Accepted SCP-966 Stalking

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
In general, this suggestion is to change SCP-966 to work more similarly to SCP-323. Specifically, SCP-966's SWEP should have a RMB option to "lock on" to a target, and as long as this target is within viewing range of SCP-966, their sanity slowly degrades. Targets would be visible through walls, and the victim will only be unlocked onto upon death, changing classes, or disconnecting. Unlike SCP-323, speed of sanity decreasing would not be affected by range, and would take a consistent 10 seconds of constant unbroken viewing to occur. This feature would also slow the victim down, slimming the chance that victims can escape SCP-966 to a given time frame. Whenever line of sight is broken, sanity starts to replenish, but not fully immediately. Once sanity is completely depleted, the victim will become unconscious, similarly to SCP-8854's primary. SCP-966 can then use their primary LMB attack to finish their target off. SCP-966's primary attack should still be able to kill untargetted victims, it's just that this new feature will allow him to target singular victims with more intent to actually finish them off.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. Makes SCP-966 gameplay more interesting and lore-accurate, where this new feature serves as the "single burst of a previously unknown type of wave" "which permanently inhibits the ability of the affected creature to enter any of the NREM and REM sleep stages."
  2. SCP-966 players won't be relegated to hitting people with relatively weak attacks until death, which is comparable to a relatively weak, door-phasing, invisible zombie, and incentivizes smart reserved play by targetting victims who are weak/alone.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. Although these features are already implemented on some SCPs, any development time spent on reworking the SCP-966 SWEP means diverting possible resources away from other updates (HCZ, Site-9).
  2. This feature could be considered overpowered, as it would only take 10 seconds of direct observation to render a victim powerless to stop SCP-966.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This new feature to SCP-966 would give players more options to RP out scenarios, such as a victim negotiating release from the incessant stalking, combatants and non-combatants alike feeling more threatened by the possibility of SCP-966 stalking them and putting them to sleep at any time, and would overall encourage more interaction with SCP-966 breaches apart from just shooting it dead. I believe the mechanic is fair in terms of making players fear the presence of SCP-966 while traversing alone, while keeping it possible for large groups to absolutely decimate SCP-966, as intended.
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