SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Notts

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Well-known Member
Mar 19, 2023

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Notts

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:109323295

Discord Username: not_tuga

Age: 20

What's your current playtime: In the new vtime menu says 5 days but in the old vtime menu it was like 3 weeks or something

Do you have a mic: Yes Sir

Your characters name: Civillian: GUGU
Foundation: 'Aspen'
CI: 'Aspen'[TEU-PVT]

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
There is like another 2 but cant find them.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have one warning from March 2023 for metagaming since its been that long i cannot remember what the situation was.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3+ hours a day

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No i do not but i do make my own events in game even tho I am not a GM and some people like my ideas.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to become a Gamemaster to help out with the roleplay and create more situations where people can have the satisfactions of having roleplay and convorsations with the foundation knowledge and to use the knowledge they know in events to improve their skills within it. I wanna create events to make it more fun for people aswell as to make the breaches more fun.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I am special over any other applicants due to the ammount of event ideas that go through my head, there is the fact that i have been here for quite awhile and i can reflect on past events and old events and maybe make a sequel to them and stuff and create new events on improvents of old events which is why i am special over other applicants due to the fact i think deeply about new ideas and better ideas for peoples enjoyments.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): 1. It would be a anomoly that attaches to people pretending to be their soul within them talking in their head making them think their crazy and telling them to do bad or good stuff, this could improve the ammount of roleplay doctors can do and MTF teams can on incase the crazy person refuses to take medicine and run away thats where MTF would step in to capture the crazy patient.

2. is where E11 or NU7 or maybe both have gone currupted due to some documents making them think that their slaves which would cause them to block them selves off in HCZ or in PW and thats where Ethics and overseers would come in with the Help of both Alpha-1 and Omega-1 to help and seize the opportunity to descelate the situation that is happening of currupted regiment.

3. would be IA and Gensec working together to looking through Gensecs Members to find out which Gensec is giving information to CI, so IA and GSD higher ups would be working roughly together to find the info leaks coming from within of GSD and to interrogate the suspect and trace back where the infromation is going to.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): I would say a better improved cross platform event with MRP like we've had before where SCPRP and MRP came into one big sections to work together, so NATO would be working with Foundation and USSR would be working with GOC, the ER Civ Army would be working with GOC.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): O-1 and A-1 to keep guard of both Ethics members and overseers. Nu7 Raiding CI base, E11 fend off SCPS and recapture them back to their comfined places. CI is to enter foundation and cause destruction and steal SCPs and let out Dclass.
Apr 6, 2023
- Support

I don't wish to rehash what the others have said so I will end my thing on a hopeful note.

I think your application is fairly bad. If you would like. I could attempt to assist you in fixing this application by looking through all the issues and weeding through them all.
1. It would be a anomoly that attaches to people pretending to be their soul within them talking in their head making them think their crazy and telling them to do bad or good stuff, this could improve the ammount of roleplay doctors can do and MTF teams can on incase the crazy person refuses to take medicine and run away thats where MTF would step in to capture the crazy patient.
This is a fairly good idea. I would like you to explain more on how the SCP operates as well as what would the SCP tell said person to do. I like that it makes the RP more personal and focused on a single person ( People like being the main character ).

Spelling is.. lacking but I am looking at actual ideas here not spelling.

How could Medical cure this; Would SCP-500 work? Could Thaumaturgy fix it? Could Y-Blockers or Amnestics affect it?
2. is where E11 or NU7 or maybe both have gone currupted due to some documents making them think that their slaves which would cause them to block them selves off in HCZ or in PW and thats where Ethics and overseers would come in with the Help of both Alpha-1 and Omega-1 to help and seize the opportunity to descelate the situation that is happening of currupted regiment.
This doesn't explain how they got corrupted? Would you involve CI into this as them seeing it as another version or a faker to the real "Engine". Could they amnesticate the effects out of them? Could Thaumaturgy be able to turn them back to normal. How would A-1 & O-1 de-escalate? Would they use riot gear to detain them or negotiate? Would you try and shift them into one direction but plan for the other?

Would you tell CI to not raid or to alternate raid targets to avoid server health issues? How could you account to E-11 & Nu-7 going hostile?
3. would be IA and Gensec working together to looking through Gensecs Members to find out which Gensec is giving information to CI, so IA and GSD higher ups would be working roughly together to find the info leaks coming from within of GSD and to interrogate the suspect and trace back where the infromation is going to.
This is a fairly poor idea. What would CI have to gain from GSD personnel? Why would IA deal with this and not ISD & SOP? How could you incentivise CI to do this RP? What effects would this have on the D-Block? Would you assist the remaining GSD members hold D-Block or would other regiments pick up the slack?

Additionally you never specify, why? What would the GSD gain from this? Money? Power? Is it for ideology? Try and humanise them.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): I would say a better improved cross platform event with MRP like we've had before where SCPRP and MRP came into one big sections to work together, so NATO would be working with Foundation and USSR would be working with GOC, the ER Civ Army would be working with GOC.
Why? What would the SCP Foundation gain from an alliance or partnership with NATO? Is GOC getting work from both the ER Civ army & USSR or is this a typo?

You never specified how this would be done. What would go on between RP leaders to make this as least painful as possible? How would the UNGOC React to the mass veil breach? Why would the UN ( A organisation that fights for peace ) get involved in a war in any way other than Setting up DMZs & Humanitarian Aid.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): O-1 and A-1 to keep guard of both Ethics members and overseers. Nu7 Raiding CI base, E11 fend off SCPS and recapture them back to their comfined places. CI is to enter foundation and cause destruction and steal SCPs and let out Dclass.
This is the Duties of each regiment. Events are meant to provide something out of the RP Loop or enhance on going RP. An Idea could be using Omega-1 to hunt down a Researcher who killed a Type-Green in cold blood. It all goes on until he is captured and then after interrogation RP it's revealed that all along he was working for the UNGOC!!

The world is your oyster within the SCP Universe Specially as a GM. You can do anything you want and any how you want! Why do a Normal Main Raid when you could give CI a cool objective? A new SCP is on site? CI Kidnap it. CI want money? Make them do multiple raids leading up to a heist of another site! It's whatever you want it to be!

I believe you misinterpreted this as list out their duties which I can understand but would also question why would you think that to be on a GM Application?

At the end of this I do not want you to feel as if you have failed and cannot be a GM, You can! Improve and show us you have the resilience and the open mind to turn criticism into results. I look forward to see how you change your application based off of this.

If you find yourself stuck and unable to think of anything My DMs are always open and I am willing to assist! My discord User Name is cheesypizza.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Dec 25, 2023
I cannot offer anything to this other than saying just to re-write it all, look at the other GM apps (both ones that failed and succeeded) and please learn from them.

The basic idea is that none of your event ideas are at all explained (one literally being 4 words), and the majority of them aren't interesting or are just things that happen in regular roleplay.

You should re-write your whole event ideas - explaining each one thoroughly and explaining how they would work (what a GM would do extra) and also make sure they are actually interesting ideas (all of your 'smaller' [they are all small anyways] event ideas are just things that normally happen every single RP day, done by normal players with no assistance from GMs or staff).

  • + Active?

  • - Event ideas are bit of a mixed bag? I can definitely see where your mind is, but it needs a lot of work and revision if you want to end up with good event ideas. Other than reiterating what others have said, I will add that first, you should approach each thing that the application asks, break it down into its constituent parts, then try to address each of those parts until you have a solid response to each aspect of the application - For instance, the example missions; You appear to have taken a holistic approach to the application question, addressing it wholesale and thus missing the point of what was asked. Admittedly, it's a bit confusingly worded, I feel like "event" would work a lot better in place of "example mission," which would convey the concept more clearly. When you approach it from that perspective, it's clearer to see what the application is asking of you there: The point is to not only recognise that the roleplay environment on the server is not one large thing, but lots of small things each doing their own things and moving in concert, but to then realise that the question asks you for ways in which you would significantly interact with each of these smaller pieces in an event format.

    And secondly, you fall into the common trap (as I did) of focusing on events in a purely RP manner, neglecting the behind-the-scenes of events - How it's approached OOC, from a GM perspective. Even if you don't have any in-depth technical knowledge of any of the tools GMs use to drive events such as PAC3, the commands allowed to GMs or building & making dupes (which are generally taught to you during the TGM phase), you can still reasonably gauge things like if you would need help from other GMs or Event Team to do your event. Even just showing that you're taking this into account can greatly help your application.

  • - No interactions with this individual.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @NotTuga ,

Unfortunately having discussed your application and history with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit for the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.​
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