SCP-RP Staff Rulings
This thread gives detail of staff rulings on various rules across SCP-RP.
Anything listed on this page has been confirmed to be against the rules by two or more Super Admins, or a member of the Network Leadership team. It is not an exhaustive list of what is against the rules, but serves as a way for common misconceptions to be cleared up by the staff team.
This thread gives detail of staff rulings on various rules across SCP-RP.
Anything listed on this page has been confirmed to be against the rules by two or more Super Admins, or a member of the Network Leadership team. It is not an exhaustive list of what is against the rules, but serves as a way for common misconceptions to be cleared up by the staff team.
General Clarifications
1.01 Server Rules and In-character Policies - The server rules act as a baseline of what is not acceptable in the eyes of the staff team, however, In-character policies are not enforceable by the staff team, and a breach of ethics does not constitute a staff situation.
1.02 Armoured Vehicles - Armoured vehicles are classed as any military vehicle that is armed with a turret.
1.03 AFK SCPs - You may be AFK while playing on an SCP, however, if someone is trying to actively roleplay with you by means of research, hacking your breach, or getting auto-breached while you are AFK, you are liable to be switched off of the SCP by staff.
1.04 Double Cuffing - You may only double-cuff a player if they are going to be arrested and put in jail.
1.05 Foundation Dimensional Cartographers - Foundation Dimensional Cartographers are Combative staff, and may directly engage in combat with hostile individuals, SCPs, and GOIs. While remaining a member of the research department, they are not permitted to run tests themselves and are instead expected to assist fellow Research staff during experiments.
1.06 Third Party Disguises - When using the ID Card (Own-Team) SWEP, you may not take the disguise of a player disguised as another faction than your own. For example, an ISD may not take the disguise of a DEA with a CI Disguise in order to infiltrate the Chaos Insurgency Base.
FailRP Clarifications
2.01 SeriousRP - The target for RP on the server is SeriousRP. SeriousRP doesn't mean "no fun allowed" - the Foundation is a wacky place, filled with anomalies and strange events, and funny things can happen sometimes. However, 'SeriousRP' means you're expected to act as if you are a real character from the SCP universe. Please note that it's FailRP for you to break character in the middle of an RP situation (e.g. start talking about something from real life), and complain that "you can't call this server serious!" or "nobody takes it seriously!" isn't an excuse for breaking that rule - otherwise, it's a self-fulfilling cycle, where people who say the server isn't serious contribute to it not being serious enough in the first place.
2.02 Avoiding the Alpha Warhead - The only valid way to avoid the alpha warhead is to escape the facility. Abusing gameplay elements that grant temporary invulnerability to avoid the explosion is FailRP. It is also FailRP to enter extra-dimensional anomalies such as SCP-860 in order to avoid the nuke. The reason for this is that your character in RP would be permanently stuck inside SCP-860, until your inevitable death at the hands of the anomaly within - there would be no facility for you to walk back into after the nuke explodes. Therefore, it is clearly FailRP for you to walk into SCP-860 and then walk back out after the nuke explodes.
2.03 Killing Friendlies - It is FailRP to kill a friend to prevent them from being killed by an SCP, especially SCP-323. Foundation personnel is expected to value each other's lives, especially those of CL3+ personnel. It is also extremely unfun for a player on an SCP to be unable to get any kills because Foundation personnel are constantly killing each other before the SCP can reach them.
2.04 Info-Breach Roleplay Expectations - When conducting info-breach RP, players must properly roleplay the learning and spreading of information. For example, Rangers who learn about the Foundation would not really begin broadcasting this information across open comms, as they are peacekeepers. Also note that running around D-Block and repeatedly yelling "O5 Council" or "What is MTF Omega-1" for example, is obvious FailRP.
2.05 Civilian Raiding - As it is known, CGITV, Rangers, and MC&D are the only jobs that may enter the Foundation. However, none of these jobs are permitted to 'raid', or enter the Foundation to cause destruction and kill Foundation staff. In order to justify these individuals entering the Foundation, they must have articulable knowledge of the site and a realistic reason to want to enter. None of these jobs are permitted to assist other groups with raids or enter the Foundation to kill.
2.06 MC&D Contracting - MC&D is not for hire, and must act as salesmen.
2.07 Pacifist Chemicals - Individuals under the effects of Pacifist Chemicals (that make you immune to bullet damage such as Anima & N-HU-23-X) cannot be held under FearRP, nor can they hold others under FearRP. You cannot consume Pacifist Chemicals while you are under FearRP. Individuals under the effects of Pacifist Chemicals cannot use Pacifist Chemicals in any combative way, this includes hacking, kidnapping, ungagging hostages, and body blocking. Additionally, individuals under Pacifist Chemicals can be cuffed.
2.08 Body blocking - Riot Shields can be used to body block players; they may not be used to block SCPs.
2.09 Resisting 035 - You are not allowed to resist SCP-035's control.
2.10 Suiciding - Taking Cyanide or Bleach to avoid an arrest is FailRP. Players may only use Cyanide or Bleach to commit suicide; bleach may be stripped from players in RP.
2.11 Realistic Equipment Use - SCP 035 is allowed to use AA weapons on humans
2.12 Weapon Checking - Players must have a valid RP reason to weapon check someone. i.e. Players coming out of 914 or 1162, Checkpoints, and ID checks.
2.13 Reviving FailRP - Reviving after death from Cyanide/SCP-008/SCP-049-2 is FailRP.
2.14 SCP-914 Misuse- The use of SCP-914 is permitted within reason; however, the mass-production of weapons using the machine, be it for self-interest or supplying a Faction, is FailRP.
2.15 Hazmat Suit Disguising - Hazmat Suits cannot be used as an alternative for disguising, e.g C.I using the Hazmat Suit as a disguise during a raid.
2.16 Self-Inflicted Airstrikes - Warfunds may be used in any situation that benefits the party using it. This could include luring SCPs using Enlisted personnel, air striking enemy positions or disguising personnel movement. However, if the use of airstrikes comes at the risk of completely destroying a friendly base then it is FailRP (the front gate/roadside is not included)
2.17 Amnestic Grenade Use - Amnestics Grenades may not be used in combative situations. For example, you may not throw a grenade containing Class A amnestics at an incoming CI raid.
2.18 Disguise Sniping - It is FailRP to “Disguise Snipe” somebody. Disguise sniping is defined as taking a person’s disguise outside of a reasonable range. An example of a reasonable range is “being able to see the name above their head.”
NLR Clarifications
3.01 Backspawning - When there is an active raid, you may not spawn behind the raiders and kill them.
3.02 Class-D Reporting - Class-D personnel may report misconduct seen personally using bodycam footage, under the umbrella of “CCTV Recording”, however, players may not use this to self-report their deaths.
RDM Clarifications
4.01 D-Class Termination - D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning if D-Class are non-compliant, however, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class.
4.02 D-Class Termination - A D-Class can be terminated within D-block if they have contraband on their person and it was seen.
4.03 D-Class Termination - A D-Class who is authorized access outside of D-Block (work program) should not be killed if they provide no resistance and no sign of disobedience and must be dealt with in roleplay if they are to be returned. Killing them without reason is RDM. This does not apply to active attempts to escape, and unauthorized access.
4.05 D-Class vs. GOIs - A D-Class who escapes to the surface may immediately attempt to kill any Foundation personnel on sight as they would inside the base. D-Class may NOT kill CI, GOC, or Civilians (including Rangers and Parawatch) unless D-Class is threatened by these parties first. 'Threat' means that a GOI or Civilian has verbally threatened or physically assaulted the D-Class prior. This rule clarification does not exempt D-Class personnel from FearRP.
4.06 D-Block Vents - Vents are considered out of the confines of the general D-Block area, therefore you are subject to arrest or death if found in them.
FearRP Clarifications
5.01 Controlled RP Scenario - A Controlled RP scenario is where a subject is either
- Placed and kept under FearRP, or;
- Unarmed and compliant, or;
- Armed and compliant.
6.01 Surface SCPs - Surface SCPs who are released in the Foundation/GOC/CI base may fight personnel whilst in the facility, but the priority of Surface SCPs is to leave the foundation and must make reasonable attempts to leave.
6.02 SCP-096 FailRP - SCP-096 may only leave his chamber when he is enraged, and may only wander if he is outside his containment chamber and is undisturbed for 60 seconds.
6.03 SCP-106 Camping - SCP-106 is prohibited from camping his containment chamber or a checkpoint for more than 5 minutes, even if he is blocked off.
Metagaming | Mixing Clarifications
7.01 Using /character - The use of /character is allowed only to check the licenses of players and nothing more. For facilitation of RP, if a Chaos Insurgent character holds a license and is checked by Foundation, this is to be considered a valid license.
7.02 Phone lines - When a phone is used, players may only utilize the locational information, players are not allowed to use the name or rank of whoever is calling unless this is discussed in RP.
Powergaming Clarifications
8.01 Site Admin/Affairs ID - The use of /me to present a form of identification is considered powergaming.
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