[SCP-RP] GenSec Cadet and Security Officer Binds Guide


Feb 7, 2023

[SCP-RP] GenSec Cadet and Security Officer Binds Guide



Do you love playing SCP-RP but hate that the "2" key groups your keycard, sidearm, tablet and weapon checker together?
Don't want to look bad in front of your commanding officer and the D-boys? Then custom binds are for you!

In this guide you will be binding equipment to Numpad keys but you can substitute these for any key you prefer.

Press the ~ key to the left side of the 1 key to open the console. Copy your preferred binds from the list below and press enter to create the bind.

->->->->->->->->List of binds<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-

GenSec Cadet

bind "kp_ins" "use vguns_mp5a4"
This binds your primary weapon, the MP5A4, to the Numpad 0 key.

bind "kp_end" "use vguns_usp"
This binds your sidearm, the USP, to the Numpad 1 key.

bind "kp_downarrow" "use weapon_stunstick"
This binds your melee weapon, the Stunstick, to the Numpad 2 key.

bind "kp_pgdn" "use weaponchecker"
This binds your Weapon Checker to the Numpad 3 key.

bind "kp_leftarrow" "use weapon_cuff_elastic"
This binds your Elastic Restraint to the Numpad 4 key.

bind "kp_5" "use vwar_scp_personnel_tablet"
This binds your Personnel Tablet to the Numpad 5 key.

bind "kp_rightarrow" "use dradio"
This binds your Radio to the Numpad 6 key

bind "kp_del" "use vkeycard_level_1"
This binds your Level 1 Keycard to the Numpad Period key.

GenSec Security Officer

bind "kp_del" "use vkeycard_level_2"
This binds your Level 2 keycard to the Numpad Period key.

See section "GenSec Cadet" for the other binds.

->->->->->->->->Useful information<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-

Made a mistake or want to use a bound key for a different bind?
Use unbind "name_of_key" to remove the bind.

Want to quickly switch back to your previously held item?
There is a bind for that!

bind "mouse4" "lastinv"

Numpad Key names to use in console
Keypad 0 - "kp_ins"
Keypad 1 - "kp_end"
Keypad 2 - "kp_downarrow"
Keypad 3 - "kp_pgdn"
Keypad 4 - "kp_leftarrow"
Keypad 5 - "kp_5"
Keypad 6 - "kp_rightarrow"
Keypad 7 - "kp_home"
Keypad 8 - "kp_uparrow"
Keypad 9 - "kp_pgup"
Keypad "." or "del" - "kp_del"
Keypad Enter - "kp_enter"
Keypad Plus - "kp_plus"
Keypad Minus - "kp_minus"
Keypad Multiply - "kp_multiply"
Keypad Slash - "kp_slash"

Shout out to Hoxton, his guide named MRP / SCP-RP Weapon Binds guide inspired me to create this one.
Be sure to check it out here


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Well-known Member
Jun 5, 2022

this helped me RDM d class with minimal downtime and extreme efficiency...

pinpoint profiency, just had an epiphany

they wont get the best of me

they try arresting me

dont try no kissing me

i see u sniffing me
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