Denied RRT Changes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Mar 13, 2023
What does this suggestion add:
Revamp the RRT system by introducing a new protocol that functions similar to the ERT, where it is only deployed when necessary. In addition, I recommend implementing a new unit to replace the RRT and fill in the void left by its absence. This new unit, known as the STF or Security Task Force, would bring a fresh perspective to the game and provide an exciting new gameplay experience for our players. Overall, this would enhance the quality and diversity of the server, making it more engaging and immersive for everyone involved.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. Improved gameplay experience: By introducing a new protocol that only deploys when needed and a new unit to replace RRT, the gameplay experience can be more dynamic and engaging. This can help to keep players interested and invested in the game, making for a more enjoyable and immersive experience overall.
  2. Increased variety and replayability: The addition of a new unit like STF can offer players a fresh and unique gameplay experience that they may not have had before. This can help to keep the game feeling new and exciting, even for long-time players who may have become accustomed to the old RRT system. This increased variety and replayability can also attract new players to the server, helping to grow and diversify the player base

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. Resistance to change: Some players may be resistant to the introduction of a new protocol and unit, especially if they have become used to the old RRT system. They may feel that the change is unnecessary or disrupts their existing gameplay style, and this could potentially lead to a decrease in player satisfaction.
  2. Balancing issues: Introducing a new unit like STF can have balancing implications for the game. If the unit is too powerful or too weak compared to the other units in the game, it can affect the fairness of the gameplay experience. Balancing issues can be difficult to address, and it may take some time for the development team to fine-tune the new unit's attributes and abilities to ensure a fair and balanced gameplay experience for all players.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Based on the positives and negatives presented, whether or not this suggestion should be accepted ultimately depends on the server's goals and priorities.

If the server is looking to enhance the gameplay experience and increase variety and replayability for its players, then the positives of this suggestion may outweigh the potential negatives. The introduction of a new protocol and unit can bring new life to the game, keep players engaged, and potentially attract new players to the server.

However, if the server is concerned about balancing issues and player resistance to change, then this suggestion may not be the best fit. In this case, the development team may need to take additional steps to address these concerns before implementing the new system.

Overall, it's important to weigh the potential positives and negatives of any suggestion and carefully consider how it aligns with the server's goals and priorities.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @6thMayKing,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. This suggestion has been denied in the past. RRT is meant to be on-site, and we don't plan on RRT having the ability to be called in a similar fashion to ERT. The idea is novel, but unneeded.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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