What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: Lu Sux
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88552370
Ban Reason: ERP
Date of ban: 21/03/2025
Who banned you: MTF A-1 CSG Onyx / Zoey Myers
Ban length: 7 days reduced to 4.
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I have reread the rules regarding "ERP", and will focus on avoiding comments similar to this in the future.
Why should you be unbanned: In my opinion the comment was not serious at all in the slightest, and it was barely passable as ERP. I have a video of the encounter and am willing to share it, I am completely honest in what I say and am willing to be educated on why it was too far. But as of now I believe a ban is way over the top and what I said was just barely scratching the surface of ERP. My comment was "Pull it out and lets measure it, I know the exact measurements". this was said because someone was disguised as someone I knew so it was a light hearted joke insinuating I know the person on a more personal level but still not too vulgar to deserve such punishment. I think the ban was unjust and others in the vicinity and friends of mine that also play CN also agree with me. I shared the clip with a good amount of people and they all came to the same conclusion as me, most of them are WAY more involved with CN than me so I take their advice highly and was recommended to appeal said ban. I am fairly good across CN, I have a lot of playtime on MRP and never received any form of punishment other than a single warn that was removed, this proves I am a solid player and tend to stick to the rules. This scenario was just a bit of a slip up and obviously in bad taste for those around me, still I think it wasn't too bad and at the end of the day it was a joke between mostly friends and associates, no one else found offence to it and no one reported it so its safe to assume those around me also didn't see the harm in it other than the person whom banned me. Again sorry for the comment & I hope the ban can be removed or at least be considered, wouldn't mind an explanation on why this comment was too far. Always open to another point of view.
Below is the clip of the encounter and the sit following it.