Hello there Civil Gamers, It's our honour to post the first official SCP-RP Monthly News in the announcements,
a good portion of which is thanks to the Town Hall that we held 2 months ago. We also have received and reacted or replied to a good number of community suggestions. We're happy with how the server is progressing in the development department. As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the SCP Roleplay Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions?
For those who weren't promoted this month, we wish you luck in the upcoming month.






Jason M.
Tommy Lee
Fat Chef
Ethan Mendaz
? New Features ?
- Weapon Culling
- Weapons/SWEP are now culled from players when they go AFK to reduce lag (saves ~5-15 entities per AFK player). - Whitelisted weapons are not culled: Documents, Handcuffed SWEP, ID Card (Spy), Disguise Kit, and stolen keycards (not your own) - If kicked to the menu as D-Class, your culled weapons will return when you come back (except for whitelisted weapons)
(Created by: Cloak)
- Weapons/SWEP are now culled from players when they go AFK to reduce lag (saves ~5-15 entities per AFK player). - Whitelisted weapons are not culled: Documents, Handcuffed SWEP, ID Card (Spy), Disguise Kit, and stolen keycards (not your own) - If kicked to the menu as D-Class, your culled weapons will return when you come back (except for whitelisted weapons)
- Light System
- Added lights system for toggling light state without needing light entities spawned on the server
- Added light toggle keycard scanners, replacing the map levers to toggle lights on/off
(Created by: Ventz & Cloak)
- Facility Calendar
- Added Facility Calendar, visible in F4 menu dashboard tab, or with chat command /calendar or /cal
- Added Projector in Lecture Hall
- Added VHS Player in Lecture Hall
- Added new clipboard document format 'Projector Slides', will turn in to VHS Tape when printed, can be played with the VHS player and projector
- Added board displaying room calendar outside Lecture Hall, Training Course & Training Room
- Added ability to book events in the calendar, this can be done in the F4 menu dashboard tab or by pressing E on a calendar display board entity
(Created by: Ventz)
- VAchievements
- Added VAchievements addon (Accessible in Character menu, F4 menu and with chat command '/achievements' or '/achievement' or '/ach'
- Achievements are cross-server compatible, this means you can view your global achievement progress on all servers, and complete certain achievements on any server.
- Added 31 custom SCP achievements
- Added 18 global achievements (unlockable on all servers)
- Added drop-down to view other people's achievement progress in achievement menu and F4 menu.
(Created By: Ventz)

- Changed CI - Medic's keycard to level 3
- Changed CI - Strike Team's keycard to level 3
- Replaced CI - Strike Team's Ghost R5 with the AK74M
- Removed the IED in the scrap shop
- Increased sanity regen rate (when not seen by SCP-323) by 50%
- Increased SCP-323 Hume distortion radius from 500 -> 2000 units
- Added Uzi to D-Block scrap dealer for 750 scrap
- Security Rework
- Added Riot Control License
- Added Tranquilizer Pistol - stuns players for 8 seconds, player has screen effects & stars above their head while stunned and cannot perform actions, move speed significantly slowed
- Added new models for all Security jobs
- Added Security Officer - Riot Control job. Requires Combat Level 10, Total Level 20, Riot Control License. Spawns with Nova, MP5, Riot Shield, Tranquilizer Pistol
- Added Security Sergeant - Riot Control job. Requires Combat Level 20, Total Level 40, Riot Control + Heavy Weapons licenses. Spawns with KSG, G36C, Heavy Shield, Tranquilizer Pistol.
- Security Captain and Chief of Security now require Riot Control Licenses
- Added Tranquilizer Pistol and Riot Shield to Security Captain and Chief of Security
- Added quiz system: Security Cadets must now answer a quiz correctly to unlock basic equipment such as their keycard and guns. Required to get 11 out of 13 questions correct to pass, 3-minute cooldown on failinG
- D-Class Rework
- Added D-Class Brute job: new models, 250 HP, spawns with fists. Requires D-Class Level 15
- Added D-Class Scout job: new models, 150 HP, spawns with fists, SCP-500 pill, radio, and guitar. Has increased movement speed. Requires 50% of all SCP-RP achievements to be completed.
- Scrap Dealer cycle system: Certain items in the scrap shop are now "always available", while others (mostly guns) are only available for 15 minutes every hour. This happens at random and every D-Class is notified when the scrap shop opens up for selling guns.
- Improved scrap shop GUI
- Added Tranquilizer Pistol to scrap shop for 2000 scrap (always available)
- New VGuns
- Added AK74m (Assault Rifle)
- Added L115a3 (Sniper)
- Added M98B (Sniper)
- Added M200 Intervention (Sniper)
- Added M240b (LMG)
- Added Virtus MCX (Assault Rifle)
- Added RPK-16 (LMG)
- Added SA80a2 (Assault rifle)
- Added SKS (DMR)
- Added HK UMP (SMG)
- Added VSS Vintorez (Sniper)
- Random SCP-096 photo spawns now always spawn face up
- Added C.I Technical Expert role, will allow lower clearance members to fix things
- AFK D-Class is returned to the character select screen to save server performance
- Character spawn intro sequence will only play once per game session
- Reduced keys knocking sound from 100 dB -> 70 dB
- Added /xproulette command (Senior Admin+) - gives between 1 and 1000 XP of a random type to every player on the server
- Researchers (Level 2) can now give research credit without needing approval, but still cannot approve other requests
- Added spawns for CI's Technical Expert
- Hack SWEP now has a 60-second cooldown after aborting or failing a hack
- Reduced SCP-323 HP regen per kill from 500 -> 250
- Limited PAC3 webcontent downloads to 15MB
- Added emergency lag script for Senior Admin+ that removes all dropped items
- Reduced volume of surface anomaly alarm slightly
- Disable bullet knockback for SCP-173
- Medic job now requires Total Level 1
- Dying as Class D Brute bans you from the job for 180 seconds
- Breach SWEP can no longer be used when less than 60 players are online
- Dying as Class D Scout bans you from the job for 60 seconds
- Class D Brutes can heal back up to 250 HP from Molecular Reconstruction Packs & Vials
- Changed playercount below which SCP HP is reduced from 40 to 60
- Changed playercount requirement for surface SCPs to trigger from 30 to 40
- Class D Scouts can heal back up to 150 HP from Molecular Reconstruction Packs & Vials
- Edited MRP and MRV descriptions in the dispenser.
- C.I. Juggernauts can heal back up to 500 HP from Molecular Reconstruction Packs & Vials
- Body morphing through SCP-914 adds a random hume field to you, between magnitude -40 and 40
- The SCP foundation has reduced SCP-035 clearance level requirements to 2. Although SCP-035 is classified Keter, this change was deemed appropriate due to a new foundation research initiative combined with cutting edge chamber security protocols.
- CGITV job now requires Total Level 1
- AK74M is now holsterable
- MK-18 MOD is now holsterable
- Added 17 new drinks to SCP-294
- Added option to require numeric passcode to access keycard scanners
- HK UMP is now holsterable
- Job titles are no longer visible above players
- Body morphing through SCP-914 now changes your name prefix to the same as whoever you morphed into
- Heavy gun dealer requires Keter VIP
- Ranger job now requires Euclid VIP
- Gun Dealer now requires Total Level 5
- Heavy Gun Dealer now requires Total Level 10
- SCP-008 No longer has breach swep
- SCP-939 can see people for a short time after they shoot a gun
- SCP-035 possessing disguise now sets skin and bodygroups
- Nerfed breach vote duration by 33%
- Nerfed XP received from scrap collection
- Added MK-18 Mod to Heavy Gun Dealer (£40,000 for a shipment)
- Nerfed most D-Class quests XP amounts
- Added vehicle culling. Vehicles are now removed and restocked after being unused for 10 minutes for lag reduction
- Reduced SCP-323 spawn HP from 25,000 -> 20,000
- Reduced SCP-323 max HP from 50,000 -> 30,000
- SCP-966 Health increase from 5000 to 8000
- Added "Nuclear Winter" achievement: Die to a nuclear warhead
- Added "Fallout Shelter" achievement: Survive the Alpha Warhead as D-Class
- Increased Security Officer limit from 5 -> 7
- Changed Security Sergeant weapon from MP5A4 to G36C
- Lowered level requirements for Researcher from Research 10, TL 20 to Research 5, TL 20
- Increased E-11 & Nu-7 player cap to 30 members
- Increased A-1 & O-1 player cap to 20 members
- Added flashlight culling - flashlights are removed from your inventory when not in use, they are given back to you and equipped when you press F. Saves ~100 entities to improve server performance
- Replaced E-11 Breacher's M249 with a M240b
- Added "All Levels" config option for job level requirements
- Added "All Levels Except" config option for job level requirements (all levels except one or more trees)
- Reduced Playermodel addon size by 900 MB
- Intelligence Agent now requires All Levels 10 except SCP
- Internal Affairs Agent now requires All Levels 10 except SCP
- Containment Specialist now requires All Levels 15 except SCP, D-Class
- Containment Specialist is now a combatant role: permitted to take weapons from the armory
- O5, Ethics, Site Admin are no longer allowed to have second characters for playing MTFs on
- Breach votes now take off 1 minute each when the server is > 50% full, else they take off 2 minutes each
- Significantly optimized SCP-173 freeze detection code
- Disabled knockback for SCP-076
- Training room target models have been made fake to reduce entity count, you will need to get headshots to kill the targets due to this
- Replaced E-11 Operative's P90 with RGP-5
- Replaced E-11 Biohazard Specialist's P90 with Karma 45
- Keycards should no longer despawn while the doors they are linked to are open
- Biometric keycard scanners are now 1 level harder to hack than regular keycard scanners
- Added level 6 & 7 hack difficulties ("Near Impossible" and "Impossible")
- Replaced E-11 Breacher's M240b with M249
- Added Director of Medicine (Whitelisted)
- Added Combat Medic (Total Level 40, Support level 20)
- Extended Chief of Medicine slots from 1 to 3
- Changed Civilian team description to be about SCP-RP and not about WW3
- Disabled access to Class-D holding cells due to common issues of negative player experience caused by them
- Decreased SCP-173 blink cooldown from 9 seconds -> 7 seconds
- Added more obvious XP earning NPC next to D-Class research queue
- Reduced SCP-076 HP from 12,500 -> 10,000
- Weapons obtained from SCP-914 can no longer be holstered
- Changed clearance required for writing to scp_files directory from 5 -> 4
- Replaced Nu-7 Specialist's Lynx with an LR300
- Replaced Intelligence Agent's Lynx with an LR300
- Added Radio to the Combat Medic job
- Reduced director of research printer credit refund time from 60 minutes to 5 minutes
- Reduced senior researcher printer credit refund time from 60 minutes to 20 minutes
- Reduced executive researcher printer credit refund time from 60 minutes to 10 minutes
- Cork boards should produce VHS tapes when taking Presentation Slides off from them
?️ Map Changes ?️
(Special Thanks to: Fr3ze)
- Misc:
- Dynamic props around the map have been turned into static props to save on server entities (~100 entities reduced)
- Class-D Block:
- Vent corner in the showers has been extended
- Combined railings in the Security area of the D-Block to save performance (Might give better performance)
- Fixed visleafes rendering part of the outside area of the D-Block when standing around the tables in the Main Class-D area
- Personnel Wing:
- Lecture Hall lights have been renamed so lights can be modified separately
- Surface:
- Fog has been made thicker which is how it's supposed to be
- D-Block exit point has been removed
- Vents have guaranteed exit points again
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Fixed not getting XP or achievements when terminating Surface SCPs
- Fixed SCPs getting D-Class XP for being in their own containment cell
- Optimized VAchievements network usage
- Fixed bug causing VAchievements to network everyone achievement data when a player joins
- Fixed Riot Control jobs not having name prefixes configured
- Fixed Security jobs having the wrong models / bodygroups (e.g. Cadets having a beret)
- Fixed Alpha Warhead not detonating
- Fixed levels showing incorrect XP requirement and progress
- Optimized network usage from Document Corkboard entities
- Optimized cork board network usage
- Corkboards network changes to each document individually, this should fix some corkboard contents not being visible and flooding network channels
- Fixed error when opening escape menu for the first time
- Fixed multiple SCP breaches not breaching some SCPs
- Big serverside performance optimization to PAC3 versioning
- Big serverside performance optimization to PAC3 mutators
- Various serverside performance optimizations to a load of stuff
- Fixed personnel tablet hands being errors
- Players movement is disabled when AFK or in character select menu to improve performance
- Resolved issue causing VNetworkVariable default values being nullified for connected game clients, causing Network value get queries to return incorrect data when their unset fallback value is a non-default value. This should fix SCP-323 from not being able to kill people
- Fixed issues causing lectures to not award achievements and register attendees properly.
- Door Reducer now deletes obsolete light origin entities, will remove ~400 extra entities to improve server performance
- Light entities are removed to improve server performance, this will break turning lights on/off
- Fixed firing bullets causing clientside errors when SCP-939 or SCP-939-02 is alive
- Optimized hume calculation code for lag reduction
- Fixed job deathban module not working
- Fixed projector being invisible when off
- Fixed SCP-173 & other line of sight checks being broken
- Optimized flashlight bind code by removing un-needed laggy server-side handling
- Fixed flashlights being able to be dropped
- Fixed keycard biometrics breaking when your keycard is AFK culled
- Fxed certain weapon information not being properly carried over when weapons are culled and unculled
- Optimized phone think function
- Optimized tranquilizer movement function
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- 2.5 Kidnapping Rules - When CI kidnaps a foundation member they must have intentions for the hostage such as execution, interrogation, or making demands to the foundation for a profit. The hostage’s life should always be valued and the foundation must make a good plan to get the hostage back that does not break the FailRP rule. A person may only be kidnapped for up to 30 minutes
- 2.6 Kidnapping Rules - Foundation MTF personnel can raid the CI Base when authorised by MTF Nu-7 Commander or the Director of Intelligence. They may raid once every 30 minutes. A raid starts once foundation personnel have started hacking the breach doors at the entrance of the Chaos Insurgency base. Once personnel raiding the base die, they cannot return. A raid ends when all MTF personnel are dead; timers begin counting down once a raid has ended. Valid reasons for raiding are:
A facility SCP is captured by CI.
CI has kidnapped a foundation member.
Retrieving Stolen Documents (This doesn't give MTF a reason to destroy all of CI's pre-existing documents). - Section 5: SCP Rules -
SCP-049 can cooperate with CI
SCP-096 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-076 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-173 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-106 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-682 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-457 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-939 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-035 can cooperate with CI
SCP-079 can cooperate with CI
SCP-966 cannot cooperate with CI
SCP-912 cannot cooperate with CI - 5.5 Surface SCPs cannot cooperate with CI
- Added "Internal Affairs | Intelligence" into the Global Base Hierarchy list.
- Using SCP-914 as a CI Juggernaut is now forbidden and falls under the FailRP category.
- Changed SCP-912 rules to “SCP-912 should only enter D-Block during riots”
- 2.7(b) Trespassing as Surface Zone - Civilians, Gun Dealers, Chefs & Medics are forbidden from entering the facility in RP, CGITV, Ranger & MC&D may enter with a valid reason.
- SCP-049 may use voice chat if making a reasonable effort to speak with an ominous in-character style.
- You may not purposefully expose yourself to virulent SCPs (008, 049) unless ordered to at gunpoint by CI or Foundation.
- Clarification: SCPs beelining to SCP-008 is a Golden Rule violation (kill-farming). SCPs do not have an RP reason for it: they do not know about it or where it is, and they have other objectives such as escaping rather than trying to cause everyone to get infected by 008.
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