SA Harvey Bridger APP UK

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:808706279

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 8 months

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: BST

Character name(s):

Harvey Bridger

Gerald Partino

Raymond Fisher

Civilian name:

Raymond Fisher

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: YES

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF E-11 LT [Holding]

GSD SGT [Holding]

IA Agent [Holding]

Combat medic [Holding]

CI-B [Holding]

IA Ambassador [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I feel that it is time for me to attempt to elevate to a more senior position in this case Site Advisor. I have been in E-11 for Over 4 months and before that another two months in IA as an Ambassador and from this I have been in the state of mind of someone who is heavily combative based on roleplay experience (E-11) but also one with a heavily passive-based roleplay experience (IA Agent & Ambassador) I also believe that from my time in IA, I have gained an understanding of the FLC which is suitable for a member of Site Administration. overall I am applying as this position would allow me to use my set of skills which I have learned on the way with the help of the members of this community to give back to me through being a Site Advisor.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I have held positions that are both diverse in their own way. IA ambassadors which was a situation where I was leading Agents and making sure that the FLC was being enforced properly and that it was being done appropriately and suitably depending on the circumstances, through E-11, where I am currently and LT I would normally be dealing with stress and under circumstances in which I need to be able to think fast on my feet in situations such as breaches of SCPs possibly reacting to CIs' presence in HCZ, etc. which are also qualities of a Site Advisor as they need to be able to Decide what to do under pressure in even more situations from a Logistical point of view which is somewhat detached but still crucial.

Recently I have been working on GSD as an SGT, which has allowed me to further work on being in charge and having to control personnel in an area and lead things such as C2 sweeps which have the fundamentals that I would say are required for SA such as being able to think on the spot and adapt your plan based on the set of events which have occurred to have the best possible outcome occurs but also being able to communicate and relay information towards to people involved but also those that are not involved, so that transparency is happening in some situations you might have to be transparent to a specific extent as it might be better to leave it there.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Maintaining policies- Making sure that policies are up to date and that they do not contradict other policies but also that they are straight and simple to allow for no misunderstandings to occur.

Overseeing the development of Departments and MTFs.

Appointing people such as DPT Directors, NU7 Com & E-11 Com (unless they are appointed by EC or The 05 Council)

Audits of Departements- Recording how a department has done over the last month and seeing how their overall presence on the site has been and whether or not there have been any major issues such as tribunals unions etc. and recording that in a more metric way which also shows where they can improve and what the steps to being able to do so are.

Representing the Site

Delegating with other GOIs- Making sure that relations with other groups of interest are stable and that there are no major issues that might cause issues in the future.

Authorization on behalf of SA

Authorizing AA- When needed in situations where there are 2 SCPS keter+ breached in most situations or unless it is Authorizing the use of matadors which are for Armoured vehicles, not SCPs.

Authorizing Test- Authorizing tests when they require SA to sign off on them for whatever reason that might be.

Authorizing of passive breaches- Under the condition that they have a BM of Less than 10% and that they have an E-11 Escort at all times during their passive breach.

Authorizing side-wide lockdowns- In situations such as CI having flowers and now exfilling the site, and possibly during breaches. In situations where a SA+ is present on Site.

I have decided to apply for this position even though I have another application out already as I am going to take my chances every time that I can, interpret that any way you want to but I am applying because I want to apply and have another app out will not stop me even though I shouldn't I will as this is a rare occurrence.

My plans...

I plan to work with departments to ensure they have up-to-date policies that do not contradict or interfere with other site policies or department policies.

I also plan to work on helping the department advance on their policies and their departments as a whole with the changes that might be occurring in the site which might affect them by being there as a source of assistance and someone who you can't talk to about any queries regarding policies.

Lore my character is involved with...


Clearance level required 5​

Override Puppeteer Activated​

Welcome Chief Overseer,​



The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Harvey Bridger

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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