Denied SCP-1036

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

SCP-1036-6, SCP-1036-2, SCP-1036-3 and, SCP-1036-4

Note: I am not requesting for all to be added but if the playerbase/management team could find a way to add all four instances and come up with personalities and lore for instances 2, 3 and, 4 than it would be really cool to have them all on the server although I do hope SCP-1036-6 can make his way onto the server.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

No it has not been suggested before in the past.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

SCP-1036 is an extremely interesting Euclid Class SCP. Since there are multiple instances of SCP-1036 multiple people could play it at the same time however each instance would have a unique personality and goal when breached. As with each new SCP suggested it brings in more players to either apply for it or work towards the required SCP level on the server and this would also bring in many new testing possibilities for Research. As for some of the instances based on the wiki SCP-1036-6 is a hostile instance and is willing to do whatever it means to escape. SCP-1036 would be considered an extremely dangerous SCP if it's able to possess someone on the server.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

SCP-1036 is similar to how SCP-035 works with "possessing" players and using them to do whatever they want.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

It adds a new SCP to the server potentially multiple new SCPs and as I said above in the positives since each instance has a unique personality management could come up with their own lore and personalities for each instance except for SCP-1036-6 I have not seen any information on the wiki regarding the other instances but SCP-1036 is extremely hostile according to the interview. This should give the lore team or management some fun to be had with creating their own ideas and something new and refreshing for them to add.
  • Too similar to existing SCPs gameplay-wise
    • Would be wasting limited model filespace, map space, etc. on it
    • Would be wasting time trying to figure out the headache of how to balance it and make it different to 035
  • Base concept of what the SCP does is too strong and does not really fit well into the server as it is right now, especially given the above
  • Staff are not accepting suggestions for new SCPs like this anyway - You will most likely be denied and told as such.
My advice to you on creating suggestions, especially in the case of suggesting an entirely new SCP:
  • Do some more research on the subject matter, try and provide resources and material to review where possible.
    • When it comes to any kind of suggestion that you can generally put into a box like "Add a new SCP," look at previous suggestions similar to that. Yes, you've said this hasn't been suggested before in the past - And I imagine no-one has asked for 1036 specifically, but that doesn't mean there aren't prior suggestions for new SCPs that are relevant to the new suggestion. And even just finding the one I linked and reading through would have helped you enormously.
  • When it comes to anything involving a new model, what staff seem to appreciate the most in this regard is a model suggestion, even providing examples or any kind of prototype model if possible. Since new SCPs tend to involve new models, this should be something to consider in any suggestion trying to propose a new SCP.
  • When you identify a problem with your suggestion, if possible try to suggest ways that they could be mitigated or otherwise resolved.
  • Too similar to existing SCPs gameplay-wise
    • Would be wasting limited model filespace, map space, etc. on it
    • Would be wasting time trying to figure out the headache of how to balance it and make it different to 035
  • Base concept of what the SCP does is too strong and does not really fit well into the server as it is right now, especially given the above
  • Staff are not accepting suggestions for new SCPs like this anyway - You will most likely be denied and told as such.
My advice to you on creating suggestions, especially in the case of suggesting an entirely new SCP:
  • Do some more research on the subject matter, try and provide resources and material to review where possible.
    • When it comes to any kind of suggestion that you can generally put into a box like "Add a new SCP," look at previous suggestions similar to that. Yes, you've said this hasn't been suggested before in the past - And I imagine no-one has asked for 1036 specifically, but that doesn't mean there aren't prior suggestions for new SCPs that are relevant to the new suggestion. And even just finding the one I linked and reading through would have helped you enormously.
  • When it comes to anything involving a new model, what staff seem to appreciate the most in this regard is a model suggestion, even providing examples or any kind of prototype model if possible. Since new SCPs tend to involve new models, this should be something to consider in any suggestion trying to propose a new SCP.
  • When you identify a problem with your suggestion, if possible try to suggest ways that they could be mitigated or otherwise resolved.
I wasn't aware they weren't accepting suggestions for new SCPs I read both of the pinned threads under suggestions so unless I missed something I apologize. I appreciate the response and feedback though.
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Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi ToasterStrudels,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We are currently not looking to add any more SCPs to the server, we feel we have a good balance as it stands currently.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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