Denied [SCP-RP] Senior Researcher core overhauls

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion introduces Senior Researcher as the first CL3 whitelisted role, giving researchers a leadership progression path, while refining Biohazard Researcher as a level-capped, specialized position. The aim is to balance leadership opportunities and advanced specialization within the Research Department.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I believe so but I don't remember

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Clear Progression for Researchers:
Senior Researcher creates a clear stepping stone for CL3 personnel who want to grow into leadership roles. It motivates researchers by giving them a tangible goal to strive for.
Specialized Opportunities:
Biohazard Researcher remains a non-whitelisted, level-capped role for those who excel in advanced, high-risk research without the added responsibility of leadership.
Improved Standards and Engagement:
The whitelist for Senior Researcher ensures that only qualified individuals take on leadership roles, setting higher standards for the department while fostering mentorship and collaboration.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Difference in gameplay loops across UK and USA, this would effect each server differently

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Enriches Leadership:
By introducing Senior Researcher exams, leadership roles are earned through merit, ensuring only qualified and dedicated individuals step into CL3 positions. This raises the overall quality and professionalism of the command team.

Optimizes Research Slots:
This system helps free up positions currently held by inactive or non-contributory members, ensuring that every role in the Research Department is filled by someone actively working toward its goals.

Empowers Executive Researchers:
Executive Researchers are given a stronger presence within the department, with their authority and responsibilities more clearly defined, allowing them to better lead and shape the team.

Motivates Junior Researchers:
Junior Researchers are provided with clear goals and a structured path for advancement, giving them opportunities to grow within the department and make meaningful contributions.

Offers Specialization Opportunities:
For those who prefer research over leadership, the Biohazard Researcher role offers a rewarding alternative, allowing individuals to focus on high-level, specialized projects while still contributing significantly to the department.

Balances Gameplay Differences:
This system considers the unique differences in gameplay between the USA and UK servers, providing a solution that works across both without disrupting their respective focuses.
There is a clear need for a new whitelisted research department role, but I do not believe making a senior researcher whitelisted would benefit the department in any way.
So you're saying add a completely new job instead of just allocating responsibility to the job called 'Senior' researcher. Wouldn't it make more sense to not add anything and actually make Senior researcher a leadership position?
Jul 14, 2023
If you don't mind me asking, what's the clear progression Junior researcher straight to a senior position? None of the positions under executive hold any merit because they're level capped.
Restricting Senior Researcher restricts RP. There are other whitelisted CL3 positions such as Senior Agent or Sergeant.

If anything (Although still probably not a great idea), move all the research positions up so CoC would be:
DoR (Senior),
Exec (Low Senior / Essentially DoRs assistant),
Senior Researcher (Junior CL4),
Researcher (CL3)
Jr Researcher(CL2)
Trainee Researcher (CL1)

And/or, given that research is an RP heavy department, give executives 15 prop perm limit as given to Seniors

Jul 14, 2023
So are you saying that doing tests and getting that job equates to the responsibility or just because you have that job? That means you're eligible for that position because of what it says and what it states.
Doing tests and getting jobs gives more experience within research. By doing test and being 'promoted' you spend time in the department interracting with other researchers who are experienced allowing you learn from them and gain more experience. Limiting a CL3 position to a WL restricts the amount of tests that can be done on CL3 scps, which in honesty aren't that important. If there's a researcher who is unresponsible they'll just be jobbanned.

I had no clue how to write proper documents when I joined the research department, but I was hooked when I was shown by Jeremy Seins. And now look, I'm extremely talented and my lore is over 40 pages long, majority of the documents I've made in the past have been graded excellent, as well as falling in love with creative writing and/or research because of curiosity; with it all kicking off when I became a Sr. Researcher.

tl;dr: Just because there are a few bad apples in the tree, does not mean all the apples are to be thrown away.
So are you saying that doing tests and getting that job equates to the responsibility or just because you have that job? That means you're eligible for that position because of what it says and what it states.
You do test, make doc, get XP -> Move onto next job after time

If you want to hold leadership, apply to Executive and then eventually Director


Restricting Senior Researcher restricts RP. There are other whitelisted CL3 positions such as Senior Agent or Sergeant.

If anything (Although still probably not a great idea), move all the research positions up so CoC would be:
DoR (Senior),
Exec (Low Senior / Essentially DoRs assistant),
Senior Researcher (Junior CL4),
Researcher (CL3)
Jr Researcher(CL2)
Trainee Researcher (CL1)

And/or, given that research is an RP heavy department, give executives 15 prop perm limit as given to Seniors

Creating an in-game exam to take as a researcher to obtain senior researcher is limiting rp?
You can do all the tests a Sr would do, you just need authorization for those tests. Making Sr Researcher a CL4 would limit rp more than keeping it a cl3 with a test as the next closet cl3 would be biohazard at 20 research.

Restricting Senior Researcher restricts RP. There are other whitelisted CL3 positions such as Senior Agent or Sergeant.

If anything (Although still probably not a great idea), move all the research positions up so CoC would be:
DoR (Senior),
Exec (Low Senior / Essentially DoRs assistant),
Senior Researcher (Junior CL4),
Researcher (CL3)
Jr Researcher(CL2)
Trainee Researcher (CL1)

And/or, given that research is an RP heavy department, give executives 15 prop perm limit as given to Seniors

Oh and also this is pretty ironic, considering “Sr CL3” roles do exist already, and you named 2 before above this list! By the same logic, make GSD SGT a Junior CL4, or DEA Senior Agent a Jr CL4 for the CoC!
Jul 14, 2023
Creating an in-game exam to take as a researcher to obtain senior researcher is limiting rp?
If you're talking about creating a test similar to the Jr Researcher one, it would be passed easily by majority of Sr Researchres and not serve much of a point other than just being a hassle.

If you're talking about a !jobapprove, although research is active there are times where there are not a lot of CL4, if not even no Exec/Dors on to do the !jobapproves. Alongside RP, Documentation, RSD Punishments etc... It would simply be too much to try to handle creation of documentation, google docs, google queestionnairs etc... and upwards of 15 minutes per training.
Making Sr Researcher a CL4 would limit rp
Oh and also this is pretty ironic, considering “Sr CL3” roles do exist already, and you named 2 before above this list! By the same logic, make GSD SGT a Junior CL4, or DEA Senior Agent a Jr CL4 for the CoC!
By making Sr Researcher CL4 I don't mean making the position a CL4 and obtainable through levels, I mean renaming Exec to Senior and bumping up the naming. Although my idea isn't the best suggestion it was kind of just thrown out there...

It does more harm than good.
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