr 15, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38317980
Discord name: Rittscracker
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Vtime: 3d 14 hr+ Monthly as of posting. Joined in Mid-April
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Dr. Rizzo
Civilian name: Mr. Pizzo
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chief of Medicine
Site Advisor
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Director?
I have spent a majority of my time at Site 56 overseeing Medical . I have improved structure within Medical by creating document formats for existing procedures as well as things that were created on my own. I also have brought new ideas into the medical team and work cooperatively with all leading medical staff to conduct meetings to advance Medical. I hold all members of the facility to the same standard as I hold myself and respect all individuals accordingly, with that said, I have had to discipline personnel and often find great results with having a quick chat with them. As my time as Site Advisor, I have brought document formatting to the Site-Admin system as well and desire to expand upon that more. I desire to see an Advancement within Site-Admin by bringing new concepts and structure to the Overall system.
What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
I have brought a good amount of development to the Site-Administration team as my time as Advisor, Using my experience as a Chief of Medicine I desire to bring more structure to Site-Admin and ultimately seek to make it the leading role that it truly is. I have experienced lots of events on the server and know the proper procedures for handling each event respectively. I have acted in place of the Director in many circumstances and seek to continue to do so by taking a more prominent role then what Advisors currently do.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration is the go-to for all aspects of Site-56. They hold the highest rank among all foundation personnel and executes the orders of Site Command as well as hearing the questions and concerns of foundation personnel. Site Administration not only oversees the main departments, but also has oversight of MTF regiments E-11 and NU-7. As Site Advisor I will seek to work directly alongside the Director and advisors in continuing to bring order to the foundation. I look forward to working directly alongside all departments and regiments to get them the resources they need to preform their duties to the best.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Doctor Rizzo was born and raised in [REDACTED], Michigan. Rizzo was the youngest of 4 siblings and a single mother who often found that kissing the bottle was sweeter than kissing her own children. He often read alone as a child after school in his small town along the lakeside in between skipping rocks and learning life lessons from the local fishermen. After a long time away from his home town at a prominent local university, Doctor Rizzo was welcomed into the Newberry State Hospital as a resident and quickly climbed the ropes, working often afterhours to ensure the facility functioned properly. After 3 years of working at the facility, Doctor Rizzo was subcontracted into the facility in order to preform daily Psychological Evaluations on Site staff without their knowledge of the exam even happening. Upon Completion of the Contract the Facility extended the offer and welcomed Rizzo into the Medical Department as Chief and providing him with the many means necessary to continue his work that he previously had done while he worked in the "Asylum".

The Foundation found much use in Dr. Rizzo in the most recent months. Dr. Rizzo was offered a position within Site-Administration as an Advisor. During this time, Dr. Rizzo would spend time with all aspects of the facility, garnering him a much larger reputation than just being a psychiatrist . Dr. Rizzo was offered a position to assist the Medical team over at Site-65 but seeing as they could not be at both facilities at once. With this ultimatum Dr. Rizzo has decided to apply for Director of Site-56 in order to advance the facility into the next era that is already upon us.
May 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38317980
Discord name: Rittscracker
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Vtime: 3d 14 hr+ Monthly as of posting. Joined in Mid-April
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Dr. Rizzo
Civilian name: Mr. Pizzo
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chief of Medicine
Site Advisor
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Director?
I have spent a majority of my time at Site 56 overseeing Medical . I have improved structure within Medical by creating document formats for existing procedures as well as things that were created on my own. I also have brought new ideas into the medical team and work cooperatively with all leading medical staff to conduct meetings to advance Medical. I hold all members of the facility to the same standard as I hold myself and respect all individuals accordingly, with that said, I have had to discipline personnel and often find great results with having a quick chat with them. As my time as Site Advisor, I have brought document formatting to the Site-Admin system as well and desire to expand upon that more. I desire to see an Advancement within Site-Admin by bringing new concepts and structure to the Overall system.
What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
I have brought a good amount of development to the Site-Administration team as my time as Advisor, Using my experience as a Chief of Medicine I desire to bring more structure to Site-Admin and ultimately seek to make it the leading role that it truly is. I have experienced lots of events on the server and know the proper procedures for handling each event respectively. I have acted in place of the Director in many circumstances and seek to continue to do so by taking a more prominent role then what Advisors currently do.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration is the go-to for all aspects of Site-56. They hold the highest rank among all foundation personnel and executes the orders of Site Command as well as hearing the questions and concerns of foundation personnel. Site Administration not only oversees the main departments, but also has oversight of MTF regiments E-11 and NU-7. As Site Advisor I will seek to work directly alongside the Director and advisors in continuing to bring order to the foundation. I look forward to working directly alongside all departments and regiments to get them the resources they need to preform their duties to the best.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Doctor Rizzo was born and raised in [REDACTED], Michigan. Rizzo was the youngest of 4 siblings and a single mother who often found that kissing the bottle was sweeter than kissing her own children. He often read alone as a child after school in his small town along the lakeside in between skipping rocks and learning life lessons from the local fishermen. After a long time away from his home town at a prominent local university, Doctor Rizzo was welcomed into the Newberry State Hospital as a resident and quickly climbed the ropes, working often afterhours to ensure the facility functioned properly. After 3 years of working at the facility, Doctor Rizzo was subcontracted into the facility in order to preform daily Psychological Evaluations on Site staff without their knowledge of the exam even happening. Upon Completion of the Contract the Facility extended the offer and welcomed Rizzo into the Medical Department as Chief and providing him with the many means necessary to continue his work that he previously had done while he worked in the "Asylum".

The Foundation found much use in Dr. Rizzo in the most recent months. Dr. Rizzo was offered a position within Site-Administration as an Advisor. During this time, Dr. Rizzo would spend time with all aspects of the facility, garnering him a much larger reputation than just being a psychiatrist . Dr. Rizzo was offered a position to assist the Medical team over at Site-65 but seeing as they could not be at both facilities at once. With this ultimatum Dr. Rizzo has decided to apply for Director of Site-56 in order to advance the facility into the next era that is already upon us.
This guy knows what he's doing, he'd make a good director to work with :)

-Site Director Ms. Halo


Well-known Member
May 24, 2022


+ Well written application.
+ One of the most organized guys I know.
+ May or may not have helped me during my tenure as Executive.

Back when I was an Executive, when I thought of Site Administration, I was often thinking of Rizzo. Now that a lot of things have changed hands, the trio of Rizzo, Halo and Locust is quite the team to hold things up. However, when it comes to becoming a Co-Director, I think Rizzo has all the right stuff for the job.

Spreadsheets galore that show his dedication to the job, the ability to craft solutions to problems, taking care of the nitty gritty 'boring' aspects of the job with a smile. I like Rizzo's attitude and I'd love to work with him as a Site Director.


Active member
Mar 18, 2022

From the office of ████████

Application Accepted

Hello, Dr. Advisor Rizzo

Thank you for creating this application. Following your continuous work in Site Administration, the council has decided you are capable for this position as a Co-Director with the current Site Director Halo. The Site Director is tasked with leading Site Administration and your fellow personnel at Site-56. Good luck.

Congratulations Site Director Rizzo

Contact O5-4 for more details.​
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