SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Edward 'Sigma' Chad

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Sigma Chad

Well-known Member
Aug 15, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Edward 'Sigma' Chad

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:861418935

Ban Reason: Inappropriate Conduct [Stacked Bans X]

Date of ban: 2/1/2025

Who banned you: Kayla

Ban length: 26 Weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: This is my 2nd appeal on this topic, on the previous appeal you can see everything what really happened that night. I guarantee that I won't use the sounds that contain the words like that because honestly I didn't know that the ERP (inappropriate conduct) is very strict on here for just a small "joke" I can say. It was 3AM like 25 players online I don't remember everyone was joking couple of them used their soundboards, RDMed me and honestly I didn't care I mean it was 3AM. Here's a thing I mentioned on my previous appeal that I deleted it and somehow after resetting the soundboard it was still on it I just entered the soundboard and it was on it which I didn't see because I just entered the soundboard and clicked on gmod, on the clip you can see I said it on 0:10 (on the clip) the video cut there a bit, I was checking the soundboard because the sound isn't mean to be on there and I deleted it fully from the PC. I think it's because I use the shitty soundboard.

Why should you be unbanned: I understand that on your part this might seem as a rule break, however I didn't know that this would bring me up to 26 weeks ban, it was 3AM I didn't even think about getting pulled into a sit about thing like that. I just made a dumb AI voiceline because I was doing a test on it because I make some AI voices I used it as a TTS and the words just spawned out of nowhere in my mind not knowing that it's against the rules. I am sorry about that the words like that or any similar won't be used anymore to avoid any misunderstandings. I usually don't play on high pops I play on low pops because usually I am outside and when I come home I maybe turn on something to watch or get on a call with my friend or just play on the server. I get on the server on 22:30 23:00 sometimes in the mornings too. And I understand that it's Stacked Bans X that's the worst and it's all because of RDMs majority of the rdms that I was issued are because of the misunderstandings, and I do as much as I can to avoid them and I will do in the future to avoid them. I want to come back to play on the server and try as much as I can not to break a single rule. If you really want to see what happened that night and where I told everything about it. here: and here's the video that I found of me doing that on youtube now I can't find link of that but I downloaded it in case the video gets removed and I uploaded it here: (sorry for trash quality I don't know how did that happen)
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Aug 25, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi, @Sigma Chad

To have reached the level of Stacked Class X shows to me your lack of care for our server rules, You have been given multiple chances to learn and you still choose to continue breaking our servers rules after each and every ban, i do not believe you should be coming back at this time

Due to the above, no action has been taken in regards to your ban appeal.

You may re-appeal this in 2 months.

Kind Regards, Revolutionary​
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