SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Gregory McCain

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What server are you applying for:

Your Username:
Gregory McCain

Your SteamID:

Discord Username:


What's your current playtime:

Do you have a mic:

Your characters name:
Foundation: Gregory McCain
Civi: Gregory McCain the 2nd
CI: Gregory "Ranger" McCain
UNGOC: Gregory Daniels

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
I have a clean record. Ex-Head Moderator.

How many hours can you be on everyday:
4-8 hours

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:

Yes, I have been a previous gamemaster, SL Rust member (event team) and Head Moderator (also within event team). I have also served one time as a Trial-Gamemaster for SCP RP, but decided to go the staffing route. I have now determined that I want to further encourage roleplay within the server and therefore, return to the gamemaster team to help out with providing content via the gamemaster tools provided.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:

At the moment, I have an application up to become an Overseer Assistant, and as described there, I do want to provide the players of SCP-RP with some new and fresh events. These events would need quite a lot of building and a decent amount of PAC3 effects and model imports. The current gamemaster team is overworked as is, so I do believe that joining the team would allow me to have my event ideas come to life without having to put even further strain on the members of the gamemaster or event team.
During my previous tenure around the site (as O5-4), I have recognized the importance of a good dupe with some light and texture additions made with PAC3. Some of the dupes made by the Senior Gamemasters really created a nice environment for scenarios to be played out, and I feel that I can now use my creativity to also make dupes like this, dupes that go further than just a simple additional room, but entire sites or creatures to expand on the already expanding content within the server.

A lot of people suffer from burnout on the server, this is mainly because they get into the same loop of daily tasks, with minimal change in their daily visits to the site. I do believe that having me as a gamemaster with the addition of me being able to integrate the RP scenarios I have in mind, could help to combat this issue.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:

As stated above, I have witnessed the site in all layers that you can imagine. I played from D-class all the way up to overseer and have noticed what people like and what they simply see as boring. I do believe that the current storylines I have planned out could provide something fun and engaging to all layers within the server, from Foundation to MC&D. I do also acknowledge that I would need help with some of the PAC3 stuff, but I also believe that the gamemaster team would be more than willing to help me out to get started. I think many of the gamemasters share the same vision, providing the people on the server with new and engaging storylines for them to enjoy, and I share this vision.

I also believe that the current gamemasters could use some help since I see how much they already provide and want to do. Even if it is just playing an event character every now and then, I do believe that having me as a Tial Gamemaster could only lead to great things for the server.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Event 1: "The hydraulic leak"
A hydraulic liquid leak is announced over the facility announcement systems. The pressure slowly starts to drop, resulting in different doors slowly breaking around the site. Since the doors start to malfunction, a site emergency broadcast is sent out to all other sites, and site-1 sends in some technicians to help the technicians of site-65 with finding and fixing the hydraulic fluid leak. The leak will be placed in the turbine room, where a small dupe will show where the fluid is leaking. The present site staff members will be tasked to separate themselves into a mobile crew (fixing hydraulic doors) and a stationary team (fixing the fluid leak).

Event 2: "The unkillable rat"
A research team from a nearby research facility knock on the doors of site-65. They come to check in on SCP-682, since they believe that they have found a way to transport the regenerative perks of SCP-682 to other organisms. After the experiments are performed on a living rat, the small mammal becomes temporarily unkillable and highly aggressive. The research team, not expecting this change, is spooked and drops the rat out of the cage. It is now up to the personnel of site-65 to go and retrieve the rat before the cycle is completed and the rat becomes immortal like SCP-682, or even worse, to stop it from escaping.

Event 3: "Protocol failure: foam dispensers"
An update to the facility is implemented, and a new fire-controlling foam is placed inside the site roofing on all grounds. The personnel is made aware after the technicians are finished implementing it. The Foundation policy is to not smoke within site-65, but unknowing personnel that are smoking around the site are in for a rather unpleasant surprise. If two people are caught smoking in the same room, the system will see it as the entire room being on fire, completely submerging the room in the new foam. The foam used will be the 008 containment foam.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

SCP-3000 event: The harvesting of amnestics.
(A big watery map with a small patch of land to function as FOB);

The Foundation staff of site-65 are tasked with obtaining the next batch of SCP-3000 materials after a big workplace explosion, killing the previous crew. Upon leaving site-65, CI, UNGOC and MC&D get sight of them leaving and track them to the site of SCP-3000. The foundation now has multiple objectives to fulfil;

1) Defend the diving site from GOI attacks and FOB of SCP-3000 to continue the harvesting of amnestic materials.
2) Start diving missions to obtain the materials, and utilise D-class.
3) Ensure no civilian planes or boats pass by or over and get an idea of what is going on.
4) Logistics of the SCP-3000 samples.

For the logistics and the roleplay, gamemaster can be asked to use a wide variety of roles. This could be as big as the actual SCP, or as small as being a logistics officer who ships the materials around to other sites. I like these kinds of events since it does not need a big amount of planning and dupes while leaving the plot open so a lot of new roleplay opportunities make themselves known. It also makes the story more interesting, since most people would know that this SCP would be limited to clearance level 5 information, so we could even see an increase in treasonous roleplay to try and escape the site before being amnesticed themselves.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

Omega-1: "The hard drive of Truth": A team of technical experts enters site-65 and updates the virus software of the computers. Upon gaining clearance level 5 override permissions (if an O5 or ECM hands it to them), they will sneakily download information about the Scarlet King to their hard drive. This in itself triggers the internal safety and alarms start blurring, the technical experts, not knowing what information they now have, run away and try to flee the site. It is now up to MTF Omega-1 to ensure that this hard drive never leaves the site, while also ensuring nobody takes it and reads the file, even not themselves.

Alpha-1: "The new recruits": O5-7 enters the site with a special letter and walks over to any other O5 present. He hands over the letter, it reads: "The cycle of the current operatives within Alpha-1 is over. Keep those you want, but a new dose of class F must be used to ensure 100% compliance." Signed by the Administrator. O5-7 informs the other O5 that he is tasked to stay there and witness the injections and brainwashing to ensure that a non-biased O5 oversees the event. All present Alpha-1 operatives will be called to floor 3 for injection. It is now up to the members of Alpha-1 to react to this information and to the O5 present to see how compliant his troops really are.

Nu-7: "The Hammer Down": (In link with CI): Chaos leadership has opened up a big checkbook for the CI Operatives, giving them fighter jets and orbital bombardments as an option. The Foundation gets wind of this and matches its budget, allowing advanced warfare to happen on the surface. Both sides will be given close to anything they want. They are now both fighting with everything both sides have to offer, may the best team win.

E-11: "The cave crumbles": A big rumbling can be heard just outside of the bottom of HCZ elevator Just seconds after it, the biggest rumble ever felt from within the site shakes everyone wide awake. The roof of the tunnel leading up to HCZ has collapsed, and there is no way to now move towards the highly dangerous SCPs inside HCZ. They now must find a way to excavate the entrance and tunnel shaft leading towards HCZ before something goes wrong with the SCPs (and stuck personnel) inside.

Chaos Insurgency: (In link with Nu-7): Chaos leadership has opened up a big checkbook for the CI Operatives, giving them fighter jets and orbital bombardments as an option. The Foundation gets wind of this and matches its budget, allowing advanced warfare to happen on the surface. Both sides will be given close to anything they want. They are now both fighting with everything both sides have to offer, may the best team win.

UNGOC: "Sick of Politicians": An argument has started in the highest echelons of the United Nations, the Canadian military representative has not been elected to the next General of the UNGOC. The representative starts an argument with the newly appointed general and the general wants to punish the representative for questioning him. In return, the political leader of the UN moves to the Pinewood branch of the UNGOC to perform an inspection of their entire base. The representative gets word of this and alerts the Pinewood branch just minutes before the general arrives. Failure to be completely in line with the standing orders will result in less funding.

Foundation staff: "The power outage of hell": The turbines finally break after never being turned down for maintenance. Upon inspection, it looks like the entire mechanism is in for a rework. Supplies are already within the Foundation premises, but they are stocked inside the storage room in the entrance zone. The technicians now have the duty to both retrieve those supplies and to fix the turbines, because the backup generator can only keep the containment chambers closed for so long...
Last edited:
Mar 20, 2022
Hi Gregory, I will be leaving a +Support for your application today.

However, just a point I'd like to highlight:

- Usage of Scarlet King is generally frowned upon unless done properly. We tend to avoid SCP-001 stuff in general unless its specifically targeted in a storyline.

Aside from that, you are exceptionally competent and have been a great roleplayer in the community. With a bit of polish you'd make an excellent Game Master.

Best of luck!


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022

Hello Gregory, Thank you for taking the time to write an application.
At this current time, I will not be Supporting your Application.

Starting with the Map Change event, while I do not belive it reasonable to expect new applicants to come up with a Sensible proposal, it still serves as a look into the thought process of any applicant.

As it stands, i do not belive your proposal would be sufficient to engage the playerbase at said time, the sheer scale of a Map Change event tends to crush the finer details of roleplay into the dust, I cannot imagine a 100+ player audience would participate much in things such as "logistics", and the server does not have any systems to support such roleplay. This being just one example. I also see how the Infoleak-y nature of the event itself would make it fall easy prey to minges.

Following this, the 3 Small Events are Novel enough, I imagine the turnout for the stationary team would be rather low as it is historically difficult to get players to engage with roleplay such as this.

The 682 rat i have no comments on, i think its a perfectly acceptable event to give the playerbase something new to do and would be happy to see something like this run.

The "No-Smoking" event though I have questions about though, As it stands, the only people you could be visibly confirming to be smoking would be Pac3 users, everyone else would be relegated to /me's or simmilar, and there simply are no methods to sitewide notice these people and track them to allow for the system to activate. There is no notable portion of "smoking rp" to clink this event into, which it would be highly dependant on.

Thirdly, the Example missions. Some of these I take particular issue with which has pointed me in the direction of specific concerns that prevent me from being able to confidently support your application.

"The Hard Drive of Truth"
I do not belive there is any potential for constructive roleplay involving the Scarlet King, even as a Non SCP-001 concept. I belive this event soley uses the "Secretness" of the Scarlet king to cheaply leverage interest, this is a tactic i am not fond of.

"The new recruits"
My problem is twofold, One. We try to avoid making mention of the administrator whenever possible, he is effectively being used to "pull rank" here to force the O5 to do this, whether they want to or not.
Two. I dont think much good RP can come of this.

Also, players would not be happy spending this much class F out of their own pocket, and when supplying it, people embezzeling said chems for profit is also a likely scenario, making this a lose-lose scenario for execution.

Im also unsure about how much we want to canonise the "brainwashed A-1", especially on such a dubiously lore-friendly foundation. It is generally preferable to leave many things open to interpretation so that the players have freedom in choosing "their" Foundation. I think this would be highly rigid and inflexible, limiting future roleplay.

Not to mention, this would effectively force a complete wipe of all characters, memories, stories etc. within A1, this one-off event would be severely damaging and frustrating to said Regiment.

Nu7 / CI
This would just be a heavilly superadmin-power reliant mrdm fest, spawning in more stuff that you cannot normally do is not what makes a good event.

I belive the realistic outcome of this event being ran would be all of E-11 standing around in place until the excavation is completed unless measures were taken to involve more people within and without HCZ, if you had any such measures in mind, do feel free to state them.

Twofold, 1. "John Inspector does an Inspection" type events are not particularilly interesting in and of themselves, and are unpopular and a chore.
2. Please familiarise yourself with the GOI page of the GOC, as there is a LOT of interesting ideas and concepts to draw from, none of which were included here and were infact actively contradicted.

Foundation staff: This is a retread of your hydraulic failure event.

The presented ideas and thoughts within your application do not give me the necessary confidence in your abilities to be able to confidently support your application at this time. Again, thank you for taking the time to write an application nonetheless. Best of Luck.

  • + Have only had positive interactions with this individual.

  • + Mature, professional, trustworthy - Has held a staff position in the past and to my knowledge is not generally someone to be concerned about when it comes to power misuse.

  • - Activity concerns as mentioned above

  • - Concerns with event ideas as mentioned above; Additionally, while the general synopses of the events are fine (in terms of how they're described) and perfectly cogent from an RP perspective of what you envision happening during each event, there isn't really anything about how you would approach these event ideas from an OOC perspective, as a GM and how you might use the GM toolset to facilitate these events. Obviously as an applicant, you're not expected out of the gate to know the ins and outs of PAC3, building, working with dupes or the ever-expanding, myriad implements with which GMs create and drive events, but even just ideas of planning and demonstrating how you would approach events organisationally would ultimately help you in the long run.
Apr 6, 2023
- Support

+ You've been around the server a bit which means you have a good balanced view of things
+ Former Staff so you are professional

-/+ I do not know you, as in I didn't know you existed before this application which is not entirely a bad thing
- Usage of an SCP-001 Item ( frowned upon due to it dispelling the "mystery" behind the 001 Item )
- I am not going to hound on the same points regarding the events but you get the point

At the moment, I think you need to take a good look at your events. See how they would affect server health, player enjoyability as well as appealing to the lore purists ( Jeremy Siens ) but overall you do have what it takes to get GM. Just try and explain more in-depth how you would conduct said events in an OOC perspective. Additionally Activity Concerns mentioned above play a factor in my -Support.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Application Denied

Hi @Gregory McCain

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your gamemaster application.

The reason for the denial is that we believe you have too recently returned to the community. We believe you could be worthy of the position, and we have therefore decided to reduce the re-apply time to 1 week to see whether your activity improves within that time. After this week has passed, if you still want to join the gamemaster team, feel free to re-apply with a new application.

You may re-apply in 1 weeks.​
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