Robin's Discord Ban Appeal


Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 9, 2022
Your Discord name & tag: xbyrobin

What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP

Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 1140771463641702540

Date of ban (if known): 04/06/2024

Reason for ban (if known): Harassment and Severe Toxicity

Who banned you?: Probably Naffen

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: No, never.

Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): Because I have been banned for 4 months now and I have fully matured and thought about my actions that I have done, I regret them and will never do those again, the reason this happened is because I was a little mad because I got banned from the server and I should have thought about the consequences first before being Toxic to others for no reason over a game ban. I promise you that I will never ever harass or be toxic to anyone again, I have matured and will think twice again before saying anything or doing anything. Would be pretty nice if you would lift the ban because I just wanna be part of the community again cuz I had lots of fun whilst it lasted. Thanks for reading my appeal.