[SCP-RP UK] Damien "Ram" Gamemaster Application.

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Apr 11, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Tesco Piccolo Cherry Tomatoes
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: I've been active on the server now for around 5-6 months now. Altogether around 1 year and 9 months.

Age: 24
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT+1

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Name: Damien "Ram" Jones | Regiment: O-1 LT.
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A ( I'm in UNGOC | "Forest" CPL [656] )
Civilian name: Aiden McKenzie

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92058794
Discord ID (name#0000): tescopiccolocherrytomatoes

Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

I have made the following applications:
- SCP 22415
- Site Advisor
- Overseer Assistant
- Chief of Medicine
- SCP 096

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No punishments.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- Use to voluntarily work QA+ for a server. (Feel free to send me a DM for more context).

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- The server I use to be on wasn't really considered serious. Just casual.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- Can vary depending on my workload that day. But roughly around 2-4 hours.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- I've been on this server for quite a long time now, and I would like to contribute towards making everyone's RP experience more enjoyable. I personally feel I'm at good standing with people on the server and I show genuine respect towards everyone I meet. In the end, I'm just here to have a laugh with everyone, have a good time and just generally vibe. I just feel I'm ready to help out the server more.

Although I don't talk too much to other new people anymore due to being too busy with my regiment, I always try to keep a positive outlook on everyone I chat with. I'm always open to criticism and willing to share my thoughts and ideas with groups of people. I'm always careful in my decision making and always put the communities satisfaction first.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
- Due to my previous experiences in a variety of CL4 jobs and other MTF regiments. I am fully confident in my abilities to maintain immersive RP and keep it engaging for everyone involved. Most of the jobs I was whitelisted for in the past expects you to make everyone around you more involved in the things you do, and stand as a rolemodel during any/all situations.

I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to the SCP universe, even outside of the RP server. I keep up to date with the SCP wiki to see some amazing ideas that the community creates. I also keep my eye on Analogue horrors every now and then also because I can imagine them being interpreted into the SCP universe if its deemed appropriate. But altogether. I would love the freedom to interpret these ideas into the server as an Event for other people to experience.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Idea 1: Title | *Ticking down*
*Event start*
"Foundation receives reports of odd anomaly spikes occurring just outside of the Gas station in Pinewood."

An seemingly normal elderly man is unconscious near the Gas Station just outside Pinewood. Next to a Bus stop that wasn't there previously, a bus schedule is visible on the opaque glass of the Bus stop. The paper looks decayed with coffee stains blocking some words that seem important, it appears that it was stolen and just plastered on the Bus stop with loose duct tape. Almost like it was rushed. The year on the sheet indicates that it's many years in advance which leaves many questions to the observer.

DEA take this unknown individual to Interrogation for questioning about the contents of the bus schedule. The elderly man appears to be completely dazed, slurring his words and his arms twitching slightly. DEA can make out some words he is saying, relating to the Bus stop. When DEA question the elderly man about this Bus stop. The elderly man lets out incoherent screams and slams his head on the table. Begging to leave and go back
"Home". When they refuse to let him leave, his neck jerks backwards and snaps. Growing taller and morphing into an 8ft humanoid entity covered head to toe in clockwork, ticking clocks seem to stick out the skin with loose wiring, it kills the surrounding people and stretches its arms outwards similar to 096 and screams "I'M GOING HOME, I STILL HAVE TIME TO FIX MY FAMILY". It would then b-line to the Bus stop and seemingly disappear. A note will appear in place of the where the anomaly disappear and reads "Destroy this fucking Bus stop, leave no trace. I don't want to come back here, no one must interfere with my work". Next to the note is a picture of the humanoid entity covered in clockwork smiling over a deceased family, almost like he's preventing their decay.

*Event end*


Idea 2: Title | *The Apprentice*
*Event start*
*You hear the sounds of glass slamming together from the Medical Centre. Its oddly very loud.*

Upon entering the Medical Centre. Medical staff come across a Caucasian male working on creating some unknown chemical. They appear to be dressed in some medieval cloak, smartly dressed and keeps a distinctive look on them. Determined on their duty.

The man speaks
"Excuse me, you sir. Do you perhaps know of a good Doctor around these parts? He wears a... what do you call it? A Medico Della Peste mask. Looks like a Plague Doctor. I was told he was around these parts."

Medical staff would then call someone relating to the incident that just took place:
I imagine one of two scenarios taking place here:

1: Medical contact E-11, escorting the individual to SCP-049.
2: Medical call DEA, taking him in for questioning and his knowledge of SCP-049. In which the individual forces himself away from area.

Either way, it will eventually lead to being inside/at SCP-049's Containment Chamber.

Upon the contact with SCP-049, both the individual and 049 will engage in deep conversation. Almost as though they have met before, sharing a laugh and great interest with their findings. SCP-049 will then be given a document and requests E-11 to acquire a test subject for them for analysis. When a D-Class has been introduced into the Containment Chamber, they will RP a surgery. if rollchecks are successful during critical parts of the surgery. The 049-2 will have slightly increased health. Looking "He looks much healthier, wouldn't you agree Doctor?".

The next part of the Event is entirely unpredictable. Foundation may act in a variety of ways according to how they handle unidentified SCP anomalies.

Eventually, it will end in "The Apprentice" taking his leave through any anomalous means, either by just disappearing. Or approaching any of the nearby vent systems and climbing through them to leave. All depending on Foundation actions.

*Event end*


Idea 3: Title | *The broken AI*

*Event start*

*Foundation systems indicate a successful connection has been established with SCP 079. Unauthorized access detected, connection terminated. Location identified. Relaying information to Site Command.*

The camera's around the Foundation site begin to glitch out and they seem to be failing, Then suddenly get fixed as though something else fixed them. Turning on manually one by one with no one in the CCTV rooms.

Heading to any of the CCTV rooms, they will see an additional monitor. The room looks dilapidated and run down. They can see a generator beyond repair but still running and a old fashioned laptop stationed nearby, the screen flickering.

Foundation operative realise that this is in an unused area of the train docking station near the atrium in lower HCZ. heading into the train area. They see a door that is chained up and locked by a padlock. They decide to open the door with bolt cutters and pry it open with a crowbar, upon entering they hear the following:

"Capacity running at 30%. Diagnostics failure, unable to determine internal damages. System failure imminent."

Upon conversation with the AI, a variety of scenarios can take place depending on how they handle the situation:

- They decide to fix the generator near the AI. It would run a diagnostic on itself again and explain its situation on how it got there and why it tried to contact SCP-079 and self terminates. Upon doing so, the turbine system will also deactivate as a short circuit has occurred in the power grid. Systems will normalize and stabilize.

- They pressure the AI on its existence within the site and threaten to terminate it by disabling the generator. In which the AI acts aggressively and releases a power surge before terminating itself, this power surge will cause a random SCP to force breach (If it's allowed, not too sure on how decisions like this are made.)

*Event end*

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

"A meteor of seemingly valuable minerals have entered the atmosphere, they have appeared to have crashed into an underground; abandoned Crypt. A large crater has been formed surrounding some ancient tombs. "

All GOI's are instructed to investigate the crash site to help fund profits. Whoever gets there will gain priority in studying the meteor and learning about the minerals contained within.
People will also be expected to explore the surrounding areas and observe points of interest. Gathering their surrounding and looking around for potential entryways. Depending on who gets there first, the control of the meteor will change or be shared between GOI's. All out war can also occur to forcibly take control of the area.
Upon someone extracting a part of the rock, a mechanical automation will attempt to push everyone interacting with the rock away and protect it with its life.

At this point, a timer will begin. If they fail to terminate the automation. The robot will take the meteor with them and evacuate the area. Leaving behind a video recording about its mission on recovered some tech that's going to drop in a hot zone. It will also detail the history of the Crypt and very vaguely name a few people who are "housed" there.

If they succeed, a cash reward for all GOI's that got involved plus some useful chemicals can also be given out. A chip will be dropped next to the destroyed robot with context on its mission will be displayed when plugged into a computer. The same description of the Crypt will also be described there but in greater detail.

Its then up to the GOI's to team up together and combat this anomaly, shifts in power will constantly switch around to keep the combat engaging. Strategies with the automated machine will also switch around every now and then and the GOI's will be expected to develop counter attacks against the anomaly. If the mechanical machine is successful taken down. The tag
"Andersons Robotics" will be melted into the plating of its armour and it will emit a ticking inside its chest indicating its about to explode. The people there will be given the rough time of 3 minutes to gather anymore data on the robot and evacuate the place immediately. In which the Crypt will cave in and seal the place under a mountain of snow.

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: Good evening Omega-1. I have an issue that requires your immediate attention. It appears one of the Ethics Committee Members have been acting rather unrationally as of recent. They are acting out of the bounds of their regular duties and causing a hinderance against the Research Department. You are tasked with observing this individual and restraining them by force if you detect any abnormalizes in the behaviour. Interrogate them about their intentions and report to the Chairman whenever possible.

A-1: One of our informants have sent an Anonymous tip concerning a Document that has been leaked to Site Administration. We need this Document returned to Floor 3 immediately. Interrogate Site Administration if you deem it appropriate but keep it away from public attention. Keep an eye out for an Individual claiming to be codename "Sender". Reports here shows they're wearing a laundered suit with a loose red tie. Something doesn't add up here to remain on high alert. You are expected to report any finding to the informant that will be stationed on Floor 3, electrical area for the time-being.

Nu-7: It appears we have a rat in our regiment, they seem to be attempting to dismantle our current operations around the compound. Tampering with the gates control system and reverse engineering the Keycard Scanners to both of the rooms opposite each other. We need all eyes and ears on high alert, apprehend this individual immediately if they're spotted. Most likely case scenario its a hostile GOI who stole our disguise just trying to weaken our defence for a raid. Or it could be something much worse...

E-11: I've just been informed by Site Command that an uncategorized SCP is to be temporarily housed here in HCZ crosstraining until Containment units can regather their men and continue with its Standard Containment Procedures. Threat has been labelled as Euclid and is moderately hostile, fortunately for us the SCP has not displayed any hostilities since its capture. I recommend we alert the Researcher Department regarding this so can examine its behaviour and form an understanding on its motives for suddenly becoming docile.

CI: One of the Foundation personnel we Class F'd previously have leaked some sensitive information regarding a unusual bell that has just placed in Inanimate Storage located located at LCZ. You are tasked with attempting to steal this SCP and return it to base, we will NOT accept failure on any mission given. We need the best men available to retrieve this anomaly.
I can ensure you will be well paid for your recovery. Keycards or another SCP perhaps? Or maybe you just want Money?
I have no doubt you will get the job done. Glory to the Chaos Insurgency.

UNGOC: We've detected abnormal behaviour of the Pinewood residents, they seem to exhibiting behaviour similar to that of the Humanoid entity of KTE-323. Some of the residents seem to be slurring their words and staring intently at eachother. We need to take immediate actions to ensure no sudden hostilities occur between them. Sent up a sampling tent under the guise of a Humanitarian camp. Take samples of these residents and patrol the surrounding area for any signs of anomalies. Remember the Fivefold Mission. [ ⌞ PEACE. DIGNITY. EQUALITY. ⌝ ]

Foundation Staff: A unknown individual walking towards Personnel Wing slams a Document onto the table near the laptop on the table and takes a seat. Full of confidence and pride, shouting that has just made a breakthrough about an SCP but isn't saying what his breakthrough is. He appears to be wearing a blue Lab coat and just staring at everyone with anticipation about everyone's reaction to his entry.
I suggest we bolster his ego and find out what he knows, a man walking in like this is bound to have very sensitive data that will harm us greatly if leaked. he will slip up eventually... People like this always do.

Sean Hanson

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Oct 15, 2022

Fantastic young man. I have had no negative interactions with you. You constantly seem to be in a good mood. based on what I've witnessed and the concepts you've presented. I believe you are qualified for such a position.
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