SCP-096 application usa

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Active member
Feb 1, 2023
Steam ID: 76561198959733673
Discord name: NEXUS games#9246
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 months
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: danmark
Time zone: cet
Character name(s): "Nexus"
Civilian name:"chaos"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): scp-rp usa
Do you have a mic?: i do
What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):1679153188244.png
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:i do not have any mtf or ci
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: no but i have gotten a verbel warning for rdm
What makes you suitable for SCP-096?: i believe i have the cabebility to rp as 096 in an imerseve way
What is the usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified?: either sitting and crying or walking around
When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?: i believe 096 can be pretty much any where aslong as a person that has veiwed his face is
How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process: when he is passive you can pu a bucket on his head and that way it is i think impossalbe to veiw his face unles there is a picture of his face or that someone takes the bucket off
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