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May 6, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name: kenči#2348

For how long have you played on CG SCP: This month 1d and 17h

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: Sweden

Time zone: CET

Character name(s): izet burekman

Civilian name: ekong akwuegbo

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes
What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu): Level 10
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Haven't held any, i am pretty new here.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
3 warnings.

1st warning: September 4th 2022. No idea it said micspamming and it was like a year ago when i wasn't really playing this server. my bad i have changed tho so i dont micspam.
2nd warning: I was playing a song i wanted to listen to and preview and i accidentaly held my mic down to talk instead of another button which led to a instant sit even tho no one said to stop. Still my bad
3rd warning: I called some cracker, didnt mean for someone to take offence to it. Someone was being rude to me and i wanted to be a bit funny, but apparently it was toxic and racist and even as close as saying the n word (that kinda sounds stupid). Also that admin told me to tell him to unmute him in chat when he muted me in chat. I think you need to talk with some of your staff members.

These warnings are harmeless and i do apologize for them, one is a while ago didnt remember it, another was a accident and no one was telling me to stop, if someone did i would've, 3rd one wasn't mean to offend anyone and making anyone feel bad. It was just a harmless word. I do not think saying it has the same power as the n-word is a thing. Because the n-word had a meaning to it and prior history. Cracker is just something new and made to call someone white. Also it can be yknow a biscuit or whatever. I do tho apologize for these things and i will improve.

What makes you suitable for SCP-096?: Well i have from another scp rp server also wanted to apply and was going to but couldnt because the server was shut down temporarily for updates. I know the containment procedure and i know about the scp a lot. It is my favourite scp probably. I feel like it is the best scp to rp and interact with players through rp. Also maybe using my soundboards for his noises while pacified and moving around and sitting down. I also feel like i am a good roleplayer and won't just minge around with the scp. Otherwise i wouldn't be applying for this as it takes an application which means to be taken a bit more seriously.

What is the usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified?:
The anomaly usually sits down and whines, it cries to lure people to be nice and maybe touch it and look at its face. Sometimes this works, sometimes it dosen't. Then after some time he moves places and roams a bit to find a new spot to sit. Why he does this? No idea maybe because it wants to move around or is just bored. It is humanoid looking and has vocals, so it can have some human traits.

When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
No SCP-096 aka "Shy Guy" cannot go anywhere he wants just like that. There needs to be a reason and because of the reason there will be a consequence. What i mean is for a reason is that someone has to have looked at it from a picture, video tape or in real time otherwise it has no reason to chase them as its trait is: If you look at its face it will chase you, not sure if also it is shot at or touched will also trigger it. But looking at its face is definetly a reason. The consequence is it chasing down the guy/girl who looked at it and murdering them. Then it would sit down again and whine, trying to lure its next victim. Also adjusting its position and roaming a bit.

How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process:
1. First it has to be in its calm state otherwise we risk for more causalties and it running around more causing more chaos and destruction.
2. When it is in its calm state a bucket will be put on its head so no one can look in its face, which means he cannot be enraged anymore unless someone looks at it from a picture, video recording etc.
3. Use the "Anomaly containment beam" when this is applied onto any anomaly then the creature can be cuffed and dragged back to its containment chamber to be recontained so no more people die and the facility dosen't get more sabotaged. Such as keycard failures, lights going out, tesla gate not working etc.
4. Now it is recontained and you can go back to your normal duties (probably guarding hcz checkpoint or doing some other stuff idk i am not mtf).

Thank you for reading this, if i did anything wrong or short please give me feedback so i can improve!
PS: I am not 100% sure about the containement procedure so maybe more details on how it works on this server. Otherwise i have used my visual knowledge from this server and from how most other scps are contained. Also from the scp server i was in which had the bucket thing and cuffing part. Not the beam tho.
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