SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - George Vest

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Dec 3, 2022
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: George Vest

Your SteamID: 76561197997217529

Ban Reason: ERP

Date of ban: 2025-01-02

Who banned you: staff prophet or '' cece kim''

Ban length: 1 week

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will follow the rules next time and be more careful with what actions i use and do, Ill do my best to ensure that this doesnt happen in the future again and ill be extra careful and mindfull of the actions that i do.

Why should you be unbanned: I think i deserve to be banned, I had been playing on the server for about 3 years im pretty sure maybe more ive spent over 50€+. I have learnt from my actions and i have gotten bans and warnings in the past but i made sure to never do it again and ever since i hadent been banned for over 1 year until today, I had accidently said a naughty action in chat which made the staff member believe i was trying to do something bad while i was just joking and never had any action or intended to do anything. Ill make sure that in the future to obey all the rules and be extra careful of my actions. Im sorry to the researcher and the staff member of my actions and i will gladly accept a reduction of the ban or hopefully a fully unban from the server. I have met countless of wonderful members in the civil networks community and always had a good laugh even if some rules were to be broken. From the start i had gotten jailed and i had called over a staff member by the name '' banana'' I asked if i was able to leave the server and come back like an hour later and the jail sentence would be gone which was 15 minutes, Now he meant that i should stay inside the server like scroll on my phone or be on the character menu but i had mistook it and left the server and game completetly, So i had called over a staff member by the name of '' prophet'' I had explained the jail reason and the misunderstanding when a reasearcher who suddenly happened to appear in the same cell as me, We both happened to make sure innapropriate comments which led to me being brought to a staff room and being confronted by prophet. I tried explaining the situation as best as i could with no intention of breaking the rules but just having a good laugh and some humor but that obviousley didnt work out as i planned. So after a bit of chatting he decided to give me a 1 week ban. I would like to apologize to the researcher even tho he knew nothing was intented and to the staff member. Ill make sure to never break rules again in the future and try to stay out of trouble the best i can cause it was really just a mis understanding and i never meant any harm to both of the players. I really enjoy playing on the server and meeting new people so once again i would like to apologize and hopefully my ban appeal gets accepted and that i get a second chance, Thank you.
Last edited:
Jul 30, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi @Tedo^,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After talking to the staff member involved in issuing the ban and looking at the chat logs of what happened this is to be denied, what you did is ERP and is not allowed under any circumstances on the server. The ban issued by the staff member(s) involved is standard for ERP as per our guidelines which you can find here if you would like to look. Please avoid doing things like this in the future.

You may not re-appeal this ban due to the length.​
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