What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: "Bunnie"
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:740731660
Ban Reason: LTAP+Failrp
Date of ban: 2.18.25
Who banned you: "That Thing"
Ban length: 2 days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will no longer speak as 2295, ever, until it is stated CLEARLY in the rules I am allowed to,I obviously will go over the rules with staff again, it seems to be a flip flop of answers when I ask if I can talk as 2295. Yes it is stated in the rules that 2295 is a non-talking scp, but I've been told multiple times that if a assistant+ gives u or I should say, crafts you, a voice box you can use it to speak. This was not a one time occurrence. I've been told by multiple staff and had multiple higher ups "role-play" to give me a voice box, especially when I am in Medbay, they prefer verbal comms. Yes I know I should've just followed the rules as stated, but when I've been told for over a year that speaking as 2295 is acceptable I leaned into believing it. I also heard, with coming back to the server, that 2295 had a huge update, including the fact that 2295 could speak. I believe I deserved a warning for this. not an entire ban. and as for the LTAP, I was told by the staff that banned me that crafting voice boxes on the USA server was allowed, so I should go play that server. In this sit, I am not going to lie, I definitely gave the staff member attitude which was very immature and I'm very sorry about, but it was because I was never reported, he teleported me to tell me to stop speaking, which is fine I know he can do that being staff and all, but why not give me a verbal warning or issue an actual warning to my account. its been over 8 months since I've touched this server so I'm not sure how my past ban would effect this one but maybe it did?
Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because I've dedicated a lot of time and effort into this server and continue to do so every time I come back and play, I've also been told so many different answers when it comes to 2295 that it shouldn't be my fault that I was standing and speaking to an entire group of people, nobody had an issue, not even the dpt. director standing with us. but because one person had an issue I was banned. I also should be unbanned because I did not LTAP. LTAP is leaving to avoid punishment, as far as I'm concerned there was no punishment being given, he showed me the rules and tried to reason with me. he never said I was being issued a warn or anything of the such. I left to go play the USA servers like I was offered to go do, since like the staff stated, voice boxes are allowed on the USA server. I will no longer be playing as 2295 since I am a very verbal person and speaking and interacting with players is how I have fun, and if I decide to play as 2295 I will not speak. Thanks for your time.