SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Viper

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Dec 18, 2023

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Viper

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95796219

Ban Reason: NITRP LTAP

Date of ban: 2024-05-19

Who banned you: Kayla

Ban length: 3 Days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will leave the game before I go to sleep and that's what happend I forgot to turn my PC off I went to sleep then I wake up banned for NITRP And LTAP?

Why should you be unbanned: Becuase I did nothing of this it's a false ban I did not LTAP and NITRP I simply fell asleep and did not turn the PC off.


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Hi @Sven Eriksson , as the member of staff that issued the ban I am just going to explain my reasoning.

I want to start this off by saying that I did discuss this with a member of Server Leadership before issuing out the ban, it wasn't a decision I made quickly.
At one point last night you were called into a sit for RDM. Upon talking with you about that, you stated that you came into foundation and killed 2 people in order to get a keycard, not because your life was in danger. I explained this was RDM and that as Parawatch you may only be hostile if your life is in immediate danger and you claimed you did not know this was a rule, however due to your warn history, I proceeded to issue the RDM warn. After I issued the warn, I strongly advised you to read the rules of the server due to amount warns you have recieved in less than 2 weeks.
No more than 10 minutes later, another sit is called against you for failraiding. I check the logs to see that you were killed inside Foundation, and re-entered within less than 10 minutes of that death. I force spawned you and brought you into a sit room. You were AFK at this time, so I just popped you in a jail to have a chat when you got back... You never came back and disconnected. Due to being downtime on the server and only around 20-30 people being online, you would not have been auto-disconnected from the server. I waited over 20 minutes as opposed to the standard 10 minutes for you to come back, but you didn't - hence the LTAP.
Looking at your warn history, as I stated, you have 9 warns from FearRP and FailRP since May 7th, and as one of the staff members that has taken a fair amount of these sits, I have personally explained these rules to you countless times, as well as continuously directed you to the forums rule page - offering to provide you with the link, however in each sit you continue to say you don't know that you are breaking a rule. Discussing this with the SL member, he advised a NITRP ban, and agreed that a few days off the server for you to read up and learn the rules would be reasonable.

Dec 18, 2023
And as I've said before I am trying to get my shit fixed but it's not that goddamn easy. This is the most fun place i've played on then I get banned for not leaving the game and Fail Raid? You can't fail raid as a Parawatch I did enter the Foundation once and killed 2 peaple becuase off there keycard I got the warning for RDM and I accept that becuase I admit I did do something wrong and dont tell me to read the rules I read them every day to be a better player. I have some issues with my memory and that's not my problem so every time I do something wrong it's not by purpose I am trying to be a good player that follow the rules. And I am sorry that I do break the rules. I dont wanna make an boring gameplay for others. And I did not Ltap my internet died we have a slow internet and the NITRP I just got told that I may get banned for that by Kayla but I would not so I was gonna start acting better and get my shit together. I did not kill anyone the second time I enterd I just took some photos and then got killed. Then I switched to GOC then I got bored and went to sleep. Then I must have been brought to a sit for some reason and then I was prob sleeping then when I left thats when my internet died.


Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Jul 25, 2022

Appeal Denied

Hello @Sven Eriksson ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

You have a history of warnings this month alone, and it does not seem like your trying to improve. This ban is completely justified. You went inside of foundation as a parawatch (This is allowed), but you decided to start killing people.

Now as per rule 4.4: "4.4 Non-Combative Personnel - The day to day duties of the person's job doesn’t require them to involve themselves in combat, these roles and/or departments may not engage in combat unless there are no options available, such as escape or hiding." In the example box below that rule it includes parawatch. So you killing someone to get their keycard is FailRP.

Rule 1.4: Don’t break NLR - New Life Rule means that you can not remember or use any information from a previous life in RP. Under this theres another example of NLR: "MC&D, Rangers and Parawatch after death may not re-enter the facility for 15 minutes.", Doesnt mean that you didnt kill people that this isnt a rule break. This is still a rulebreak - Therefore this is NLR.

Second Point - The LTAP, this is also completely justified. It is your account and your computer and your responsibility to make sure you do not LTAP, if you had cared you wouldnt have just left your PC open. Also the staff member gave you extra time to join back but you didnt, if your internet was slow, you shouldve poked a staff member or @ed a staff member in discord that you were joining back so they hive you more time. Therefore this is LTAP.

Final Point - The NITRP. I see this as completely correct as it will give you time to reflect on your actions and read the rules.

Based on the above, I will be editing you ban reason too FailRP (C) | NLR (B) | NITRP | LTAP and extending it by one day.

I hope you take the time to actually read the server rules properly and act better next time.

You may not re-appeal this.

Kind Regards, Blue​
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