Denied SCP Chemical Inject Gun

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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(Please read before responding)

Q: What does this suggestion Add/Change/Remove?

A: It would add in a special version of the chemical injection gun which would be able to inject chemicals into SCPs. (will talk about balancing later)

Q: Has something similar been suggested before?

A: I do not think so

Q: Possible Positives of this addition

A: I believe that this could make it so that SCP Chemical Inject tests would be a more viable form of test. It could also give the CRB different forms of research opportunities

Q: Potential Negatives

A: It could potentially be abused if it was handled incorrectly (Dear god a AMXed 076) and could also result in a large amount of coding being needed.

Q: Based on the Positives and Negatives what makes you think that this should be added?

A: I believe that this should be added as it would increase RP potential on this server by allowing tests to feel more fluid and generally more entertaining. I believe that it would make it unable to be abused if it was made so that the item was not obtainable from DIspensers, Entity Spawns, Loadouts ect ect and instead had to be spawned in by SS or SL. (Potentially Senior Mod+) This would mean that you would need to make a sit and have it spawned in for you in order to be able to obtain one. Then it'd be removed at the conclusion of the test. Which would be a ideal way to handle it as it would mean that if someone did inject an SCP with a chemical to make them more difficult to handle during a CB, then they could be dealt with appropriately


Well-known Member
Nov 15, 2022
+/- Neutral
Rp i kinda get but the possible problems with Scp Chemical Injection gun maybe a bit too much


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
+ Support, a good drawback could be it requires a higher threshold of chemicals, and/or they give weakened effects to SCPs and certain scp chemicals might be lethal or a bad idea, IE have it so like for some reason 076 is allergic or weakened by speed drugs


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 27, 2023
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Joris "Brexit" Bohnson ,Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
This was previously abused by some players hence why it was removed in the first place and for now it will not be re added.
Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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