What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: dont know(been a while)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:221448183
Ban Reason: crash attempt
Date of ban: Apr 21 2024
Who banned you: luft
Ban length: perm
What will you do to stop this from happening again: 1. I can read the server rules.
2.I can think before I spawn a lot of items with an scp.
3. ask an admin.
Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because to call it a crash attempt is a far reaching idea because I was attempting to get rid of the cups (so i wasnt arrested) and didnt know how to get rid of them because they were death cups.
I do see how it could have been seen as a crash attempt though and understand that someone might if they saw a random putting cups into the bathroom.