SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Saul (Maybe Can't remember also this is being posted for a friend as he can't signup to the forums because his wifi blocks

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Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Saul (Maybe Can't remember also this is being posted for a friend as he can't signup to the forums because his wifi blocks this site?)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:224461160


Date of ban: Saturday February 3rd 2024

Who banned you: Watchman

Ban length: Perm

What will you do to stop this from happening again: All will be stated below.

Why should you be unbanned: Hello.
I am sorry for everything I have done in the past all I can remember from what truly happened was I called E-11 simps for surrounding a female player and not moving away from them as it looked like they was being weird, I think the reason I got the MRDM is for punching a prisoner and a superadmin now I don't know how I am a dangerment to server health but I am sorry I have since matured since this and wish to come back to the community as it use to be my favourite server to play seriously when I was serious. I am a loyal player I have maxed everything out, I have got a high level and use to be in MTF I can maybe see why you would want to ban me but like I said I am sorry and this won't happen again back then I was just stupid and I was younger there is not much more to say as I am not going to sit here and make up a sob story but from what I can remember this is what happened and I am sorry.

Thanks for reading
Merry Christmas
Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
The fact that you were banned for being a risk to server health is serious. Why should I trust that you would be a good member of the community if you were to return?
Because he hasn't even done anything to be a risk and would there be proof if he was a risk to server health? the only thing that maybe this is from is all his warns but just like me and many other players we all have loads of warns so just give him a chance he isnt like he use to and hes matured way more now
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