Denied SCP-457 buff (an extension of james kato's buff suggestion)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This Suggestion, if accepted would add fire related abilities (with reality bending UI) to the SCP Making it more unique which itself would make the SCP more enjoyable to play.

First ability idea: Adds a fireball to add a ranged ability to the SCP with a decent cooldown.
Second ability idea: when pressing G to Sprint he could also leave a trail behind him which walked over would cause damage to a player.
Third ability idea: would allow him to absorb bullets when being shot at then expel them (i have a example vid which i can send through DM's)
fourth ability idea: would suck up the air in a radius to increase his "flames" to become hotter to increase damage & slowly heal (if a player walks into it they would start taking damage interms of suffocation (Which could appear as a hume field but orange/firey)
Fifth ability idea: This ability would be more of a general thing where if shot at (despite doing no damage cause yknow people gonna shoot) would make it so the bullets would add to his health / armour pool as if to say the bullets are melting and sticking to his body.
Sixth ability idea: Would obviously have the current combust ability.

it would make more sense of instead of having an "energy bar" for his abilities like reality benders currently do it should be a "flame meter" sorta thing where the lower it is the more damage you take from extinguishers / water based weapons and would regenerate just like the energy bar.

Interms of the fire extinguisher i believe instead of being in dispensers which itself would bloat the dispenser more, an entity could be made with the current fire extinguisher map props where you would pick an extinguisher up from them instead making the map feel more interactive.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Would make people want to play him more as he'd feel more upto date making him more appealable regardless of power strength.
- Would make him more satisfying to fight as he can actually fight back.
- Would make him a harder SCP to just drink Potent delux to avoid whilst fighting.
- if the SCP is put over to a reality bending based system it would allow abilities to be added one at a time to allow devs more time to perfect it instead of making it all in one go and not putting in the dedication of one ability at a time.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Could add to the list of SCP's players complain about due to getting shit on by yknow a world ending / damaging entity.
- Would not make the SCP "lore accurate" which may upset some individuals
- Would require quite a bit of dev time regardless if fire based ability creations are split up or piled together in one big go

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I Believe this should be accepted as even with James's suggestion 457 would still fail to be looked at with just having more damage and a different way of containment. adding abilities that are completely unique to the SCP would easily make it more appealing alone and would be sought after a lot more, it could also expand the possibilities of research for the players who aren't in the department just to sample and have ideas to actually bring to the Dpt.

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Drinkle,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
The Dev team already has Plans for 457
Plus we have a previous accepted Suggestion for 457

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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