What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: Saul (Maybe Can't remember also this is being posted for a friend as he can't signup to the forums because his wifi blocks this site?)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:224461160
Date of ban: Saturday February 3rd 2024
Who banned you: Watchman
Ban length: Perm
What will you do to stop this from happening again: All will be stated below.
Why should you be unbanned: Hello.
I am sorry for everything I have done in the past all I can remember from what truly happened was I called E-11 simps for surrounding a female player and not moving away from them as it looked like they was being weird, I think the reason I got the MRDM is for punching a prisoner and a superadmin now I don't know how I am a dangerment to server health but I am sorry I have since matured since this and wish to come back to the community as it use to be my favourite server to play seriously when I was serious. I am a loyal player I have maxed everything out, I have got a high level and use to be in MTF I can maybe see why you would want to ban me but like I said I am sorry and this won't happen again back then I was just stupid and I was younger there is not much more to say as I am not going to sit here and make up a sob story but from what I can remember this is what happened and I am sorry.
Thanks for reading
Merry Christmas