Ryota's Demotion Appeal

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SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
May 25, 2022
Name: Ryota
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:89417691
Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Admin
Who demoted you?: Pyro
Date of demotion?: Unsure
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
What is the case against you?: Inactivity
Is this true?: Somewhat, however, things were going on in the background that I would rather discuss 1 on 1 than post here.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Had stuff from when I had first joined the server due to situations of me not having known the rules at the time.
What is your side of the story?: I would rather explain this 1 on 1 as mentioned above as the situation I would prefer to keep private
Why should you return / what will you change?: I will make sure to up my activity more than what it was as at the time of the demotion things were going on IRL and I was trying to balance things and it did not work out. These things have since blown over and have calmed down. I have also gathered more time to be able to play and have a new strive to continue in the staff team. More can be explained when discussed in private.
don't know why a staff member deleted my previous comment, you were a bad staff member, extremely inactive, and through my interactions with you when I was in GOC you were clearly biased to UNGOC and would try hard to not punish them (them actively ERPing in teamspeak and you not saying a damn word is an example)
Do you have actual evidence of them ERPing or
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