As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the SCP Roleplay Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.
Server Manager
Super Admin
Senior Admin
Head Moderator
Fat Chef
Tommy Lee
Senior Moderator
Sven Sky
Jason Taylor
Tom Higgs
Smith Johnson
Donn Wilson
Dustin Simmions
? Staff Promotions ?
those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.





Fat Chef
Tommy Lee

Sven Sky
Jason Taylor
Tom Higgs
Smith Johnson
Donn Wilson
Dustin Simmions
?New Features ?
- New SCPs
- SCP-2295: spawns with a Level 1 Keycard, will be stored in Misc Storage in a Level 1 cell
Requires Total Level 10 to play - SCP-330: is stored in Inanimate Storage in a Level 1 cell
- SCP-9000-A-2 and SCP-9000-A-3
- SCP-2295: spawns with a Level 1 Keycard, will be stored in Misc Storage in a Level 1 cell
- New Jobs
- Added 'Overseer Assistant' job
- Added 'Ethics Committee Assistant'
- Pickup v2 System
- Added a selection of Pickup v2 entities

- Keycards should no longer despawn while the doors they are linked to are open
- Increased Ethics Committee Member slots from 3 -> 6
- Server Leadership (Administrator+) now receive PAC3 for free
- Game Masters (Trial GM+) now receive PAC3 for free
- Added !jailreturn command (jails + automatically returns player after jail expires)
- New engineer job models
- Added !removevehicle command for Senior Moderator+
- Fixed SCP-2295 SWEP being able to shoot
- Added an office phone in the interrogation area
- Added an attachments VNPC in pinewoods ranger office
- Added SCP-2295 and SCP-330 cross-test behaviour
- Repairing someone as SCP-2295 now gives you SCP XP
- Added a Keycard scanner in CI Command room
- SCP-912 now receives a Glock P80 with 1000 ammo on breach
- Replaced Suspicious Steve's model to be more fitting for D-Block
- The Doors in Sheriff's office is now lockable and unlockable by rangers.
- Added nightvision toggle to helmet cameras in personnel tablet: applies night vision filter to camera view
- Fixed HK UMP
- Added "Overseer Assistant" Role - Discord server
- Added "Ethics Assistant" Role - Discord server
- SCP-2295 no longer collides with players
- Researchers now gain XP in both Research & SCP trees when doing !credit
- Reduced MTF Specialist job rank requirements from Sergeant -> Corporal
- SCP-999 no longer collides with players
- Healing XP cooldowns are now per-player, rather than global
- Changed currency symbol to $ [SCP-RP USA]
- Added SCP-2295 experiment log folder
- Added "Biohazard Researcher" spawn in the research hall area
- Added disguise card to Overseer & Ethics assistant jobs
- Bonus support XP is now granted after a player is healed all the way to 100 HP
- Added weapon checker to 'CI - Officer' , 'CI - Commanding Officer' and 'CI - Commander' jobs
- Added bloom effect & projected texture lighting to night vision filter in helmet camera view
- Added SCP-330 experiment log folder
- Reduced XP from cooking by 50%
- Increased XP from repairing objects by 100%
- Added an ammo stash in Pinewood's Rangers Office
- Changed SCP-173 targeting to always target the closest players, requiring line of sight between 173 and target, or between target and 173
- Increased XP from healing & reviving players by 100%
- Added SCP-330 test folder for computers
- Lifted all MTF player caps
- Added animation when leveling up, will also show newly unlocked jobs for the new level which was reached
- Increased Executive Researcher slots from 2 -> 3
- Added an official Hostage Document. - SCP-RP Official Hostage Negotiation Document
?️ Map Changes ?️
- There wasn't any map changes this month
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Fixed HP scaling on breach checking for < 30 players instead of < 60 players
- Fixed Overseer assistant, Ethics assistant & biohazard researcher not having correct job titles
- Fixed job titles randomly not appearing for players
- Fixed jobs that aren't D-class being able to buy weapons from the scrap dealer
- Fixed knife not appearing in the weapon checker list
- Fixed SCP-173 always targerting the same player when they respawn
- Fixed discord invite link in F4 menu
- Fixed random white box appearing in top left of the screen
- Fixed Director of Internal Affairs spawn
- Rotating doors inside SCP chambers will open when breached (fixes SCP-912 & SCP-9000 door not opening when breached)
- Fixed night vision lua error spam when looking at someone with no head
- Fixed CZ75 world model position
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- SCP-2295 Rules
- Cannot speak
- Cannot enter other's SCP chambers without an RP reason
- Must repair any injured players they see (Foundation, D-Class, C.I...)
- Foundation/CI Raiding
- CI cannot raid if less than 4 MTF are online
- MTF cannot raid if less than 4 CI are online unless they kidnapped a member of foundation personnel
- UK/US Position Limit
- You may only hold whitelisted and/or MTF positions on ONE of SCP-RP UK, SCP-RP USA.
- Updated Global Base Hierarchy rule to add O5 & Ethics Assistants
- Added "Security Captain" | "MTF Commissioned Officer" into the global base Hierarchy list
- Updated Rule 5.5
- SCPs cannot cooperate with CI
- Updated Rule 2.6(b)
- Foundation Raiding - Foundation MTF personnel can raid the CI Base when authorised by MTF Nu-7 Commander, the Director of Intelligence or the Site Administration e.g (O5, Ethics, Site Director/Advisor). They may raid once every 30 minutes. A raid starts once foundation personnel have started hacking the breach doors at the entrance of the Chaos Insurgency base. Once personnel raiding the base die, they cannot return. A raid ends when all MTF personnel are dead; timers begin counting down once a raid has ended.
- Foundation Raiding - Foundation MTF personnel can raid the CI Base when authorised by MTF Nu-7 Commander, the Director of Intelligence or the Site Administration e.g (O5, Ethics, Site Director/Advisor). They may raid once every 30 minutes. A raid starts once foundation personnel have started hacking the breach doors at the entrance of the Chaos Insurgency base. Once personnel raiding the base die, they cannot return. A raid ends when all MTF personnel are dead; timers begin counting down once a raid has ended.