What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: Benji 'Fox'
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44745236
Ban Reason: "Inappropriate Conduct"
Date of ban: 10/01/2025
Who banned you: Neptune
Ban length: 5 Days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not engage in behaviour that could upset other members of the community. And make sure that when I am in a position of roleplay lead that I take steps to make sure that others underneath my jurisdiction are always safe, protected and respected in a manner befitting their position as a player of the server and the community.
Why should you be unbanned: I feel the original clip provided lost a lot of context, it made it out to seem that nothing was done to rectify the situation, when the reality is that I lost control of the situation and it quickly got out of hand.
Original Clip for Context - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHc4SaO4T4E
Expanded Clip from my POV: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jsiTza8gkG9ujOHnf?invite=cr-MSxOUU4sMTk5MTg0NDcxLA
Neptune's DM response; https://gyazo.com/659de488b1619fdfa303e0efd5077795
As explained in the paragraph above, Yes I was trolling, Yes I was acting immature and being silly and when I saw it got out of hand I quickly got everyone out of the situation. I feel I have already been punished enough in losing my in-character position for this and a 5 day ban for this is not reflective especially when I was not really given chance to defend myself from a very obviously cropped video.
As for my ban history, in the past it has been rocky but I was , -was- on a long stream of good behaviour and made good contributions to server roleplay, health and activity and this was a slip up that will not happen again, I have changed. My intentions in this situation were never to put anyone in an uncomfortable position, a joke that went too far.