Rookie James appeal

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Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
Your in-game name: Rookie James
Your SteamID: 76561199000250058
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: Wed 29 12:49:00 2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Reason : Severe Toxicity
Who banned you: Luft/Requis
Ban length?: 2 weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): i can't
What will you do to stop this from happening again: They brough something i did days ago as 7722 talking in IC about killing gays people or islam people if they don't believe in god, frank decied to make his own rules now, all i did was roleplaying as 7722.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? yes
Why should you be unbanned: All i did was only roleplaying as 7722, fact that they brought something i did days agos just to get me banned and trying to get me perma banned, i got ton of screenshot of chat being toxic to me but they don't get 1 single warning, i should be unbanned because i was roleplaying as 7722 IC, being racist or homophoic in IC as 7722 is allowed since 7722 doesnt believe in gays/muslims right.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: i didn't break any rules, all i did was just roleplaying as 7722, admins got pissed off about me playing as 7722.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Server is good but the mods/admins don't know the rules, they're making their own rules and i got ton of screenshots of players being toxic same as admins, you should demote/kick some staff that don't even know your rules. Very sad to see civil gamers going down like that, back then 1-2 years ago server was fun, everything was good, zero MTF toxicity, but now it all going hell, admins giving free bans, they bring old warnings from 1 year ago.
(Frank is making his own rules right now)
Jun 6, 2022
Hi, @ZeroIQSkill

You were banned for saying the following phrase in IC/OOC:
"Rookie James: I don't like gays people, whoever is gay, i will put this arrow in his head."

Your excuse for this was because you were conducting this behavior "IC", which isn't a valid excuse as this is an RP server where you aren't
supposed to be saying things like this neither in OOC or IC situations regardless of whatever job you are which in this case was SCP 7722.
Neither me, or Frank (Requis) ever "made" our own rules up. You decided to be toxic, in this case homophobic against gay people and were promptly punished for it with extremely good reasoning and evidence.

Kind Regards, Luft.​


Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
This from IC, keep bring stuff where i did in IC. and how about you check the logs about MTF telling me to kill myself or you want @Cloak to do it for you?


Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
As i said SCP-7722 doesn't believe in gay rights/muslim, i was roleplaying in and 3 WEEKS AGO i asked admin if i am allowed to be racist as 7722, he said yes but not the racist ones.

you brining up stuff to get me ban, how sad?
Jun 6, 2022
This from IC, keep bring stuff where i did in IC. and how about you check the logs about MTF telling me to kill myself or you want @Cloak to do it for you?

If this was properly reported to us, in game including a name of the person who did this then it would've absolutely been dealt with. You were banned for something completely unrelated to this complaint, or appeal. We do not condone people's actions such as telling players to "kill themselves" or otherwise any death threats.


Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
This is precisely why we require you to make a proper report regarding situations like this, again if this was properly reported which I see no evidence of then it absolutely would've been dealt with.
it happen you n me n frank were in a sit, i legit said in vc "look at the chat look at the chat" you ignore me.
Jun 6, 2022
it happen you n me n frank were in a sit, i legit said in vc "look at the chat look at the chat" you ignore me.

As far as I am aware, you were only complaining about the ban reasoning and bringing up old bans that you were given. At no point, from what I could hear from you did I ever hear anything regarding chat or toxicity. The only things mentioned were the bans, and you justifying what you were saying or had said as SCP-7722.


Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
You were banned for saying the following phrase in IC/OOC:
"Rookie James: I don't like gays people, whoever is gay, i will put this arrow in his head."

Your excuse for this was because you were conducting this behavior "IC", which isn't a valid excuse as this is an RP server where you aren't
supposed to be saying things like this neither in OOC or IC situations regardless of whatever job you are which in this case was SCP 7722.
Neither me, or Frank (Requis) ever "made" our own rules up. You decided to be toxic, in this case homophobic against gay people and were promptly punished for it with extremely good reasoning and evidence.
Btw, this happend 1 day ago, how come no one reported me when i said that? let me guess, you sreach it and no one reported it, they randomly called me homophoic cuz i said "gay" in chat and it counts as homophoic to you.
You decied to sreach it as soon as i breached and i stay down at 682 camber, just to get me banned.


Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021
And also giving me another 3 days banned from 7722 as soon as i get unbanned, reason : "roleplaying as 7722"


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022
Hi, as @Luft has clarified, you were banned for saying phrases that we considered homophobic.

Examples of this included;
"Rookie James: I don't like gays people, whoever is gay, i will put this arrow in his head."

While yes, you are allowed to RP as your character, expressing racist or homophobic sentiments is against server rules. I hope this clarifies the reasoning for the ban.
Appeal Denied

Hi @ZeroIQSkill ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Honestly, I don't care if you're roleplaying this agenda, we do not accept hate/prejudice against social groups/sexuality. We are an inclusive community and we respect and preserve eachothers values & morality. If you honestly believe this is acceptable you seriously need to re-evaluate the approach you take in the forseeable future. When you return I hope you don't continue this behaviour.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks.​
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