Hi everyone!
As always, we'll post changes as they happen on the SCP-RP Discord in #change-logs.
This month featured a lot of rule changes, balance changes, and QOL changes! - I hope everyone is pleased with the changes presented, and as always, if you have feedback or concerns, create a ticket on Discord!
Thanks to @Luft for helping me in writing this.
? Staff Promotions ?
Congratulations on everyone's promotions! And for those who weren't promoted this month, we wish you luck in the upcoming month

- Requis
- Jules

- Bobby Clint
- Canoon
- Rushi

- Saint
- Grayman
- Jason Taylor

- Nohacks
- Jerry Toad
- Jambo

- Walnut
- Tyler Black
- Archangel
- Sebastian
- Rogue Jwang
- Meliodas Wrath
- Atlas
- Goondra
- Falcon
- Darkstar
? New Features ?
- Better UI style for NPC conversation interaction

- Executive Biohazard researchers can now credit D-Class, GENSEC and Medical personnel
- Site Administration can now credit Executive Biohazard Researchers
- Site Manager has been added to the crediting groups for Site Administration, allowing crediting for: Support Jobs, Combat Jobs, D-Class and Research
- Executive Biohazard researchers can now approve Junior Researcher credit for: D-Class, GENSEC and Medical personnel
- Modified "Site Administration Credit (Support)" group to give Support XP instead of Combat XP.
- Changed the models of Site Manager from models/player/suits/male_xx_closed_tie.mdl to models/player/suits/male_xx_open_tie.mdl due to hitbox issues.
- Site Administration can now credit Junior Researchers and Executive Biohazard Researchers.
- Added an Attachments Dealer in Pinewood Ranger's Station.
- Added a new-player friendly interactive NPC in Security Bunks.
- Added a new-player friendly interactive NPC in Researcher Break Room.
- Fixed fire sound not playing when ADS on bolt action snipers.
- Fixed fire sound cancelling when scoping out on all other snipers
- Set Combat Medic level requirement to total level 40, support level 20
- Set Psychiatrist level requirement to total level 40, support level 20
- Renamed IT Specialist to IT Technician
- Changed job prefix from Specialist to Technician
- Model Changes / Updates:
- Updated Omega-1 Operative Model
- Updated Omega-1 Specialist Model
- Updated Omega-1 Enforcer Model
- Updated Omega-1 Officer Model
- Updated Omega-1 Commander Model
- Added female models 1-5 to Site Manager
- Armor Changes:
- Increased Combat Medic armor from 50 -> 100
- Increased Nu-7 Medic armor from 50 -> 100
- Increased Chaos Insurgency Chemist armor from 0 -> 100
- Increased Chaos Insurgency R&D armor from 25 -> 100
- Increased Chaos Insurgency Medic armor from 50 -> 100
- Increased UNGOC Medic armor from 50 -> 100
- Increased UNGOC Chemist armor from 0 -> 100
- Increased UNGOC R&D armor from 25 -> 100
- New Drinks:
- Added 20 new SCP-294 "drinks"
- Edited effects on 3 SCP-294 "drinks"
- Loadout Changes:
- Added 'Personnel Tablet' to psychiatrist job
- Added 'Field Kit' to psychiatrist job
- Added 'First Aid Kit' to psychiatrist job
- Added Clearance Level 3 to UNGOC Engineer
- Added Clipboard to UNGOC Engineer
- Added Typhoon-12 to Containment Specialist
- Removed 'Field Kit' from Both Foundation Chemist job
- Removed 'First Aid Kit' from Both Foundation Chemist jobs
- Removed 'Defibrillator' from Both Foundation Chemist jobs
Removed Features

- No features were removed this month.
? Rule Changes ?
- Edited 2.8 Positions Limits - You may only, across all your characters to;
- Hold an MTF position along with either a GOC or CI position. You can not hold a CI and GOC position at the same time.
- Added 1.16 Sampling Limits;
- Players unless part of their duties may not return to their location of death when in player combat for 5 minutes, unless their job relies on them being in that location: Ex: GENSEC in D-Block.
- Added 3 new bullet points to 1.4 Don’t break NLR;
- Players unless part of their duties may not return to their location of death when in player combat for 5 minutes, unless their job relies on them being in that location: Ex: GENSEC in D-Block.
- MC&D, Rangers and Parawatch after death may not re-enter the facility for 15 minutes.
- MTFs who die to SCPs during a breach are exempt from any rules preventing their return to a location.
- Merged 1.8 & 1.11 to create 1.10 Disrespectful Conduct;
- Derogatory language designed to target players in a disrespectful manner is prohibited; this includes racism, homophobia, and other derogatory slurs; jokingly being racist is not an exception to this rule.
- Added 2 new examples to 1.11 Don’t Powergame;
- /its that place an advantage on the player in a way that prevents RP in an unrealistic fashion.
- /me punches the man opposite him in the head and kills him.
- Added 1.19 Baiting - Baiting is not allowed, below are some examples for what Baiting is or can be classified as;
- Getting yourself intentionally kidnapped, in order to allow your friendlies to open fire on the capturing team.
- Informing someone to commit an action that would justify you, or any faction, arresting or killing them due to said action.
- Intentionally opening fire close to, or near someone in order for them to open fire on you or others, to justify you killing them.
- Added 1.26 Real-World Trading;
- The buying, selling or trading of VPoints, items, money or ranks for real-life monetary value between other players is prohibited. Players are allowed to trade VPoints for items or in-game money.
- Added 1.27 Chat/Mic Spam;
- You may not utilise communications in game in order to cause annoyance which detracts from the roleplay experience by screaming down their microphone or spamming voice lines or messages in chat.
- Added 1 bullet point to 2.1 Use equipment realistically;
- Juggernauts cannot use any rare weapon or Sniper Rifles against human combatants and SCPs.
- Added 1 bullet point to 2.2 Loyalty to your team;
- You may only assist the enemy team if there has been a valid RP scenario that has been approved by Server Leadership.
- Added 2.9 Voice Changers;
- Voice Changers may be used as long as they are fitting for the role and are of good quality i.e. SCP-049 to make your voice more monotonous.
New Negotiation Guidelines, Interrogation Rules and Kidnapping Rules
- 2.4(a) Kidnapping Rules;
- When a faction member is kidnapped, they must have intentions for the hostage such as execution, interrogation, or making demands to the opposing faction for profit. The hostage's life should always be valued and the opposing faction must make a good plan to get the hostage back. A hostage may only be kidnapped for a total of 30 minutes if no action is taken. If action is being taken then they may be held for longer (eg. ongoing negotiations)
- 2.4(b) Negotiation Guidelines;
- Hostages are to be negotiated for where possible, the Hostage Negotiation Guidelines are to be followed during any scenario whereby a player or SCP is held for ransom.
- 2.4(c) Interrogation Rules;
- INTEL/MTF/GOC/CI have control over another faction's prisoner within their own base and have the power to delegate interrogation or negotiations. During interrogation they may ask 3 questions; for each question asked an interrogator and the prisoner being interrogated must /roll 100 and the interrogator must use /me to describe the interrogation method. If the interrogator rolls higher the prisoner must tell the truth. If the prisoner rolls higher they may say whatever they wish as long as it does not break server rules. Interrogators may not ask the same question more than once.
- No codewords/phrases allowed.
- Interrogators may not ask the same question more than once, while they are following this rule.
- After the 3 questions are asked, with the use of /roll, the interrogation may continue as normal and within the confines of RP.
(These new sections possess some moved around rulings, or new ones!)
- New [General Clarifications] Section
- New [SCP Clarifications] Section
- New [Metagaming | Mixing Clarifications] Section
- 2.13 Realistic Equipment Use;
- SCP 035 is allowed to use AA weapons on humans.
- 2.14 Weapon Checking;
- Players must have a valid RP reason to weapon check someone. i.e. Players coming out of 914 or 1162, Checkpoints, and ID checks.
- 2.15 SCP-008 Breach Requirements;
- To breach SCP-008, there must be at least 6 MTF units online before a breach can be considered, if this drops during a raid to breach SCP-008, the objective is to be dismissed.
- 2.16 Reviving FailRP;
- Reviving after death from Cyanide/SCP-008/SCP-049-2 is FailRP.
- 3.02 Class-D Reporting;
- Class-D personnel may report misconduct seen personally using bodycam footage, under the umbrella of “CCTV Recording”, however, players may not use this to self-report their deaths.
- 4.06 D-Block Vents;
- Vents are considered out of the confines of the general d block area, therefore you are subject to arrest or death if found in them.
- 4.02 D-Class Termination;
- A D-Class can be terminated within D-block if they have contraband on their person and it was seen.
- 4.01 D-Class Termination;
- D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning if D-Class are non-compliant, however, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class.
- 5.04 FearRP & Voice Ranges;
- In a 2:1 situation, even if one player is trying to put someone under FearRP and is out of voice range if they are clearly visible alongside the other person then this is fine.
- 5.03 Vehicle FearRP;
- Players who are inside a vehicle may place people under FearRP of the same vehicle by using /me if they have a gun, this can be countered if a player tries this with a vehicle of multiple occupancies, who also uses their /me to point weapons.
- 5.02 Controlled RP Scenario - A Controlled RP scenario is where a subject is either;
- Placed and kept under FearRP, or;
- Unarmed and compliant, or;
- Armed and compliant.
- Taking Cyanide or Bleach to avoid an arrest is FailRP. Players may only use Cyanide or Bleach to commit suicide; bleach may be stripped from players in RP.