SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - James K.

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Jul 22, 2023
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: James K.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:196792033

Discord Username: Kinlep

Age: 17

What's your current playtime: 9 Days 20 Hours 19 Minutes 37 Seconds

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: F: James K.
UNGOC: James "Wolf"
Civ: James Kennedy

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
ERP: made a bad joke (Inactive)
FearRP: Broke out of cuffs whilst under gun point (Inactive)
Metagaming: Used a persons "God Name" (Inactive)
FailRP: Entered Foundation as a Civ (Inactive)
Mic Spam: My sound board was louder than I wanted (Inactive)

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-8, a little less on weekends due to work.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No, Unfortunately

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like the ability to create fun & unique RP, not just for myself but for others too,
I would also love to expand the amount of RP currently in the server as I have noticed at times it can get a bit empty.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I am a quick learner meaning anything that needs teaching to me such as how to use some of the GM tools I can learn quickly & effectively.
I also am accustomed to the game rules as I have been apart of this community for a little under a year, this also means that I know what the community wants when it comes to event creation.
While I am not the most knowledgeable with the SCP lore, I am happy to learn about the role I am playing as if It is needed to improve the player experience.
I am also very dedicated to my roles, so if a large scale event needs setting up, I am more than happy to put my time an effort into that.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Event One, “The Kidnapper”

**IC Lore / Events**

Event Will Start With An Announcement

Once Epsilon-11 arrives they will start searching the area, upon searching enough they will find a photo, this photo will have an image of a family with their eyes scratched out, the first E-11 to see this photo will be the first victim of “The Kidnapper”.

The Epsilon-11 member who first sees this photo will report to start having blurred vision and something is following him, the thing that is following him is a dark shadow figure, this figure will stalk the Epsilon-11 member for a few minutes, until finally demanding him to do something for him,

Some tasks that the figure can demand to do is a naffen lap around core sector, complete a CL5 hack, or finish KH under a certain time, if the E-11 fails to do this in time or refuses to complete the order they will be “Kidnapped”.

If you successfully complete the task, you will be given the choice to haunt another E-11 member, but if you get “Kidnapped” there will be several different outcomes, some of these include being taken to a random place on surface (Away from any GOIs) without any weapon, placed inside an SCP containment cell, placed inside D-Block, placed within the SCP-106 dimension and finally locked in a restricted area such as F3, ECO, SA offices (preferably one with people in that can find the person).

To stop / capture the SCP, the person who is being stalked by the kidnapper will have to place a scranton at the SCP and then it will become visible to the rest of the E-11, then it can be “Beamed” and re-contained.

**OOC / GM Events**

The GM who is playing as “The Kidnapper” will stand far away and watch the victim, the victim will be the only person who can see the SCP, if the victim fails the task, the GM will strip the weapons of the victim and will teleport them to one of the locations above.

Once the SCP has been captured by E-11 it will seemingly disintegrate and the event will end, then the following message will be broadcasted:


How event will be approached: A PAC will be used from the workshop by the name Umbrella Man
This model will be used since it is low in size (Under the 15mb limit) and is relatively easy to import
This event will start during a time where E-11 activity is spiking so that the most amount off players can be involved.
furthermore, this event does not need any props placing or anything of the sort, the only GM tools that will be needed are noclip, cloak and teleport, these will be used to bring players once they fail a task.
God mode will be used to prevent the SCP from dying when it isn't needed.

Event Two, “MTF Iota-10”

**IC Lore / Events**

This event will start with an announcement being played over the facility speakers,


Members of Iota-10 “Damn Feds” will arrive on site-65 and will transport a new SCP into its temporary containment chamber, they will claim that they recovered this SCP on a mission which involved sneaking into a government building, any further detail into the subject will be met with the response
“Your not cleared to know that information”

Iota-10 will claim this new SCP has mind controlling abilities and that scientists should study it, then for around 15 minutes, research staff will be allowed to start tests on it, the result of these tests will be the D-Class going insane and trying to escape, then getting killed.

After around 5-10 more minutes, the Iota-10 staff will start to accuse the nearest staff member of attempting to breach the SCP, and will become paranoid, after around 2 minutes of this, one Iota-10 member will shoot the others and then claim that they were CI spies even though there will be evidence against this,

It will become apparent that the Iota-10 member is being affected by the new SCP, it will now be the job of medical and research staff to attempt to fix the Iota-10 member, if they do not help enough, the Iota-10 member will attempt to breach and escape, but if they do help, the Iota-10 member will be saved.

**OOC / GM Events**

3 Iota-10 members will be played by GMs, and the SCP will just be an object which when interacted with a Iota-10 GM will use his GM powers to make it seem like the SCP has done something.
1 GM will kill the other 2 GMs once he has been affected by the SCP, he will then promptly surrender, to prevent anyone from killing him in this process, he will be in god mode.

How event will be approached: Helicopter_bomb01 will be spawned in and will be carried to animate storage by the GM who are playing as IOTA-10, during this, all effects that people will witness will be via commands from the game masters that are stood next to the SCP,
God mode will be used for a limited amount of time to prevent from anyone killing the game masters mid event.

Event Three, “Redacted Information”

**IC Lore / Events**

This event will start with a message being played over open comms,

[SkyBird-12][Open Comms] Transmitting to foundation command, we’ve been hit, we’re gonna have to drop out the cargo…

[O5-?][Open Comms][???-SB-12] Shit, where is the landing position?

[SkyBird-12][Open Comms] Uhhhh, Pinewood…. Near some lake house, we’re transporting very classified information, make sure it gets returned to the right place.

[O5-?][Open Comms][???-SB-12] I understand, I will dispatch MTF units to its location, CI have probably seen these comms, we will have to prepare for a fight.

[O5-?][Open Comms][F] All MTF units, we have an issue some documents have been lost near pinewood lake house, recover them ASAP.

Once whomever manages to collect the documents, whether that is CI or the MTF teams, they will find classified documents about private messages between 2 ethics committee members about camp granada, it will then be up to foundation command with what happens next.

**OOC / GM Events**

Only 2 GMs will be needed for the messages in open comms, the cargo which was dropped will be a large crate which will be able to be picked up after the fighting has stopped, once it has been returned to base, they will be able to open the crate and see several unimportant documents, but then they will find a document containing information on Alpha-1s Codewords.

How event will be approached: GM's will use god mode, no clip and cloak to watch the event and make sure everything is running smoothly, the GM will keep a Camp Granada document in their inventory, which will be drop once the crate has been escorted back to their base,
The model of the crate that will be used is called: cardboard_box004a_gib01

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

**Large Event Idea**

“Raid On Sarkic Village”

Event will open with a message on open comms
[O-COMMS] EPSILON-6 [FOUNDATION] Site-65 do you read? We need your help. Please Respond.
Upon responding to this message the Epsilon-6 member will request access to the facility.
[O-COMMS] EPSILON-6 [FOUNDATION] Site-65, Requesting access to the site.
Once inside the site the member of Epsilon-6 will request to talk to the site director or the other highest ranked foundation member on site.
Once this meeting starts, he will inform the site director about a fellow Epsilon-6 member being captured within Sarkic Village by the cultists, he will request to borrow MTF teams for a raid on Sarkic Village, once all people involved with the raid arrive in garage the member of Epsilon-6 will start a brief, the brief will go like this:

“Welcome all mobile task forces of site-65, I have requested your attendance here today due to a threat that could be the starting point for an SK-Class Dominance Shift, if this is left without intervision, there is a possibility of our worst nightmare, an XK-Class End Of The World Scenario.
Time is not on our side, we must sweep this village and wipe out every single hostile threat, it is also imperative to save my fellow Epsilon-6 member as he holds vital information from stopping other Sarkicism Cells,”

“The plan will go as follows, MTF Nu-7 will be leading the primary strike team along with Alpha-1 for support, their primary goal will be to clear all exteriors but not to enter any housing, Epsilon-11 & Omega-1, your goal will be to sweep the interiors of every building, they will most likely attempt to take the Epsilon-6 member hostage inside one of the houses, whatever you do, do not enter that house,
Finally DEA, the department of external affairs have 1 job, deal with hostage negotiations, they will attempt to rescue the Epsilon-6 Member at all costs,”

Once the debrief is completed all troops will be instructed to enter a truck which is waiting outside, once they enter, they will be transport to Sarkic Village, this village will be large with around 7 wooden houses, there will be 3 small shacks on either side then 1 large house in the middle, once all hostiles have been killed, the one large house will be left, this is where the Epsilon-6 member is located, DEA will given priority for this house and will be able to order all other teams to raid this house.

Once the Epsilon-6 member has been captured from the house, he will be brought back to site-65 for questioning.

**OOC / GM Events**

All hostiles within Sarkic Village will be UNGOC / CI which have been remodelled and will be given different weapons, their health will also be modified depending on the amount of MTF & DEA involved in the raid.
The entire Epsilon-6 Team as well as the hostage taker will all be played by GMs, the Epsilon-6 team will be given godmode to prevent them from dying but will not be taking a primary role within the fighting.
The Sarkic Village will be made within GM plain and will take a few weeks to make, as well as the PAC models for the Sarkic Villagers which will attempt to look as lore accurate as possible.
The truck at the start of the event will also be a teleport to GM plain.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

CI "The Virus"

A unidentifiable virus is spreading around the CI base, this virus has multiple symptoms including the constant degrading of their health until death and the possible loss of limbs, this virus has spread to a CO, they must find a way to create a cure while also being fast to prevent the deaths, CI will be split into 2 teams, the "Raiders" and the "Curers", the "Curers" will attempt to find a cure to this new virus but this will take time so the "Raiders" will attempt to infiltrate foundation for SCP-682 samples, this will help slow down the virus so there is more time for the cure.
How event will be approached: A GM will be playing as a CO locked in confinement due to the virus, he will instruct CI to split into 2 teams and attempt to cure him, if CI fail to get the SCP-682 samples the CO will die before the cure is made but if they succeed the CO will survive.
To make the virus more accurate, the GM will use several PACs which will show physical effects of the virus while also showing effects such as coughing through their microphone.

UNGOC "The Shapeshifter"
A new KTE was being transported to the UNGOC liaison base for research testing, upon being transported it broke out of the transport truck and is now hiding inside of pinewood, this KTE is a shapeshifter, it can change its appearance to whomever it chooses, it cannot speak nor can it replicate human behaviour, the only similarity is looks, the UNGOC must locate this KTE and capture it, if this is not possible they must terminate it.
How event will be approached: the KTE will be a GM with a disguise card, the GM will change some of their animations such as their running animation and attack animation they will also increase their speed so they can escape areas quickly.
The GM will be instructed to hide from the UNGOC and to only attack if they are cornered.

Foundation Staff "SCP-076 X SCP-035"
After an cross-test with SCP-076 and SCP-035, it was found that SCP-076 could wear the SCP-035 mask, this was unusual because in everyday testing scenarios this would fail to happen, the foundation staff have been tasked to examine this new SCP hybrid and to find what caused the fuse between SCPs, foundation staff must also be careful not to cause a breach.
How event will be approached: for the model, SCP-076 will be the standard entity, then the model of the SCP-035 mask will be placed on to the models head, a GM will play as the SCP hybrid and he will be given all the correct SWEPs as well as the correct health that SCP-076 has, the GM will roleplay as SCP-035 with the abilities of SCP-076.

E-11 "The Rage"
Spores of a unknown SCP are appearing around LHCZ, upon touching them the victim becomes incredibly strong and very angry before attacking fellow foundation staff with his fists, Epsilon-11 have been tasked with locking down LHCZ and coming up with methods to stop these spores, they are constantly expanding at a slow rate so they must come up with a fix quick.
How event will be approached: Models of the SCP-008 spore will be placed, once you press E on these models, you inventory will be stripped and text will show up on your screen, this will say "Kill Them All" this person will be given fists and will have 300 health.
To counteract the spores, Epsilon-11 will eventually find out that fire is the weakness, they will discover this through trial and error.

Nu-7 "Food Delivery"
Nu-7 have been warned about a potential CI raid on an incoming foundation truck carrying the sites food supplies for the next month, it is vital that Nu-7 stop this attack from happening since due to the isolated nature of site-65 it is difficult to transport food goods to the site, Nu-7 must come up with a plan for defending the food truck and must make sure it can arrive to garage.
How event will be approached: a GM will inform CI that a critical delivery to Foundation is being made at XX:XX (10 minutes from current time) then they will say where it is coming from, then the same will happen to Nu-7, they will be informed of the potential CI raid, they will be given adequate time to defend, once the time has reached the arrival time a GM will spawn a truck model in and will start driving towards foundation, whatever happens from here on is up to the CI and Nu-7.

O-1 "Operation Whistle-blower"
A group of GSD within foundation are suspected of planning a revolt against the ethics committee, Omega-1 must located all of the members that are involved in this, they must kidnap, torture and infiltrate to find who is in this group, but they must no raise any suspicion so all acts must be attempted in areas where they cannot be spotted.
The end goal is to terminate all GSD involved within this plot.
How event will be approached: there will be 3 GMs who will play as GSD, they will do their job as normal but will occasionally meet up and talk about their plans, they will not directly snitch on their fellow traitors but they will give clues.

A-1 "The Interrogation"
O5-1 has informed alpha-1 that a fellow overseer has betrayed him, alpha-1 must use any and all means to recover information about this, they are tasked with kidnapping the overseer and interrogating him, this will not be easy and unique methods must be used.
How event will be approached: The overseer will be played by a GM, he will reveal his positions on open comms when attempting to contact CI.
During the interrogation, the overseer will not speak until a creative way to interrogate is found.
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-/+ Neutral

  • + Active.

  • -/+ Have had no interactions with you.

  • -/+ Where the ideas are well-detailed, they're pretty good and where they're less detailed, they're just basic synopses that convey a premise and not much else.

  • - No mention of how each event would be approached from an OOC perspective, as though in the position of a GM. Being a GM is as much a mechanical thing as it is a fantastical thing; While you seem to have some creative ideas, it's just as important that you put thought into how you might go about executing these events as well as plotting the RP and general story of your event. Even if you don't have any in-depth technical knowledge of any of the tools GMs use to drive events such as PAC3, the commands allowed to GMs or building & making dupes (which are generally taught to you during the TGM phase), you can still reasonably gauge things like if you would need help from other GMs or Event Team to do your event. Even just showing that you're taking this into account can greatly help your application.

  • + Active.

  • + The presented event ideas and how they would be approached seem serviceable.

  • -/+ Have had no interactions with you.
How event will be approached: A PAC will be used from the workshop by the name Umbrella Man
Are you able to provide a link?
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I will try to improve my less detailed event ideas so it is better,
I will also add the "How the event is approached"
Thanks for the feedback :)
Edit: I added the "How the event is approached" section, unfortunately these may lack a bit of detail, this is partly due to me not knowing many of the GM commands, I am an EX-mod so I can recall a few such as no-clip, cloak, god mode.
and the example missions?

-Although the application is not well detailed enough I do believe that you have the capabilities to become a game master, i watched you create such good RP in the past would love to see you progress to the next stage in be able to bring really good and more unique events for the Server

- Support
This is purely based on the events you have described, I cannot judge on your ingame profession because I have not seen you much.
I will give a feedback list:

-The first small event sounds like fun. I think this is an interesting idea that should not be too hard to setup.

- The second small event sounds like an okay idea but I think it will be hard to pull off. The first parts with IOTA-10 should be easy but then it will all be build on the researchers and D-class that go to the event.

- The third event would be a good idea except for the CL5 info that will just be falling out of the sky. I have personally done a carepackage event but the information or whatever is inside the package should not be such a large info breach.

- The map change event is not an actual map change. You need to add a new map and I suggest putting up a story/buildup towards said event. Also the idea seems pretty basic in my opinion and looks like a regular foundation raiding CI to get an SCP.

- The CI idea seems like an 'easy way in' event. You describe an upgrade for 079 but you do not explain what said upgrade is. The teleporting to the train station seems broken as they would surpass any obstacles like Nu-7, E-11, LCZ checkpoint, HCZ checkpoint, Lower HCZ checkpoint.

- The GOC event seems like an ordinary info breach event, try and think of something creative.

- The Foundation staff event could be alright but I think it will not be realistic to do. You basically liquify SCP-500.

- The E-11 event looks more like an DEA event. It does involve the book but its not that they have to contain it or interact with it. DEA usually negotiate with infiltrators.

- The Nu-7 event is basically a foundation juggernaut. Just like with the CI mission this seems as an unfair advantage and is pretty mediocre to be called an event in my opinion.

- The O-1 event is yet another deepcover raid.

- The A-1 event is not a bad idea, this could turn out to be a fun event.
Apr 6, 2023
-/+ Neutral

+ Fairly Active Individual
+ Has been very mature & level headed with responses to feedback

-/+ In game & Out of game experiences have been mid to ok at most. No RP Leading which is what I would expect of a GM but such can be fixed during your Trial Period.
- I think everyone has given their opinions on this but you could expand on the events like instead of CI Wanting to raid CI for "Potential Power" you could say that it could be given internet access and then ask an SL member to give the SCP Open Comms.. That would be pretty cool ngl.

Out of all this you should
NOT take this as me not wanting you to get GM. I think if you take the feedback given on the application and improve upon it then I will 100% be willing to give you a +Support! :>
Jul 22, 2023
- I think everyone has given their opinions on this but you could expand on the events like instead of CI Wanting to raid CI for "Potential Power" you could say that it could be given internet access and then ask an SL member to give the SCP Open Comms.. That would be pretty cool ngl.
I would love to steal that, but I would feel unoriginal lmao (I changed the CI one, this may be decent now, Its definitely better than the old one)
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
- Support
When you first came back to the server, for a good few days you were close to recieving an ERP (I think you maybe actually did?)
This also went onto an OOC level in TS which is how it was brought to my attention in the first place.
I haven't seen any RP created by yourself, and in all honesty, from an experience with myself and from what other people have told me, when RP doesn't go the way you want, you get upset. You can aslo be borderline toxic at times.
A lot of the events in you application are pretty unoriginal.
Jul 22, 2023
- Support
When you first came back to the server, for a good few days you were close to recieving an ERP (I think you maybe actually did?)
This also went onto an OOC level in TS which is how it was brought to my attention in the first place.
I haven't seen any RP created by yourself, and in all honesty, from an experience with myself and from what other people have told me, when RP doesn't go the way you want, you get upset. You can aslo be borderline toxic at times.
A lot of the events in you application are pretty unoriginal.
Do you have any evidence / examples of the above?
I have been toxic to 2 people with my time here, that includes yourself & toaste, while what I said towards toaste was unjustifiable and rude, what I said to you was in response to you calling me incompetent.
"when RP doesn't go the way you want, you get upset." - I cannot comment on this due to me not having any clue to what your referring to.
"This also went onto an OOC level in TS" - Also confused to what this is referring to.
Thank you for taking your time to comment but more clarification will be appreciated as this will help me improve upon myself.
- Support
The second small event sounds like an okay idea but I think it will be hard to pull off. The first parts with IOTA-10 should be easy but then it will all be build on the researchers and D-class that go to the event.

The map change event is not an actual map change. You need to add a new map and I suggest putting up a story/buildup towards said event. Also the idea seems pretty basic in my opinion and looks like a regular foundation raiding CI to get an SCP.

The GOC event seems like an ordinary info breach event, try and think of something creative.

The Nu-7 event is basically a foundation juggernaut. Just like with the CI mission this seems as an unfair advantage and is pretty mediocre to be called an event in my opinion.

You can [also] be borderline toxic at times.

-Support for everything above.

The overall impression I get from you is negative.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @James K. ,

Unfortunately having discussed your application and history with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit for the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.​
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