SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Edward 'Sigma' Chad

Sigma Chad

Well-known Member
Aug 15, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Edward 'Sigma' Chad

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:861418935

Ban Reason: Inappropriate Conduct [Stacked Bans X]

Date of ban: 2/1/2025

Who banned you: Kayla

Ban length: 26 Weeks (now 14)

What will you do to stop this from happening again: 3rd Appeal... Can't really type everything over and over again the ban was harsh you can check my previous appeals to check what was going on and why did I got banned now I think all the warns expired, sorry for making appeal 5 days before I did that because of the response time if that's okay. Will try my best not to do this again because I never ERPed I mean on other servers you can say things like I said but you cant ERP so I thought it would be the same so I did it I thought there would be no problems and even admin heard it and didn't say I can't do that if he said would never make tts like that again.

Why should you be unbanned: On my previous appeal the admin responded the reason he denied it is because I reached Stacked Class X which shows him that I "don't care about server rules" I told them majority of it was FearRP and some RDM warns. I played on lots of servers never got warned for ERP or anything like that I didn't know that light use of soundboard that contains word "p*nis" would be that harsh here's the clip from my previous appeal "" 0:10 where I said that I didn't know that it wasn't fully removed I wanted to use new TTS sound to add to that place and when I used it it was still there. I showed a clip to an admin when I wanted to report the player and I used the soundboard when I first made that tts and the admin didn't say anything about that so I thought I can say that until I suddenly got pulled into the sit. I thought that it wasn't against the rules I thought that wasn't even close to ERP and about the Inappropriate conduct I didn't know that you got that rule, you guys know what is ERP and meaning of Erotic so if I wanted to do that this wouldn't be the way because this isn't even close to that I just trigger the soundboard and go away not trying to do and use like /me commands or try and say worse stuff, you can see in the clip timestamp 0:10. I promised that I would avoid RDM warns which honestly I will. And now I know that you are strict with these words so I'll avoid this too as much as I can I think I will because I was never warned for this before. If you think I haven't put lot of effort in this appeal I know I didn't but I can't do it again because maybe I'll forget to add something so please check previous appeals. (1 appeal) (2 appeal)
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