SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - 'Detainee'

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May 28, 2022

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Archiethegoat

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:579931514

Discord Username: archiethegoaty#1123

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: 8d 12hs

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: 'Detainee'
Joe Mason Andy

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: All my warns are inactive, most from 2022.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 7

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No, but willing to learn.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to be Gamemaster because I would like to host events and make everybody feel like they are immersed within the RP I create. I am looking to make events for newer players like GSD or D class so they get a feel of what the server is capable, which will hopefully make more and more people join the community.

Secondly, I love participating in events and would love to make some of my own which I can immerse myself in and have free control on what happens.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I am very active, this will help me host many events and help with events while the server is on its lower player while there is no lag, which will massively help with events. I am special over other applicants because I can host events after events with persistence, which will boost moral on the server.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):


OOC: Firstly, I would create a CI Cell within the GM Plain. It would have multiple hallways, a operations centre, and a couple containment cells for SCPs. Next, I would create a Monster with Wolf-like appearance and animations using Pac3.

" Lost Cause "

The Site-65 CI Terror Cell is picking up a signal from another Cell about a anomaly that is wrecking havoc on the Cell. The communications line then becomes static, forcing the Cell to investigate.

CI are then ordered to go into a Truck which has a teleporter in, and gets transported to a dark structure, forcing CI to use NVGs and Flashlights.

As they go on, they find body's of dead Operatives with scratch marks on the torso.

Then, they pick up a signal from the Cell's Commander, stating that he is alive and in good shape. He tells CI to go to his location in the operations centre, where CI come into contact with a wolf like anomaly.

CI then try and contain the anomaly but its too powerful and gets away. CI then try to find the anomaly but fails after the Commander of the Cell dies to it.

Just as they are about to RTB, the anomaly appears in front of them, CI beam and cuff the anomaly and RTB with it to do research on it.


OOC: Firstly, I would put on a Researcher model. I would then spawn in a truck to transport said shipment. Once I arrive at site-65 I would then spawn in a wooden box, and transport it into the Armory for it to be stored.

" Heavy Weaponry "

Foundation receive a communication from a Foundation Contractor about a shipment of weaponry that is to be delivered.

<F_Contractor - Site-65 SA/SC> *Requesting Secure Communications* Y/N

<F_Contractor - Site-65 SA/SC> Hello! I have a weaponry shipment for Site-65.

<F_Contractor - Site-65 SA/SC> It has been ordered in by MTF-Nu7, Hammer down.

<F_Contractor - Site-65 SA/SC> There are multiple MK18s, GRY SBRs and a few M249s.

<F_Contractor - Site-65 SA/SC> They will be transported into site, and placed within the Armory.

Entry would be authorised, the weaponry shipment would be delivered.


OOC: I would need to create a Pac3 for this event. It would be fully black, have a hunched back with white eyes. It would be around 8ft tall. It would have animations which swing at you with its claws.

" Unknown Contact "

UNGOC gets a distress call from the Mayor of Pinewood calling for help as an anomaly had appeared, creating destruction and despair to the citizens within.

<Mayor-UNGOC> Hhhelp ...<STATIC>... We have came into contact wit- ...<STATIC>... Anom ...<STATIC>.... ** Screams can be heard **

UNGOC is tasked with locating the Anomaly that is wrecking havoc on pinewood and either containing it or subdueing it.

Once UNGOC have located said Anomaly, they would engage with it until it flees. The anomaly would come out of the shadows, sneaking up onto GOC Soldiers and killing them, leaving their torso's torn with scratch marks.

UNGOC would have to use explosives and heavy weaponry to subdue it enough to be able to beam it. It would then have to be transported back into the UNGOC FOB for Research and testing.

At one point, the Entity will break free from cuffs, killing everyone in the room. It would then disappear from existence leaving no trace of its arrival and massacres.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

This is based on an XK end of the world scenario.

OOC: I would create a Titan inspired from Attack On Titan using Pac3. It would be approximately 100ft tall. I would make animations for it stomping and walking.

Since it would be a massive event, with most of the Game Master team participating. I would make multiple Game Master's wear mini Titan Pac3s that I would make by myself. They would be commanded by the Massive Titan to storm into the Foundation and kill everything seen.

Thuds are heard within pinewood. Sounding like steps from a giant entity...

A massive figure appears, something even the foundation had never seen or heard of before. Immediately, Site-65 Radio in to others sites for immediate backup. E11, Nu7 and every combative within Site-65 is sent to engage the deadly entity but with no prevail.

Tanks are deployed from Both GOC and Foundation, but easily crushed by the entity. The entity then spawns little demon-like zombies that are immune to basic weaponry.

Orange and white suits are deployed from GOC but get crushed swiftly.

Multiple 1000lb bombs are dropped on the creature, showing small damage on the movement on the legs, slowing the destruction of pinewood and everything within it.

The entity then moves to the top of Site-65 and stomps on it, causing a site-wide Containment Breach with Multiple Keter class anomaly's involved.

Mobile Task Force Tau-5 are deployed by order of the 05 council, along side with multiple over MTFs including Beta-7. Tau-5 focus the Titan with Energy Weapons and missiles but they were too late... The Titan had broken multiple syringes of SCP-008 ' The Zombie Virus ' which spread widely through out the site causing a site-wide lockdown. Beta 7 would try to contain the virus outbreak but it went in vain.

The 05 Council came to a decision, and decided to call in the Alpha and Omega Warheads to stop the beast from causing more havoc on more sites. Tau-5 Exfilled and the Site got blew to atoms.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

O-1 -

ECM gets kidnapped into a dimension, gets teleported somewhere unknown. O1s Job is to locate the Ethics Committee Member in the dimension and kill or contain the entity that did it to the Ethics Committee Member.

A-1 -

A ghost is within F3. It opens and closes doors randomly and makes Operatives go insane. It can be seen via NVGs. A1s Job is to capture the Ghost and take the Operatives that became insane to medbay for a psyche evaluation and a mental health check-up.

Nu-7 -

A hostile Group Of Interest has been spotted on surface. They wear dark red robes, their faces cannot be seen. Nu7 has to get information on the Group Of Interest without causing too much commotion. This will then lead up to a raid on the GOIs base. Their base has Dark Red hallways stained with blood, Satanic logos and symbols painted in blood all around. Nu7 would raid the base and kill everyone inside. At the end, it would lead up to a corridor that is a last stand for the Hostiles. At the end of the Corridor, there is a operations centre with all of the highest ranking members of the Organisation. Nu7 Exfills from the Base with the leadership held captive, they then return to base and interrogate or kill them.

E-11 -

A hume spike has been recorded on systems within LHCZ... E11 are to respond ASAP to locate the source of this spike and subdue it. The entity is a dog-like creature with wings. Its barks can stun nearby Operatives heavily effecting their duties. E11 are to engage with the entity until they subdue it or contain it. If they kill it, it will whimper and fall to the ground. If it is contained it will slowly disintegrate from existence.

CI -

A convoy of Weaponry for CI are being delivered to the Cell. CI job is to defend this at all costs from anybody lurking within Surface. If CI prevail, they will be handsomely rewarded with machine guns, grenades and other heavy weaponry that they can use at their disposal.


A anomaly penetrates the UNGOC FOB. It is bright white with Dark Red eyes. It can float in the air. UNGOCs Job is to find out everything about this entity without spooking it or scaring it, making it hostile. If they fail to, the entity will attack the FOB, then disappear into thin air.

Foundation Staff -

Anomalous objects are randomly scattered within Site-65. Their job is to find all these anomaly's and make containment procedures for them. Some of these objects may float, explode or blind you when you come into contact with them.
Last edited:
Mar 20, 2022
Hello @'Detainee'

Can you format this to make it better to read? Its been difficult to make sense of parts of it.

You don't go into much detail in all the answers either. Please look at other successful applications first and learn from their strengths. I hope you revisit your application because this will get denied in its current state.
May 28, 2022
Hello @'Detainee'

Can you format this to make it better to read? Its been difficult to make sense of parts of it.

You don't go into much detail in all the answers either. Please look at other successful applications first and learn from their strengths. I hope you revisit your application because this will get denied in its current state.
Formatting it now, Thanks!
-/+ Neutral

  • + Active.

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual.

  • -/+ Where the ideas are well-detailed, they're pretty good and where they're less detailed, they're just basic synopses that convey a premise and not much else.

  • - No mention of how each event would be approached from an OOC perspective, as though in the position of a GM. Being a GM is as much a mechanical thing as it is a fantastical thing; While you seem to have some creative ideas, it's just as important that you put thought into how you might go about executing these events as well as plotting the RP and general story of your event. Even if you don't have any in-depth technical knowledge of any of the tools GMs use to drive events such as PAC3, the commands allowed to GMs or building & making dupes (which are generally taught to you during the TGM phase), you can still reasonably gauge things like if you would need help from other GMs or Event Team to do your event. Even just showing that you're taking this into account can greatly help your application.

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
- Advice

I would prefer more detail on this application, there is barely anything for the missions which isn't a good look when scouting for 'creativity' from a potential gamemaster. The large quantity of transcripts should be backed up by a bit more explanation going into what actually happens during the event and the potential outcomes. The application doesn't show any / much knowledge of SCP Lore either. Some effort went into formatting but it's nothing special. Lastly, considering how limited the slots are for gamemasters currently you don't stand out from others with this application, please expand or rewrite the events to a considerable amount if you wish to be accepted.

Good luck,

- Julien White
+ / - Neutral
The event ideas proposed lack a basic rooting of detail and also connection with the lore of the SCP Foundation. I’d actually find these much more interesting if they were written with more detail and not scrapped at the parts where it mentions an SCP, or this person will find that and so on.

I would suggest expanding your event ideas a lot more and finding inspiration from the SCP Wiki to either base events off of actual SCPs, or take the time to research how the SCPs you mention in your application will be in-game, and what their backstory would be and how they would interact with Research, be contained or killed etc. Then to apply these newly founded details to your app.

The map change idea is also, very huge and has a canon which will more than likely result in the nuke being deployed right away. You would need a server of more than 180+ people all orientated towards the Foundation faction to actually fight such an entity that releases everything and even SCP-008 which creates more anomalies as it spreads. I like the idea that Tau-5 would be deployed however they would crumble hard if they were sent in there with no other taskforce(s). This proposal also gives me the idea of the Scarlet King or some other 001 proposal involving large-scale world-ending anomalous subjects.

If you take the time to reflect on my advice I believe I will change this to a +Support, nonetheless a great community member and roleplayer so goodluck.


SCP-RP Staff
Dec 25, 2023

- Support

Simply put, your event ideas lack descriptions and all fail to completely describe (or even really barely) describe the ideas beyond a single uninteresting sentence. Your most descriptive portion of text is you saying "a wolf like anomaly", every other instance of an anomalous entity or item is not described and therefore I cannot consider in the slightest when reviewing your ideas.

Basically all of your events are 1 sentence with no descriptors at all, below are all the ones I see that aren't described at all. Please do change this stuff, I think that you could probably be a good GM, but this app doesn't show it at all.

"UNGOC is tasked with locating the Anomaly"
"A massive figure appears"
"kill or contain the entity"
"A hostile Group Of Interest"
"A Anomaly is lurking within LHCZ"
"A anomaly penetrates GOC FOB"
"Anomalous objects are randomly scattered within Site-65"

This was much more intense / mean sounding of a comment than I intended it to be, sorry if it felt overly aggressive.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @'Detainee' ,

Unfortunately having discussed your application and history with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit for the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.​
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